How many days does it usually take for a letter to travel from hereto New York?
- at least three days
- at least five days
- at least a week
Based on the dialogue, which of the following statements is true?
- If the man's brother sends him a letter from New York, his brother will get a reply at least two weeks later.
- If the man's brother writes to somebody in New York, he won't get a reply until at least seven days later.
- If the man writes to his brother in New York, he will get a reply after six or seven days at the earliest.
Judging from the context, the word "hui xin" means:
- a letter returned to the sender.
- a letter sent in reply.
- a letter to one's relative.
Last Monday the man wrote a letter to:
- himself.
- the postmaster.
- his brother.
Last Wednesday the man received a letter written by:
- himself.
- his brother.
- the postmaster.

Copyright ©George Q.
Zhao 2008