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Matthew pointed out Gove Effinger’s e-mail message concerning revisions of the description of CEPP’s duties for the faculty handbook. He considers this a large issue that we may want to revisit later this year. We may want to revise the statement, but other matters are more important at the moment. We agreed to give Gove the go-ahead to make the minor changes he mentioned for the time being. 3. Matt had just received a long e-mail from Sarah Goodwin about the Middle States Review, which she included as an attachment. He had not had time to read the entire message, but said he would forward it to us via e-mail. He will also make copies of the Review for those members of the committee who requested it. We need to vet this draft as soon as possible. 4. The issue of FYE and HEOP advising needs to be address, and CEPP has agreed to act as a body to discuss it. Matt asked if he should invite Michael Arnush or Monica Minor for our next meeting, but the committee agreed that we would like to review the documents we have and talk about the issue among ourselves before hearing other points of view. This issue is not urgent. 5. Matt reported on the progress of the Writing Task Force. He said that they will send surveys or questionnaires to different groups on campus. The task force has completed a survey intended for departmental chairs, whom they will contact shortly. They are working on a survey for faculty members. Perhaps it would be best to have our student representatives approach the Academic Council to work on a student survey. The task force is also gathering information about other colleges’ policies, and they may even consult alumni. The task force hopes to turn the process over to CEPP in the spring so that we can develop a new writing requirement. 6. Sue Layden attended the meeting at our request and, along with Pat Oles, explained the mission of the Office of Student Academic Services and how its role differs from that of the Dean of Studies. The following summary is divided into three sections: where the new OSAS stands at the moment; plans for the future; and questions and issues of concern raised by CEPP. a. Sue and Pat prepared a handout specifically for the CEPP meeting. That document defines the three major areas of concern for the OSAS: engagement, excellence, and retention. It also outlines the OSAS mission. At the bottom of the first page, a series of bullets identifies the services the OSAS already provides. The first three bullets are services that were already in place and the their offices have handled for many years. The following four bullets are new services that they have put in place, concentrating on the ESL needs of international students. In very general and reductive terms, the DOS addresses the faculty’s need in dealing with students, whereas the OSAS is concerned with meeting students’ needs. Pat and Sue stressed at several points that their office is not merely a remedial resource for students. Their aim is to offer services to all students. In fact, many students fall into various "categories" of need and should not be stigmatized or excluded from different types of services and support. For the time being the OSAS has targeted certain "at-risk" groups: minority students (other than HEOP/AOP students), international students, and other groups (mainstream students having academic difficulties and need tutors). b. Both the DOS and the OSAS are in the process of sorting out and restructuring their offices and their duties. Pat and Sue said there is a need to