How many years has Little Gao's aunt lived in Los Angeles?
- more than ten years
- almost ten years
- about twenty years
- less than ten months
Where did she and her friends have dinner yesterday afternoon?
- at a restaurant in Boston
- at a friend's house
- at a Chinese restaurant in Los Angeles
- at her own house
Her furniture was____ last week.
- sold
- shipped
- given to friends
- rented out
Today she is taking _________ to the airport.
- three suitcases full of clothes
- three suitcases and some gifts
- three suitcases of gifts from her friends in Los Angeles
- three suitcases of gifts for her friends in Boston
At the airport, Little Gao's aunt:
- bade farewell to her friends repeatedly.
- talked for a long time to her friends but forgot to say goodbye.
- was too emotional to say anything.
- wanted to remain silent because she spoke too much yesterday.

Copyright ©George Q.
Zhao 2008