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The CEPPs minutes as well as many of the documents discussed in this report can be found at CEPPs homepage, in the archives at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/index.html" http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/index.html Art and Art History In response to a request from the faculty in both Art and Art History, CEPP introduced a motion to create a separate Department of Art History and to rename the former Department of Art and Art History as the Department of Art. The motion was advanced for many reasons including: divergent teaching and personnel assessment methods, different degrees (an Art History major receives a B.A., while a Studio Art major receives a B.S), and the size differential of the two departments (5 fte vs. 15 fte) which led to the perception that the art historians may not be fully in control of their own program. Costs and consequences of this change were considered minor and no alterations in the curriculum resulted from this separation. CEPP held an open forum as required by the Faculty Handbook. The motion passed at the November faculty meeting. Optimization: In 2005-06, CEPP had endorsed, with some reservations, the Optimization Subcommittee Report that called for the College to establish the current enrollment of 2,280 students as a target, rather than the originally budgeted target of 2,150 students. CEPP remains concerned in 2008 that enrollment will continue to creep up, even if unintentionally, as it has in the past. CEPP is aware of the added pressures caused by increasing enrollment in classrooms, dorms, and faculty time. Ann Henderson (Registrar and Director of Institutional Research) met with CEPP and reviewed the optimization plan. CEPP understands the complexity of the process and recognizes that there will be many competing demands on the operating budget but still believes that academic needs should receive priority. Dean of Studies Restructuring In the fall of 2005, CEPP was charged with the responsibility of reviewing the restructuring of the Dean of Studies office after that office had been operating for two full years. As a result, CEPP formed a subcommittee, consisting of two members of CEPP (Kyle Nichols, Chair, and Deb Hall), one member of CAS (Tillman Nechtman), one member of FEC (Dan Curley) and the Registrar/Director of Institutional Research (Ann Henderson), to explore aspects of that restructuring, including how the respective offices are responding to the needs of our student and faculty populations. The subcommittee met weekly throughout the fall and spring semester and presented a final report with recommendations to the CEPP in April of 2008. CEPP expects to review the document with the goal of releasing the report to the faculty in the fall of 2008. Scribner Seminars: CAS Policies on Withdrawals, Failures, Transfers and First-Year Student Deferrals CEPP endorsed a draft of CAS policies relating to withdrawals, failures, transfers and first-year deferrals. CEPP recognized: 1) the distinction between Scribner Seminars as a component of first-year experience and other college requirements as a component of curriculum as traditionally understood; and 2) the need to assess on a case-by-case basis the consequences of withdrawal or failure from a Scribner Seminar, or of transfer into the college beyond the first year. Assessment In September of 2007, the Vice President of Academic Affairs met with CEPP to share the Assessment Task Force Report (chaired by the VPAA, Susan Kress), which recommended a potential structure for overseeing assessment projects on campus. Discussion ensued regarding assessment and the hiring of a Director for Learning and Assessment, including consideration of what support would be needed for the director to function most effectively. In its deliberations, CEPP recognized both the value and the necessity of institutional assessment and its importance as a factor in the Middle States accreditation process. CEPP spent a good deal of time trying to determine the most constructive way to proceed with assessment