centralize some services and support. They mentioned the training of tutors as an example. Tutors need to be trained in tutoring. They hope to use the Writing Center as a model for this type of service. Sue stated several times that she and Grace Burton are working together on several issues such as Unsatisfactory Work reports. The second and third pages of their handout specified several other areas and student groups that would qualify for support from the OSAS. Sue and Pat noted that the types of students and problems with which they deal are very diverse. Therefore, these services will be offered on a case by case basis. While some services can be offered, and hence changes in the current structuring of the DOS and the OSAS may arise by the end of this semester and go into effect in January, they think it wiser to make the changes "official" at the beginning of the fall semester of 2006. For the time being, their advice to faculty is to "do nothing differently." We should still refer students to the DOS. Because of the different types of services they envision providing for all students in the College, the OSAS will rely heavily on faculty involvement in identifying students with specific needs. Two particular groups were mentioned frequently. First, we would like to become more involved in identifying "smart slackers" [should be say "underachievers"?] so that we can improve retention of these students. Another group that we would like to assist are those students who will qualify for or seek to attain fellowships, scholarships, and other grants (such as the Fulbright) by encouraging them earlier in their career at ГдЙЯБЌСЯ. We need to encourage these students before they declare a major. Pat and Sue said that we will soon join the National Association of Fellowship Advising to help with this area. Other groups that were mentioned include minority women and outstanding students who transfer to "better" institutions after their first year at ГдЙЯБЌСЯ. c. CEPP committee members asked several questions and brought out several points that should be kept in mind in this process. 1) The search for a new Dean of Studies is still in process. 2) The committee members were eager to define the difference between advising, mentoring, and "support" (both academic and social). 3) EN 103 came up because of its utility and effectiveness for HEOP students. But it seems that fewer students need this course. Will this be replaced with another type of course, based on the HEOP program and the writing center? Will this new program require a new position or a course release? 4) What will CEPP’s role be in targeting different groups and working out these changes? туєэ h7Wh7Wh7Wh7WB*ph12klњћ6 e f н о fgий  НОžŠTU§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§уўU›œй]…опрст󧧧§§§§§§§§§§§§Аа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %АЅ8@ёџ8 NormalCJmH sH tH DA@ђџЁD Default Paragraph FontZi@ѓџГZ  Table Normal :V і4ж l4жaі _H(k@єџС(No List уBџџџџ џџ z™ џџ z™ џџ z™ уŒ~12klњћ6efноfgи й НОžŠTU›œй]…опрстх˜0€€а0и€˜0€€ааи€˜0€€а ч€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а0и€˜0€€ааи€˜0€€а0ф€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€ару€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€˜0€€а М€12klњћ6efноfgи й НОžŠTU›œй]…опрстхš0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`оš0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`оš0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`о˜0€€а`оуUу уGLSZnvЗПЮв§ˆ’Эгќnt­Б’˜х,0ЗЛШ Ю  ˆ ЙХ(,х::::::џ@€ *Њ. šу@ @џџUnknownџџџџџџџџџџџџGTimes New Roman5€Symbol3 Arial pˆ№аh5DšЦ@DšЦОX -С№ЅРДД€24d6\№№џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ7WџџMinutes of the CEPP MeetingDeb HallDeb Hallўџ р…ŸђљOhЋ‘+'Гй0\z˜МШмшј  4 @ LX`hpx'Minutes of the CEPP Meeting/!