ࡱ> QSPa 2jbjbdd +Jee,JJJJJJJ4-2,_ R"hJJJ6JJ^D,JJJJV@JJ ~"  0-,x##JD    Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP) 2005-06 Annual Report The membership of the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP) for the 2005-06 academic year consisted of the following individuals. Fall 2005 Molly Appel 07 Student representative Beau Breslin, Government, faculty representative (05-08 term) Deb Hall, Studio Art, faculty representative (05-08 term) Matthew Hockenos, History, faculty representative (04-07 term) Charles Joseph, VPAA, administration representative Ruth Andrea Levinson, Education, faculty representative (04-07 term) Dan Moran 07 student representative Michael Mudrovic, Foreign Languages, faculty representative (05-06 replacement) Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs, administration representative Muriel Poston, Dean of Faculty, administrative representative Gordon Thompson, Music, faculty representative (03-06 term) Spring 2006 Molly Appel 07 Student representative Beau Breslin, Government, faculty representative (05-08 term) Deb Hall, Studio Art, faculty representative (05-08 term) Matthew Hockenos, History, faculty representative (04-07 term) Ruth Andrea Levinson, Education, faculty representative (04-07 term) Dan Moran 07 student representative Michael Mudrovic, Foreign Languages, faculty representative (05-06 replacement) Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs, administration representative Muriel Poston, Dean of Faculty, administrative representative Gordon Thompson, Music, faculty representative (03-06 term) The committee met 30 times this year (including two retreats) and CEPP members served on several subcommittees and task forces. The educational policy issues that dominated CEPPs agenda this year included: the expository writing requirement, Middle States self-study, statement on Academic Excellence and Rigor, optimization report, short-term study abroad guidelines, institutional assessment, DOS/DOSA restructuring, Guidelines for Academic Affiliations, Academic Calendar, AP credits, PA Program, and HEOP/FYE relationship. CEPPs minutes as well as many of the documents discussed in this report can be found at CEPPs homepage:  HYPERLINK "http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/index.html" http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/index.html Links:  HYPERLINK "http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/documents/WTFRecommendationstoCEPP.doc" WTF recommendations  HYPERLINK "http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/documents/AcademicExcellenceandRigorstatement.doc" Academic Excellence and Rigor Statement  HYPERLINK "http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/documents/CEPPresponsetoOptimizationreport.doc" CEPPs response to Optimization  HYPERLINK "http://www.skidmore.edu/administration/academicaffairs/campus-only/faculty/2005-06/03-31-06facultymeeting/03-31-06-MOTION-APCredits.pdf" AP credits motion and rationale  HYPERLINK "http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/documents/PAproposal4_20_06.pdf" Physical Activities Subcommitee final report Short-term Study Abroad Guidelines:  HYPERLINK "http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/documents/CriteriaandProceduresforshort-termstudyabroad.doc" Criteria and Procedures  HYPERLINK "http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/documents/Short-TermExpressionofIntent_000.doc" Expression of Intent  HYPERLINK "http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/documents/Short-TermProposalForm_000.doc" Proposal Writing Requirement: CEPPs Writing Task Force (WTF), chaired by Matthew Hockenos, met biweekly in fall 2005 and weekly in 2006. The charge of the task force was to gather feedback on the teaching of writing that would inform a future proposal, and to report to CEPP its recommendations. In addition to examining the writing requirements at our peer institutions, the WTF surveyed faculty, EN 105 instructors, and students to ascertain how each of these constituencies experienced writing at Թϱ. In April 2006 the WTF offered its recommendations to CEPP in the form of a proposal. CEPP agreed to review the proposal in more detail in fall 2006 and consider bringing the proposal to the faculty for a vote. (For the WTFs recommendations see Links above.) Middle States Self-Study: CEPP members read and offered comments and suggestions on various drafts of the Middle States Self-Study facilitated by Sarah Goodwin, Associate Dean of the Faculty, and the Middle States Self-study Committees. CEPP members also attended the open meetings organized by Dean Goodwin to solicit comments from faculty, administrators, and staff on each of the four chapters. CEPP endorsed the final draft of the self-study in February 2006 and met with the Middle States Review Committee during their campus visit. Academic Excellence and Rigor Statement: CEPP organized a retreat in January 2006 to begin drafting a statement on academic excellence and rigor that would build on the Academic Vision Statement of 2004 and the Strategic Plan of 2005. CEPP completed the final draft late in spring 2006 and intends to engage the faculty in discussions about the statement in 2006-07. (For the Academic Excellence and Rigor statement see Links above.) Optimization: CEPP endorsed with some reservations the Optimization Subcommittee Report that called for the College to establish the current enrollment of 2,280 students as a target, rather than our originally budgeted target of 2,150 students. CEPPs response to the Optimization report emphasized the need to fund academic services with the increased revenue (For CEPPs Response to Optimization report see Links above.) DOS/DSA