given general concerns about proliferation of administrative positions and an academic climate generally resistant toward assessment. CEPP was concerned that a Director of Assessment may not be able to achieve agreement and participation among the faculty at large. At the same time, CEPP engaged in conversations about a center for teaching and learning, mentioned in the Assessment Task Force report. Many members of CEPP see these two projects as separate, but complementary, and believe the community would be best served by having the two develop apace. Eventually, it was determined that research and discussion of alternative assessment models and how a director may work within the structure needed to be more carefully considered by CEPP and others. The ATF was reconvened and further discussion on the next steps for integration of an assessment structure continued. In the spring the Macalester College Assessment Team was invited to meet with CEPP as well as other faculty, committees and administrators. After meeting with the Macalester College Assessment Team in April, it became clear that a more integrated model of assessment might be more effective at Թϱ than the common top-down model. The integrated model would include an Assessment Facilitator (skilled in assessment strategies), a Faculty Coordinator (a 2-year appointment) and an Assessment Steering Committee who would work with the administration. Would this committee be a sub-committee of CEPP? The pros and cons were discussed. All agreed that this model would be preferable and more integrated than a single Director of Assessment. In May, CEPP endorsed a plan by the VPAA to move ahead with this model. A Center for Teaching and Learning Conversations about assessment inevitably led to a conversation about a center for teaching and learning. As data is generated through assessment the college will be in even greater need of a mechanism to work with faculty to support effective teaching. Studies indicate that we are already in need of pedagogical support for faculty. CEPP spent a considerable amount of time discussing the need for a center, its purpose and scope. CEPP agreed that the center should start small and grow with use. It became clear that a variety of committees and administrative offices would need to be involved in the discussion. CEPP met with Ann Henderson, who has done a substantial amount of research on centers at other institutions. Members of CEPP also met with a broader constituency, organized by the VPAA, to discuss the potential of a center. In spring 2008, Susan Kress, VPAA, charged The Center Study Group consisting of two members of CEPP, one member from FDC, the college librarian, the director of FYE and the Registrar and Director of Institutional Research. Terry Diggory (chair) and Rik Scarce are the CEPP representatives. A final report is expected in April 2009. CEPP Membership and Operating Code CEPP decided to revise its membership and update the CEPP operating code. After consultation with the DOF, VPAA and FEC, CEPP decided that the VPAA most comprehensively represents academic affairs at the college, including Special Programs, the Library, the Tang Museum and IT. Accordingly, CEPP proposed that the VPAA replace the DOF as the representative of academic affairs on CEPP. FEC brought this motion before the faculty and it was approved at the May meeting. The revised operating code, reported to FEC, recognizes that the VPAA or the DOSA, in consultation with the CEPP chair, may invite other members of the administration (who report to them) to a CEPP meeting. Please find the updated operating code in the CEPP archives. Academic Grievance Policy CEPP met with Michael Ennis McMillan (DOS), Ann Henderson (Registrar and Director of Institutional Research) and Tillman Nechtman (Chair, CAS) to discuss the need for an academic grievance policy. CEPP also received correspondence from Mary Stange (CAFR) citing the need for a coherent policy. CEPP decided to create a subcommittee to study the issue. The Academic Grievance charge was discussed and approved at the May CEPP retreat. Dan Nathan, next years