ࡱ> BDA` jbjb &|c|c8 8 8 8 D d d d d d d d d tvvvvvv,RId d d d d td d tttd d d tt4"d ttttX ]ZS8 ^tt0tttt Committee for Educational Policies and Planning Tuesday, September 6, 2005 Present: Matthew Hockenos (chair) Ruth Andrea Levinson Deb Hall Michael Mudrovic Dan Moran Molly Appel Chuck Joseph Beau Breslin (scribe) Gordon Thompson Pat Oles Matthew Hockenos called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to 2005-06 academic year. He asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of CEPP 92s April 27, 2005 meeting. Gordon Thompson sought a correction to the minutes, specifically asking that Section 3 of those minutes reflect that he was to make a statement on the faculty floor regarding the Exercise Science Department. Molly Appel then suggestedthat the minutes also reflect her aim to find someone to replace her on the Writing Taskforce. The minutes were then approved. Matthew discussed a series of logistics. First, he reminded the committee that both the CEPP-list and the writing task force list (wtf-list) include individuals not on CEPP itself. He then announced that two of CEPP 92s meetings 97the one scheduled for September 13th and the one scheduled for November 8th 97will be held in Tisch 202. He then spoke about the administrative presence at the meetings this year. Normally Pat Oles and Chuck Joseph will attend CEPP meetings, but with the recent split of the VPAA/DOF office and with Muriel Poston arriving at the college in the next month or two, the Dean of the Faculty will also participate at some point. If there is a vote on a policy matter in the future, only two votes will come from the administration. Matthew asked if the students get a vote and it was determined that the answer is yes. Finally, Matthew asked the committee to consider what subjects might warrant an open forum with the faculty. He then turned to the committee 92s agenda for the year. He outlined the eleven major issues that will occupy the committee. Included in this list is the following: 1) CEPP 92s responsibility to review the Middle States Self Study 2) CEPP 92s role in a revamped Writing Requirement 3) The issue of Global Թϱ and diversity. Matthew noted that the president and Paty Rubio are co-chairing a task force on diversity this year. 4) The implementation of institutional assessment plans 5) Review of CEPP 92s general role in academic policy matters 6) CEPP 92s role in considering the impact of the restructuring of the Office of the Dean of Studies and the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs 7) The need to take a look at the Academic Vision Statement crafted a few years ago 8) The thorny issue of Guidelines for Academic Affiliation 9) Revisiting the Vision document from the Sciences in light of the emphasis on science in the Strategic Plan 10) Reviewing CAS 92s policy on fails and withdrawals from Scribner Seminars 11) The need for a CEPP representative on the FYE subcommittee charged with the responsibility of reviewing proposals/syllabi for new Scribner Seminars The Committee then turned to the issue of the recent restructuring of the Dean of Studies 92 and Dean of Student Affairs 92 offices. Chuck Joseph reported that there was some concern on the part of FEC that there was insufficient consultation with the faculty before the restructuring took place. He also presented a proposal for review of the restructuring of the Dean of Studies Office and the creation of the Office of Student Academic Services. Discussion ensued about whether a CEPP representative on the Dean of Studies Study Group constituted sufficient consultation. The conversation moved, from time to time, away from process and toward the substantive merits of the restructuring. It was determined that the college needs to move forward, but that some sort of review of the changes, consistent with the proposal brought to the Committee by Chuck Joseph, and with significant faculty involvement, should take place in a year or two. One question that arose directly from these discussions centered on the role of CEPP in academic policy matters. Members of CEPP are in some disagreement as to whether the DOS issue should have come to CEPP in the first place. Both Ruth Andrea Levinson and Gordon Thompson suggested that the Committee review its operating code. Beau Breslin Associate Professor and Chair Department of Government Թϱ College Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 bbreslin@skidmore.edu (518) 580-5244 hX)hN)hX)B*CJ aJph1LMo  S v @&gdX)gdX)lmfgt@&gdX)gdX)/ =!"#$%8@8 NormalCJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontZiZ  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k(No List RY@R X) Document Map-DM OJQJaJ&!z z zx 21LMoSv  l m fgt0ˀ0À0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0P0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ00i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0iˀ1LMoSv  fgtp@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@ПППППППППППППППППППППППППППp@^f~Y^@DlsHLS\ ( (16 = :::::::@kUP @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 ArialC Lucida Grande qhvu$>47yN)/Committee for Educational Policies and PlanningDeb HallDeb Hall Oh+'04  , H T `lt|'0Committee for Educational Policies and Planningn;p Deb Hall.1n;pNormal Deb Hall.12;pMicrosoft Word 11.1@@L\@,yuG03PICT3(d hhx MSWD x ,Times New Roman P-.( -*\/Committee for Educational Policies and Planning-( -(jTuesday, Septem-(jb-)'er-3)? -)6,-)< -)2005-) -( -*\ Present: (" Matthew H-("Co-)'ckenos-3) -)(c-)=hair)-) -(~ Ruth Andrea -(~rL-)0evinson-) -(Deb Hall-( -(6Michael Mudrovic-(6 -( Dan Moran-(2 -( Molly Appel-(] -(J Chuck Joseph-(J -(Beau Breslin (s-(c-)#ribe)-) -(Gordon Thompson-(! -(^Pat Oles-(^ ( -*\ Matthew Hoc-(yk-)'eno)ts -)3c-)#alled-3) -)the-)b -)meeting-f( -)to-)> -)order-3) -)and-)t -)we-)^l-)come-)d-)' (reveryo-)n-)'e-3)$ -)to-)> -)2005)-)06 -)da-)#ca-)Hd-)'emic year. 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