ࡱ> 574` "jbjb ",|c|cPX X X X d Px qssssss,rRp   \  q4." q:Yqx mX " q0R44qPPPPCEPP Minutes, 4/20/05 Present: Molly Appel 07, Meghan Fair '05, Hugh Foley, Matthew Hockenos (scribe), Chuck Joseph, Paty Rubio, Linda Simon, Gordon Thompson (chair) Foley 4/13/05 minutes approved Invitation to new CEPP members: GT informed CEPP that next years new faculty members on CEPP (Michael Mudrovic, Beau Breslin, and Deb Hall) have been invited to CEPPs last meeting on April 27, 2005. The two new student reps will also try to attend. Unfinished business: GT and CEPP identified three areas of business that were not completed this year and should be addressed next year: 1) global Թϱ and diversity, 2) implementation of institutional assessment by a CJ-led task force, and 3) academic vision statement. 1) PR suggested that CEPP consider the Global Թϱ report alongside the strategic plan next fall since many of the issues in the report are addressed in the plan. 2) CJ agreed to draft a charge for his task force on institutional assessment. GT agreed to mention the creation of this task force on the faculty floor. 3) CEPP agreed that the academic vision statement should be considered next fall with the new DOF present. DOF candidates: GT asked if there were any questions that he should ask the DOF candidates on behalf of CEPP and HF suggested that GT ask the candidates some of the tough questions CEPP is grappling with, e.g., writing requirements, breadth requirements, distribution requirements, etc. Exercise Science: GT will announce on the faculty floor the existence of the Exercise Science Department and will emphasize the precedents of Classics breaking away from Foreign Languages and Physics from Chemistry. Writing Requirement task force charge: Minor revisions were made to the task force charge for a new writing requirement. Ray Rodrigues suggestion to MH via e-mail that a bullet on assessment be included was agreed to. GT intends to send out an e-mail ASAP asking for five faculty volunteers for the task force. The charge will be included in that invitation as an attachment. CEPP agreed that the task force would consist of 5 faculty, 2 students, and the VPAA. At CEPPs last meeting we will determine who will sit on the task force. Scribner Seminars: Policies on Withdrawals, Failures, Transfers, and Freshman Deferrals: GT reported that he met with Jennifer Delton, chair of CAS, and Michael Arnush, director of the FYE, and they agreed to the following provisional policy: Scribner Seminars: Policies on Withdrawals, Failures, Transfers, and Freshman Deferrals Թϱ requires all incoming first-year students to be enrolled in a Scribner Seminar during the fall semester of their first year. The heavy mentoring component and emphasis on academic transition make these seminars the keystone of the "First-Year Experience." For a number of reasons, some students will be unable either to complete their Scribner Seminar or to enroll in the fall. This small group includes (a) withdrawals (due to illness, injury, or medical or personal leave), (b) failures (students who fail the course), (c) transfers, and (d) first-year students for whom the spring semester is their first semester. What will we do with these students? Will they be required to repeat the uncompleted seminar? Below are the policies the First-Year Experience program will follow next year. Below are the policies the FYE program will follow in the 2005-2006 academic year. Withdrawals and Failures For the first year of the program, the Director of the First-Year Experience (DFYE) in conjunction with the Committee on Academic Standing (CAS) will evaluate failures and withdrawals on a case by case basis in order to determine if it makes sense for that student to repeat the course, to find a substitution, or to move on. Over the next two years, CAS and the DFYE will develop guidelines on how to review such cases. Rationale Typically, when students withdraw from or fail a required course (e.g., LS1 or EN 105), they must retake the course in order to graduate. The unique nature of the Scribner Seminars renders this solution difficult and/or pedagogically vacant. The seminars do not ask students to master a body of material or a specific skill set. We intend the course to spark their intellectual curiosity, to excite them, to help them acclimate to the rigors of academic life, to foster a