chair of CEPP, will contact the CAS, CAFR and the SGA to populate the committee. One member of CEPP will also serve. Study Abroad-ACIS (Advisory Committee on International Study) ACIS, a CEPP subcommittee, continues its good work in overseeing many components of the Colleges study abroad program. CEPP agreed that this subcommittee should continue its work albeit with a smaller committee. Erica Bastress-Dukehart has served as the chair of ACIS this year and will continue in this role next year. CEPP agreed with ACIS that petitions for the domestic study pilot should be approved following the same procedure that is used for study abroad. Erica reported that OCSE (Off-Campus Study and Exchange) has had a difficult time recruiting faculty for site evaluations because of timing (site evaluations often need to be conducted over breaks). It was noted that ACIS needs a name change in line with OCSE. Cori Filson (OCSE director), Leslie Mechem and Erica Bastress-Dukehart (CEPP rep) will continue to serve. Traditionally, Management and Business, Art, and Foreign Languages have been represented on the committee due to the high numbers of students studying abroad in these disciplines. UWW and Special Programs CEPP spent a considerable amount of time in the fall reading and discussing the Special Programs Study Group Report. During the process CEPP met with Susan Kress (VPAA) and Jeff Segrave (Interim Dean of Special Programs), Jim Kennelly (Interim Director of UWW) and John Anzalone (Director of MALS). In March, after more than fifteen months of study and consultation, the VPAA recommended the closure of UWW and referred the matter to the shared governance system for faculty deliberation. After meeting with FEC and the Interim Director of UWW, CEPP took up the proposal. After further deliberation and consultation, CEPP presented at the April faculty meeting a motion to close UWW, on the grounds that academic quality could not be maintained without significant engagement by tenured and tenure-track Թϱ faculty. It was understood that the vote on the motion would itself provide a measure of willingness for such engagement. The CEPP proposal to close UWW was discussed at two open information sessions (one primarily to hear from UWW students and alums) and at the May faculty meeting, where it was defeated in a close vote. Subsequent restructuring of UWW in order to make its continuation possible is a matter in which the administration must take the lead. However, insofar as questions of educational policy arise, CEPP expects to be involved in the discussion. Dan Nathan is serving as CEPP representative in the UWW Working Group meeting this summer under a charge from the VPAA. Academic Calendar CEPP reviewed and approved the Academic Calendar for 2011-2012. RPI Articulation Agreement Muriel Poston, DOF presented an Articulation Agreement with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Ann Henderson and Michael Ennis-McMillan have both reviewed the agreement. The financial aid components have also been reviewed. CEPP will take it under consideration for presentation to the faculty in the fall. This will provide an opportunity for a larger pool of our students to enter science and engineering. Other Business CEPP studied and approved the release of the 2006-07 NSSE Report (National Survery of Student Engagement) through the Office of the Registrar and Institutional Research. CEPP notes that a qualitative study would be helpful in further understanding this data. As we move forward in progressive assessment practices this kind of study might be a natural step. CEPP vetted an Arts Administration Proposal brought by Muriel Poston, DOF, in December 2007, as a work-in-progress. CEPP discussed the governance structure of the Periclean Honor Awards Society with SGA without coming to a resolution. The membership of the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP) for the 2007-08 academic year consisted of the following individuals: Fall 2007 Terence Diggory, English, faculty representative (07-08 replacement) Erica Bastress-Dukehart, History, faculty representative (07-10 term) Deb