ࡱ> KMJ` jbjb 0|c|c2222222dddd pY   , Ra r 2 22  v22 F4z"2222 22  d)Sd ) 0Y 2``CEPP Minutes 9/13/05 Present: Matthew Hockenos (Chair), Ruth Andrea Levinson (scribe), Deb Hall, Michael Mudrovic, Dan Moran, Molly Appel, Chuck Joseph, Beau Breslin, Gordon Thompson, Pat Oles Minutes were corrected and approved for 4/20/05 and 9/6/05. Chuck provided CEPP with a copy of Assessment Taskforce 2005 to review its membership (agreed upon last spring by CEPP). We discussed the list of representatives from committees and offices and some possible candidates for the taskforce. In some cases, Chuck will ask individuals for their participation and in other cases he will ask committees and offices for their suggested representatives. Dan and Molly will talk to other student representatives to determine who might be a good candidate. Both Deb and Beau volunteered to be the CEPP representatives on the taskforce. CEPP agreed with a suggestion from an Academic Staff meeting last year that an additional representative should be on the taskforce from Student Affairs. Pat will speak with Sue Layden to determine if she would be willing to join this taskforce. Chuck reaffirmed with CEPP the the purpose of the taskforce was to examine institutional issues but only those that pertain to academic affairs and not to wider ranging institutional affairs such as financial offices. The Middle States Review report is a large document that is currently approximately 200 pages. It should be ready to distribute to CEPP by our next meeting. It consists of three large sections that are focused on issues in student engagement, diversity, and the sciences at Թϱ. These three areas emerged as focal areas for assessment based on the last large scale study conducted 10 years ago and the more recent s findings from an Interim Report submitted 5 years ago. Beau suggested that we ask Sarah to alert us to the areas that need our special attention. Mike suggested that we divide the report into sections to be read in greater detail by designated group members or group leaders. Pat took a few minutes to share with CEPP that Michael Arnush and Sue Layden will be seeking help in working through the FYE advising and teaching issues that were raised by the construction of the Scribner Seminars this year. Did CEPP want to form a subcommittee to investigate the issues? Alternatively, did CEPP want to take leadership in developing subsequent policies and invite people like Michael, Sue and Grace to attend and to contribute. CEPP agreed that we wanted to take the leadership role as a full committee. Matt decided to postpone reporting on the work of the Writing Task Force but assured us that they were making headway. This time management move allowed CEPP to discuss the dynamics and substance of the faculty meeting last week in relation to the DSA/DOS Restructuring. CEPP reiterated that we shared Matt 92s prepared statement responding to FEC 92s proposal to CEPP: CEPP will concern itself this year with studying and proposing educational policies resulting from the functional restructuring of offices. CEPP will NOT focus on the processes that took place last year in reaching those administrative decisions. We will work as a committee of the whole rather than as a subcommittee to address emerging educational policies . Pat repeated that the changes in offices moved the DOS into the purview of Academic Affairs from its former position under the Dean of Studies and Student Affairs. A number of related student support services and programs remained under the umbrella of Student Affairs but with more coordination through the newly created Office for Student Academic Services. CEPP anticipates that we will hear from FEC prior to the scheduled All Faculty Meeting. If Matthew is not contacted as CEPP Chair, Matt will contact them to learn about the proposed purpose, structure, and composition of the September 23rd meeting. We speculated that the meeting could be intended to be largely informational . As Molly pointed out, the students felt uninvolved and unaware of the decisions under consideration last spring. Beau also noted that many faculty had no background information to understand the debate carried out on the floor of the faculty last week. It was mentioned again that even CEPP members do not agree about what processes occurred in the decision-making last year. hhhB*CJ aJphx y  C   \],-gd/ =!"