meaningful relationship with their advisor/professor, and to create a space for first-year camaraderie and support. The seminars have other academic goals as well, such as writing, critical thinking, interdisciplinary inquiry, etc.; however, the seminars share these goals with many other courses on campus. The features that define the Scribner Seminars, that make them unique, are the mentoring component and the "experience" (for want of a better word). A sophomore cannot regain this experience with a crop of incoming first-year students and a professor who is not one's mentor. Since the same seminar might not be offered again until two or three years later, the student will not actually be retaking the failed class. Thus, students who retake a Scribner Seminar in their sophomore year will get neither the mentoring experience, nor the content of their original class. We would have lost the pedagogical rational for requiring students to retake the course. Moreover, students withdraw from classes for a variety of reasons (illness, injury, medical, or personal leave, personal choice, and danger of failing) and at different points in the semester. Medical withdrawals can include students who withdraw close to the end of the term, as well as students who disappear in October, miss most of the class, and petition for medical leave much later. Students who withdraw from all of their first-semester classes and take a full year medical/personal leave can simply take Scribner Seminar upon their return the following fall. They have no credits to their name and are still first-year students. For students who return in the spring, the CAS, in conjunction with the DYFE, will determine whether the student has experienced enough of the Scribner Seminar to move on or whether a substitution is appropriate. CAS will prepare guidelines for classes that can serve as substitutions. For students who seek to withdraw because they are doing poorly, CAS recommends a withdrawal application and an interview with the DFYE to arrive at a solution. Students likewise receive an F for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, students attempt to do the work but fail to meet the expectations for success. Other times, they do not complete the work, either because they stopped attending or because they failed to hand in assignments. Here again the CAS and DYFE will consider each failure on its own terms and decide if that student should be required to find a substitution. Transfers All transfer students who have been matriculated at another institution for at least one full semester (12 credits) will be exempt from the Scribner Seminars. They have already made the first-semester transition to college. The small number of January transfer students who have fewer than 12 credits will take the Scribner Seminar the following fall. First-year students Deferrals First-year students for whom the spring semester is their first semester will take the Scribner Seminar the following fall.  lm/09:IJlmgh)* =">"["\""" hPJhhOJQJ% m0:gdgd7$8$H$xgdh^h & F@&gd":Jmh* >"\"""gdx 1h/ =!"#$%D@D NormalCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH Z@Z Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ \@\ Heading 2$<@& 56CJOJQJ\]^JaJJ@J Heading 3 $x@&6OJQJ]aJDA@D Default Paragraph FontZi@Z  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k@(No List RC@R Body Text Indent 8^85OJQJ\RY@R  Document Map-DM OJQJaJ, z z z mX  m 0:Jmh*>\0п0P0P0P 0P0P 0P0P 0P0P 0P0P 0P0P 0P0P 0P0 0 0 0 0 0 (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   m 0:Jmh*>\0@€000 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 0 0 0m (0m 000000000000000 00 0>0>":""',-028W_x|#'19@Glr#'~CG dfTX^d 6 9 G M _ b 5 8 >A QTY]CO33F6XZZ5|k63^`.^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`. ^`OJQJo(^`.pp^p`.@ @ ^@ `.^`.^`.^`.^`.PP^P`.F6XGTP 5|kj W 60 70 zXr                @& P @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 ArialI& ??Arial Unicode MS3TimesC Lucida Grande"ph;D;D, 2248Q3QCEPP Minutes, 3/9/05newuserDeb Hall   Oh+'0|  8 D P\dlt'CEPP Minutes, 3/9/05$ newuserewuewuNormal Deb Halltes2 Microsoft Word 11.1@F#@%K@%K, ՜.+,0  hp  'Թϱ College2 8 CEPP Minutes, 3/9/05 Title  !"#%&'()*+-./01236Root Entry F|v)81TableHWordDocument",SummaryInformation($DocumentSummaryInformation8,CompObjXObjectPool|v)|v) FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8