ࡱ> &(%`  jbjb |c|c   .44444444,;R 44444444:444( mn0   ll CEPP Minutes 4/27/05 Present: Beau Breslin, Michael Mudrovic, Deborah Hall, Patricia Rubio, Meghan Fair 05, Molly Appel 07, Gordon Thompson (chair), Linda Simon, Matthew Hockenos, Ruth Andrea Levinson (scribe) 1. Matthews minutes will be approved and/or amended for approval when he resends them to CEPP. 2. GT met with the FYS (Scribner Seminar) representatives, edited, and finalized the document about procedures for Withdrawals, Fails, and Transfers. 3. GT continues to work on the motion for the department of Exercise Science to get it ready for a vote at the April 29th faculty meeting. 4. CEPP discussed the composition of the CEPP task force on Writing. It was agreed that the committee would consist of five faculty members with Matthew as Chair of CEPP included, Chuck, and 2 student representatives. The student representatives are Molly from CEPP and Matthew Wilson who holds a leadership position with the Writing Center. There was no representation from the Sciences among those faculty members who volunteered to work on the Writing Task Force; thus, Matt planned to call a few people in the Sciences to try to encourage a participant. CEPP made recommendations to Matthew about the selection of faculty from the list of volunteers. 5. Everyone was asked to send Matthew their fall teaching schedules in order to plan next years meeting time and place. Matthew distributed a preliminary agenda for next years CEPP meetings. IK hfH*hf:;]^ @&gdf  / =!"#$%D@D NormalCJOJPJQJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontZi@Z  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k@(No List RY@R f Document Map-DM OJQJaJ z:;]^00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :;]^ 0@€000000000000   '.8@w|:@@&P @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial3TimesC Lucida Grande ph4D4D 24fCEPP Minutes  4/27/05CITS Computer DepotDeb Hall Oh+'0t  0 < HT\dl'CEPP Minutes 4/27/05%~pCITS Computer Depot%~pNormal Deb Hallute2~pMicrosoft Word 11.1@@ J@ J ՜.+,0 hp  'Թϱ College/  CEPP Minutes 4/27/05 Title  !"#$'Root Entry FpY()1Table WordDocumentSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjXObjectPoolpY(pY( FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8