#$%8@8 NormalCJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontZi@Z  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k@(No List 0!z z z MxyC \ ] ,-0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ0ˀ000ˀxyC p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@p@Н2Н2Н2Н2Н2Н2Н2Н2Н2Н2Н2p@'/jr\_  Zfy CM* * 8 ? p|fu::::::::::::::::@ ַ 0 @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial qhs $>4'yCEPP Minutes 9/13/05Deb HallDeb Hall Oh+'0(A  0 < HT\dlt'CEPP Minutes 9/13/05b0 Deb Halltesb0Normal Deb Halltes1b0Microsoft Word 11.1@@b[@Y\s G?PICT?d hhx MSWD x ,Times New Roman P.(CEPP -3)M-)Hinutes-) -)9/13/05-3) -( -*\Present: Matthew H-(jCo-)'ckenos-3) -)(-)C-)4hair),-3) -)Ruth-) -)Andr-)e-)#a-3)$ -)L-)0evinson-3) -((scrib-)e-)#),-3)/ -)Deb-) -) Hall, Mich-(a-)#el-3): -) Mudrovic,-( -)Dan-3) -)M-)Go-)'ran,-3){ -)Molly-) -)Ap-)bp-)'el,-3)N -("Chuck Joseph, Beau("N ) Breslin, -("qG-)9ordon-3) -)T)1hompson, Pat Oles-("  (~ -*\ Minutes were-(y -)co-)Lr-)r-)e-)#cted-3) -)and-)t -)a-)$p-)'proved-3) -)f-)o-)'r-3) -)4/20/05-) -)and-3)t -)9/6/05.-) (6 -*\3Chuck provided CEPP with a copy of Assessment Taskf-(o-)'r-)c-)#e-3)$ -)2-)'005-3)x -( to review( )its membership -((-)ag-)Lre-)=ed-3)L -)upon-) -)last-3)o -)spring-) -)by-3)P -)CEPP).-) -)We (J discussed the(Jk ) list of rep-(Jr-)esentat-)i-)ves-3)k -)from-) -)c)$ ommittees-(J` -)and-3)t -)offi-)tce-)Fs-3) -(and some possible(  )candi-)d-)'ates-3)} -)f-)or-3)C -)the-)b -)taskfo-)r-)ce. In-3) -)some-) c-)7ases, (Chuck will ask individuals( )for their part-(i-)cipation-3( -)and-)t -)in-3)> -)other-) -)c-)#ases (^he will ask committees and(^* ) )o-)(ff-)4ices-3)} -)for-)^ -)t-)h-)'eir-3)U -) suggested-(^ -(rep-)gr-) esentatives.-3( -)D-)9an-3)L -)and-)t -)Moll-)y-)' ) will talk( )to other student (rep-)gr-) esentatives-3( -)to-)> -)de-)Lt-)ermine-3) -)w-):h-)'o-3)( -)might-) -)be-3)L -)a-)$ -)good) -) -(rcandida-)t-)e.-3)8 -)Both-) -)Deb-3) -)and-)t -)B-)5e-)#au volunteered-3(r  -)to-)> b-);e-3)$ -)the-)b -)CEPP-3) -(rep-)gr-) esentatives( )on the -)t-)askfo-)r-)c-)$e-)#.-3) -)CEPP-) -)agreed-3) -)with-) -)a-3)$ -)suggesti-( zo-)'n-3)( -(*from an -(*A-)9ca-)Hd-)'emic-3) -)Staff) ) -) -( -*\meeting last ye-(a-)#r-3) -)that-)x -) an additional-3($ -)rep-)gr-)esen-)t-)ative-3) -)should-) -)be-3)L -)o-)'n-3)( -)the)b -) -( >taskfor-)c-)#e-3)$ -)from-) -)Student-3) -)A-):f-) fairs. 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It consists of three lar-( zHg-)'e-3)$ -)s-)e-)#ctions-3) -( that are-) -)focu-)s-)ed-3)L -)on-)P -)issues-3) -)in-)> -)student-3) -)enga-)g-)'ement,-3) -) diversity,-( , -)an-)Ld-)' the-3)v -( 2scien-)c-)#es)C ) )at Թϱ. The-( 2s-)e-3)$ -)three-) -)a-)$r-)eas emer-( 2g-)'ed-3)L -)as-)C -)f-)o-)'cal ar-)ea-)Fs) for-)r -(  assessment( & ) based on t-( h-)'e-3)$ -)last-)o -)la-):r-)ge-3)L -)sca-)gl-)e-3)$ -)study-) -) conducted-3(  -)10-)P ye-)^ars ( ago and the mo-( r-)e)$ ) -)r-)e-)$c-)#ent-3)b -)s-) -)findings-3( $ -)from-) -)an-3)L -)Int-)Ye-)#rim-3)o -)Report-)  !x!x ! ! w!w ! ! v!v ! ! u!u ! ! t!t ! ! s!s ! ! r!r ! ! q!q ! ! p!p ! ! o !o ! ! n !n ! !  ՜.+,0  hp  'Թϱ College' CEPP Minutes 9/13/05 Title  "#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ACDEFGHILRoot Entry FQ;N1TableWordDocument0SummaryInformation(!XADocumentSummaryInformation8BCompObjXObjectPoolQ;Q; FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8