Restructuring: In spring and summer 2005 the administration restructured the Dean of Studies and the Dean of Student Affairs Offices. An Office of Student Academic Services, directed by a new Associate Dean of Student Affairs, was created in Student Affairs. Some positions in the Dean of Studies office were transferred to Student Affairs. CEPP agreed to review the restructuring in two years. DOF or VPAA on CEPP: In the recent past two administrators have sat on CEPP: the VPAA-DOF represented Academic Affairs and the DSA represented Student Affairs. When it became clear during the 2004-05 academic year that the position of VPAA-DOF would be split into two positions and that a new DOF would be arriving on campus in fall 2005, CEPP raised the question of whether the VPAA or the DOF or both would be most appropriate for representing Academic Affairs. In spring of 2005, CEPP decided on a period of transition during fall 2005 when both the DOF and VPAA would sit on CEPP. As that transition period came to an end in December 2005, CEPP consulted with the DOF, VPAA, and FEC on the question of who should represent academic affairs. CEPP has concluded that the DOF, who is the facultys primary administrative advocate on matters that concern educational policy, should represent academic affairs. The VPAA and the Dean of Special Programs will be invited to CEPP meetings for input and consultation when appropriate. Guidelines for Academic Affiliations: CEPP revised the Guidelines for Թϱϒs Academic Affiliations to include domestic study opportunities. Beijing Program: The Beijing Steering Committee, which currently oversees the development and implementation of the Թϱ in Beijing program, brought to CEPP in May 2006 a proposal that Թϱ College terminate its current affiliation with Beijing University for the Թϱ in Beijing program and establish an affiliation with the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) in Beijing, China. This affiliation would govern the Թϱ in Beijing program and would replace our current affiliation with Beijing University. CEPP agreed to address these proposals in fall 2006. Advanced Placement Credits: At the March 31st Faculty meeting CEPP put forth a motion to revise the number of AP credits accepted toward graduation. The motion read: The Committee on Educational Policy and Planning moves that the faculty adopt the following limits on Advanced Placement (AP), British General Certificate (BGC), and International Baccalaureate (IB) credits: (1) a student may count no more than sixteen AP, BGC, and/or IB credits towards graduation and (2) no AP, BGC, or IB exam will count for more than four credits. The motion passed. (For the AP credits motion and rationale see Links above.) Physical Activities Program: In spring 2005 the Physical Activities (PA) Program was moved from Academic Affairs to Student Affairs. The PA Program offers over 50 PA courses every semester. Թϱ coaches - under the supervision of the Athletic Director (AD) - teach these courses. The AD reports to the Dean of Student Affairs. The vast majority of PA courses are one-credit courses and students who take these courses often receive letter grades. CEPP believed that with the move from Academic Affairs to Student Affairs and the recent hiring of a new AD, Gail Cummings-Danson, it was an opportune time to review the program. In order to carry out this review, CEPP created the Physical Activities Subcommittee and charged it with reviewing the Physical Activities Program. In particular CEPP asked the subcommittee to: 1) develop a mechanism for on-going review of the PA Program; 2) consider grading options for PA courses; and 3) consider whether PA courses should bear credit. The membership of the subcommittee consisted of two faculty representatives from CEPP (Beau Breslin and Gordon Thompson), one from the DOF, one from the Curriculum Committee, one (faculty member) from the Athletic Council, the Athletic Director, and one student (chosen by SGA). Beau Breslin presented the subcommittees recommendations to CEPP in spring 2006 and CEPP readily approved; 1) the Athletic Program review at an interval of every 5 years, 2) the composition of the Review Committee (the Athletic council minus the 2 student representatives), and 3) conferring course credit for Physical Activity courses. CEPP was undecided about whether letter grades should continue to be awarded for PA courses or they should be graded only on the basis of pass/fail. CEPP agreed to let the grading policy for PA courses become the leading edge of a larger discussion among faculty and the appropriate committees beginning in the next academic year. (For the Physical Activities subcommittee final report see Links above.) Implementation of Institutional Assessment: Beau Breslin served as CEPPs representative on the Institutional Assessment Taskforce, chaired by VPAA Chuck Joseph. Budget: The DOF consulted CEPP about the budgetary priorities for Academic Affairs. CEPP decided to create its own list of priorities in fall 2006 and share them with the DOF. Academic Calendar: CEPP reviewed the academic calendar for 2008-09 and recommended that the College observe Martin Luther King Day. HEOP-FYE relationship: The question of whether HEOP students would be distributed in one or two clusters of Scribner Seminars in the future was not resolved. CEPP referred the matter to the VPAA for resolution. Advisory Committee on International Study (ACIS): ACIS is a subcommittee of CEPP. It continued to advise OIP on international study. A subcommittee of ACIS developed new guidelines for short-term study abroad opportunities (For the short-term study abroad guidelines see Links above.) 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