Peer Academic Coaching for Philosophy
Peer Academic Coaches are available to support you in your Philosophy classes. There is no need to sign up. Simply stop by!
Location: Bolton 101
Monday 7-9 PM | Wednesday 7-9PM |
Will | Kaiyu |
Molly | Brynn |
Upcoming Academic Sessions
Will Yarranton '25 - PAC Captain
Major: Philosophy (German/Honors Forum Minor)
³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ me: I'm a junior Philosophy major and German/Honors Forum minor with a passion for music and board games. I have been playing the Cello for 11 years, and I continue to do so at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ. I'm the President of the Tabletop Club, where we play a large variety of board games and roleplaying games. My favorite games are Bananagrams, Diplomacy, and Scythe - and I also like to make my own! This past summer I was in Copenhagen, where I studied Environmental Philosophy and Postcolonialism in Denmark, Belgium, and France.
Why PAC: As anyone who knows me will attest, I have a burning passion not just for philosophy, but for teaching as well - whatever the subject is - and philosophy is no exception. PAC is an outlet where I feel I can both help others to understand and develop their skills in philosophy, and also engage with material with my peers in an environment outside of the classroom.
Favorite Class and Why: So far, my favorite class has been Film Truth with Professor Lewis. While I've enjoyed every philosophy class I've taken so far, that one in particular both challenged me, and introduced me to a field I was not previously familiar with.
Academic Advice: Diversify your courseload across a number of fields. You'll be surprised how often what you learn in one class intersects with and informs your other classes.
Molly Abramowitz '25
Major: Philosophy
³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ me: Hi! My interests include reading, music, comedy, traveling, and of course, philosophy. I also love animals and have been vegan for about a year. At ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ, I am part of Skidmo’ Daily, the satirical newspaper (@skidmodaily).
Why PAC: I am a firm believer that discussions with peers about class materials helps you learn better. Since I am passionate about philosophy, I hope I can help you to understand and engage with your philosophy coursework.
Favorite Class and Why: So far, my favorite class at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ has been Introduction to Logic with Peter Murray. It has helped me in many other classes, not just philosophy courses.
Academic Advice: Take classes that you genuinely enjoy and are interested in, and also don’t be afraid to use resources if you need help.
Brynn Reilly '25
Majors: Philosophy, Psychology
³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ me: Hi! I am a senior who is majoring in philosophy and psychology and loves learning more about these subjects. Outside of class I like to read, go on long walks, and hang out with friends and family.
Why PAC?: I have found that one of the best ways to strengthen your understanding of a topic or material is to talk about it with a professor or friends. Since I am someone who likes talking to people, I will do my best to talk and support you through any challenges that come up with your work, even if I am by no means an expert. I also enjoy planning and organizing so I can help you find study and work strategies that work for you.
Favorite class and Why: The class I have enjoyed most so far at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ has been Introduction to Logic with Professor Murray. This class was not only a fun change of pace from the typical philosophy class, but it allowed me to think outside the box in ways I didn’t think I was capable of. All in all, this course sparked my interest in logic and showed me that logic (and philosophy in general) is a valuable subject, and understanding it will help you with any discipline, not just those in the philosophy field.
Academic Advice: Don’t be intimidated by talking or meeting with your professors; being friendly with your professors makes classes a lot less stressful. Being active throughout the semester with small actions like asking questions in class or over email will show that you care about the course and will make it easier for your professor to help you when you need it.
Kaiyu Watkins '27 
Majors: Philosophy, English
³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ me: I’m a sophomore here at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ and my majors are Philosophy and English on the literary track. My interests within philosophy center around exploring foreign, particularly Eastern, modes of thinking and integrating them into Western academia as it stands. I love to write not just for class but for myself and I am in the process of creating a poetry collection!
Why PAC?: I have always found that so many of the ideas in philosophy are acutely and profoundly relevant to everybody, but the actual content can often be difficult. I have helped to explain and explore philosophy with friends and peers in the past so PAC stood out as a great opportunity to help people better understand the subject which I love so much.
Favorite class and why: My favorite class so far that I’ve taken here is Flesh: Thinking (with) Bodies taught by Professor Lilly. The course broke down a number of presuppositions I had in my existential thinking and introduced me to the unique modes of thinking encompassed by phenomenology—a school of thought that I now very much identify with.
Academic advice: Push yourself into areas of thought that you’re unfamiliar with, and if you find yourself lost don’t be afraid to ask for help!