Susan J. Bender
Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus
E-mail: sbender@skidmore.edu
- Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany, Department of Anthropology, Dissertation: "Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence and Settlement in a Mountainous Environment: The Prehistory of the Northern Tetons," 1983.
- M.A., State University of New York at Albany, Department of Anthropology, 1977.
- B.A., Goucher College, 1969.
- Field, South Park Archaeology Project website
- Field Co-Director, Site Survey at the Confluence of the Battenkill and Hudson River (with E.V. Curtin), 1991-5.
- Field Director, Investigations at the 18th Century Sword's Farmstead, Schuylerville, New York, 1987-88.
- Field Co-Director, Fish Creek Archaeological Project (with H.J. Brumbach) 1984-85.
- Field Director, State University of New York at Albany, Summer Field School Excavations at the Abele Site (Troy 5), Menands, New York, 1980-81.
- Crew Chief, Jackson Hole Archaeological Research Project, High Country Research Section, Summers 1976-78.
- Field Assistant, Jackson Hole Archaeological Research Team, Summer 1975.
Some Publications:
- "On the Periphery: Women and the Pursuit of Archaeological Science in the Americas, 1914-1960." Under review for Antiquity.
- "Anthropology." In The Women's Studies Encyclopedia, edited by Leigh Starr. Prentice Hall/ Harvester Wheatsheaf. In press.
- "From One Small Acorn...: A Brief History of the Society for American Archaeology's Public Education Committee." In Archaeology into the Next Millenium: Public or Perish, edited by L. Beckwith and N. Saxberg. Proceedings of the 1995 Chacmool Conference. In press.
- "From Glacial to Chilly Climate: A Comparison of Women's Participation in Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology" (with N.J. Parezo). In Equity Issues for Women in Archaeology, edited by S. Nelson, P. Nelson and A. Wylie, pp. 73-82, Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, Number 5, 1994c.
- Review, "Analyzing and Interpreting Late Woodland Features." Northeast Anthropology, 1994a, 47:99-101.
- Marian E. White: Pioneer in New York Archaeology." New York State Archaeological Association Bulletin. 75th Anniversary Volume, 1992b, 104:14-20.
- "High Country Contentions: Response to Connor" American Anthropologist, 1989a, Vol 91(4):1012.
- "High Altitude Occupations, Cultural Process and High Plains Prehistory: Retrospect and Prospect" (with G.A. Wright). American Anthropologist 1988b [90 (3):619-639].
- "Winney's Rift: A Late Woodland Village Site in the Upper Hudson Valley" (with H.J. Brumbach). New York State Archaeological Association Bulletin. 1986 (No. 92:1-8).
- "High Country Adaptations" (with G.A. Wright and S. Reeve). Plains Anthropologist, 1980 [25 (89): 181-197].
- "Paleodemographic Analysis of a Late Woodland Site in Southeastern Michigan." Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology, 1979 [4 (2):182-208].
- "The Prehistory of the Northern Tetons." Annual Report of the Jackson Hole Archaeological Research Station, 1978: 39-45.