Hall, Studio Art, faculty representative (05-08 term) (Chair) Sadiatu Kamara 10, Student Representative Sadie Kitchen 10, Student Representative Dan Nathan, American Studies, faculty representative (06-09 term) Kyle Nichols, Geosciences, faculty representative (06-09 term) Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs, administration representative Muriel Poston, Dean of Faculty, administrative representative Rik Scarce, Sociology, faculty representative (07-10 term) Spring 2008 Terence Diggory, English, faculty representative (07-08 replacement) Erica Bastress-Dukehart, History, faculty representative (07-10 term) Deb Hall, Studio Art, faculty representative (05-08 term) (Chair) Sadiatu Kamara 10, Student Representative Sadie Kitchen 10, Student Representative Dan Nathan, American Studies, faculty representative (06-09 term) Kyle Nichols, Geosciences, faculty representative (06-09 term) Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs, administration representative Muriel Poston, Dean of Faculty, administrative representative Rik Scarce, Sociology, faculty representative (07-10 term) Susan Kress, Vice President of Academic Affairs, invited guest 6LMBWQR^ ! # ?  % ' 4 F J 4 IKLjսժȡ՝蝍uݝ蕝hRxhl5B*phhIhl^JaJhl^JaJhPhl5hlhZ{Dhl0J$jhPhlB*UphhF`hlB*phjhlB*UphhlB*phhPhlB*ph hhlhhl5hhIB5.6LM' ILj=>rst 7$8$H$gdlgdl$a$gdl<<at"%"0#T##'$($j$%%&6&7&Q&((,,--O.W..///L/Q/x//0U12222303444555ߥτ hRxhlhRxhlOJQJ_HaJhRxhl_HaJhlOJQJ_HaJhRxhlOJQJ_HaJhgAhl6 hPhlhRxhl5hRxhl6 hhlhRxhlOJQJaJhlhPhl54!!0#1#T#6&7&Q&(((,,,//2223303444*7+7 1$7$8$H$gdlgdl5566,7777788'8.8T8^8h88889;9F9v99999:(:4:E:L:|:}::::::;;b;r;;;;;'<6<b<k<<<<< hPhlhRxhl6\hhl\hRxhl6hPhl5\ hhl hRxhlhl6+7,77778T8888-9l999&:':(:4:y::;,;V;;;<V<<<gdl<<<<<gdl)0P:pl/ =!"#$%DyK yK dhttp://www.skidmore.edu/academics/CEPP/index.html@@@  NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List6U@6  Hyperlink >*B*phB'@B *yComment ReferenceCJaJ<< *y Comment TextCJaJ@j@ *yComment Subject5\H2H *y Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ66N z z z z z t%,16#F6LM'I L j  =>rst01T6 7 Q """&&&)),,,--0-...*1+1,11112T2222-3l333&4'4(444y445,5V5556V666660H0H0H000000:0:000:000:000:00:00:0000:00000:000:00H0:000:00:00H0000000:000:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:06LM'I L j  =>rst01T6 7 Q """&&&)),,,--0-...*1+1,11112T2222-3l333&4'4(444y445,5V5556V666664z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:4z0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:tz0@:4z0@:5<"$+7<< #%&<!Q6XQ%%''#/*/112%22222p3t333<4C44455 5555V6Y6633566::Q)66UU@4!6P @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 ArialG:z栠{TimesNewRomanPSKTimesNewRomanPSMTC ArialMTArial5 Tahoma h#f#f&4-`0 :{A4d7BD33qP 05Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP) John SandersDeb Hall Oh+'0#  4@ ` l x '8Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP)John SandersNormal Deb Hall2Microsoft Word 11.5.0@F#@<@r @@r @4-G8"PICT"0b HHb bHH~a~cbb          Yo{wwo{w wwwo{wwwwo{wwwo{kZo{o{we^VRg9Rg9^ZR^NsNs^Rg9g9ZRJR^ZkZg9^g9^F1RR^kZRg9RVkZ^ZZ^kZ)so{o{o{wwo{w5cZZkZsZNsZNsRNsRkZ^VVZcg9  JkZwo{o{wwwwwwo{wo{wwCkZR^cZNsF1^g9R^NsRg9^Vg9o{NsRZg9RRg9^VkZkZNscRZo{Vcg9VVkZ^g9kZ^JRZNsVZcVccNsRNsJR^kZZZ^kZ^Z OwwwwskZwwwwwwwBZVZ^kZ^kZNsZ^RNsNsF1^g9R^ZVVZg9VZVRkZc^ZkZR^^Z^cV^ZVNsZZkZZg9RZ^^ZJRVg9ZZNs^VVRZUo{kZo{o{wwwwwwwswwswww?cVccZVc^VZVg9RRg9^VkZo{VV^Z^ZJR^Z^ZVkZJRRVZkZJR^Z^ZVBkZ^VNsZkZZg9g9VVZZg9g9Swwo{wskZwwwo{o{kZwwo{wo{w@RRg9Rg9wZVZ^ZBkZJRg9wVc^Vg9^kZRkZkZ^VJRo{VcVVZc^VkZVNscwcZo{RkZ^ZZ^cRkZNsc^o{ckZckZw?wwo{wwwo{kZo{o{ww[&Z^VZ^Ns^cc^o{RVVc^ZZkZZg9VVZcVccNsRNskZR^kZF1R   MkZwo{kZo{o{wwwswwwwww8kZR^cVccZNs^V^RZVZVZkZNsZNsNsVg9ZkZJR^ZNs^NskZ^JRZZo{Zc^Z^Zo{Vg9NsZkZ^ZcVVR^3swo{wo{wwwwS"R^VZVRVccZRZNsRZVc^wNsJR^VkZcR^^ZVg9?wwwww ok_oowww_(Rg?Nk_k_VRRVVRNk_Zk_^^Z^k_VcVBNcZk_cVcc^VZ^k_RF?k_   ) wwwwwo{ww)Z^g9RZ^g9Zg9NsZ־[wswswwwwwwwwo{kZo{o{wwNskZ^ZVZRZVkZ^2Zg9kZkZBkZg9R^kZVcRg9g9o{VRZJRZg9NsVZZg9g9c^Zg9Rg9wcVccNsg9RZ^c^ZV/o{swwwwws?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ]Root Entry FJ_Data (1Table0WordDocument+NSummaryInformation(@ $DocumentSummaryInformation8SCompObjXObjectPoolJJ FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8