а Deb Hall.1/!аNormal Deb Hall.11!аMicrosoft Word 11.1@Œ†G@’DJЬХ@щ>KЬХОXGмxўџџџPICTxвdџ џўhhx єЁђMSWD x є,кTimes New Romanк <-.(ŸТ *E -*EMinutes of the CEPP Meeџџ-џў§@џЛ()9t-)ing-§@Л)M -(nТSeptember 20, 2005-§@Л(nЅ -(ГТ -*EIn attenџџ-џў§@џЛ)Зd-)anџџ-џў§@џЛ)9c-)e:-џD), -)Mollyџџ-џў§@џЛ)“ -)Appџџ-џў§@џЛ)ge-)l,-џD)  -)Beauџџ-џў§@џЛ)| -)Bџџ-џў§@џЛ)(r-)eslinџџ-џў§@џЛ)r,-) Deb-џD)s -)Hall,џџ-џў§@џЛ)w -)Mattџџ-џў§@џЛ)rh-)ew-џD)F -)Hockenosџџ-џў§@џЛ)№ -)(chџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ma-)ir),-џD)H -)Cџџ-џў§@џЛ)(h-)uck-џD)W -(=Т Joseph, Ruth(=ј-)Andrea Levinson, Dan Morџџ-џў§@џЛ(=Єa-)n,-џD)- -)Michaelџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ц -)Mudrovџџ-џў§@џЛ)Сi-)c-џD) -)(scriџџ-џў§@џЛ)kb-)e),-џD)> -)Patџџ-џў§@џЛ)M -)Oles, (‚ТGordon Thompson (commџџ-џў§@џЛ(‚Ci-)ttџџ-џў§@џЛ)"e-)e-џD) -)mџџ-џў§@џЛ)/e-)mbers)џџ-џў§@џЛ)Ї;-) Sue-џD)i -)Layde)—n (inџџ-џў§@џЛ)pv-)ited-џD)[ -)gџџ-џў§@џЛ)u-)est)-§@Л)W -(ЧТ -*E 1. 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Matthew poinџџ-џў§@џЛ(–Nt-)ed-џD)9 -)outџџ-џў§@џЛ)M -)Gove-џD)‚ -)Efџџ-џў§@џЛ)9f-)ingerеs-џD)Ї џџ-џў§@џЛ)e-)-)mailџџ-џў§@џЛ)l -)message-џD)Ь -)coџџ-џў§@џЛ)9n-)cerџџ-џў§@џЛ)Jn-)ing-џD)M -) revisionsџџ-џў§@џЛ)й -)of-џD)2 -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)he-)7 (лТdescription of џџ-џў§@џЛ(лC-)'EPPеs-џD)’ -)dutiesџџ-џў§@џЛ) -)for-џD)F -)theџџ-џў§@џЛ)J -)fџџ-џў§@џЛ)a-)culџџ-џў§@џЛ)Jt-)y-џD) -) handbook.џџ-џў§@џЛ)ќ -)He-џD)F -) considersџџ-џў§@џЛ)у -)this-џD)W -)aџў-џ§ў@џw) -)larџџ-џў§@џЛ)@g-)e-џD) -)issueџџ-џў§@џЛ)x -)that ( Тwe may want to џџ-џў§@џЛ( Pr-) evisit laџџ-џў§@џЛ)Нt-)er-џD)/ -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)is-џD)( -)year.џџ-џў§@џЛ)w W-)Ge may-џD)‘ -)wantџџ-џў§@џЛ)u -)to-џD)/ џџ-џў§@џЛ)r-)evise-џD)| -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e-џD) -)stџџ-џў§@џЛ)(a-)teџџ-џў§@џЛ),m-).ent,-џD)Y -)butџџ-џў§@џЛ)M o-),thџџ-џў§@џЛ)/e-)r-џD) -(eТmatџџ-џў§@џЛ)[t-)ers-џD)F -)areџџ-џў§@џЛ)J -)mџџ-џў§@џЛ)/o-)re-џD)/ џџ-џў§@џЛ)i-)mportaџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ћn-)t-џD) -)atџў-џ§ў@џw), -)the-ўˆ)J -)mџџ-џў§@џЛ)/o-)menџџ-џў§@џЛ)ht-).-џD) -)Weџџ-џў§@џЛ)T -)agrџџ-џў§@џЛ)Me-)ed-џD)9 -)toџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ g-),ive-џD)J -)Goveџџ-џў§@џЛ)‚ -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e-џD) -)go)<-)ahџџ-џў§@џЛ)9e-)ad-џD)9 -)toџў-џ§ў@џw)/ -)make-џD)ƒ -(ЊТ the minorџџ-џў§@џЛ)щ -)changes-џD)Т џџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e-џD) -)meџџ-џў§@џЛ)Jn-)tioned-џD)— -)forџў-џ§ў@џw)F -)the-ўˆ)J џџ-џў§@џЛ)ti-) me-џD)J -)being.-§@Л)• -(яТ -*E3. Matt had just џџ-џў§@џЛ(4Kr-)ecџџ-џў§@џЛ)6e-)ived a-џD)‘ -)longџџ-џў§@џЛ)k -)eџџ-џў§@џЛ)--)maџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ji-)l-џD) -)frџџ-џў§@џЛ)(o-)m-џD)/ -)Sarahџџ-џў§@џЛ)‰ -)Goodwin-џD)п -)aboutџџ-џў§@џЛ)† -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e-џD) -)Middleџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ў -)Sџџ-џў§@џЛ)!t-)ateџџ-џў§@џЛ)Gs-) (yТReview, which she iџџ-џў§@џЛ(yЊn-)cluџџ-џў§@џЛ)Jd-)ed-џD)9 -)asџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 -)an џџ-џў§@џЛ)Ha-)ttџџ-џў§@џЛ)"a-)chџџ-џў§@џЛ)9m-).ent.-џD)Y -)Heџџ-џў§@џЛ)F -)had-џD)W -)notџџ-џў§@џЛ)M h-),ad-џD)9 -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)i-)me-џD)J -)toџў-џ§ў@џw)/ -)read-џD)h -)theџџ-џў§@џЛ)J -)eџџ-џў§@џЛ)n-)tirџџ-џў§@џЛ)6e-) (ОТmessage, but said џџ-џў§@џЛ(Оxh-)e-џD) -)wouldџџ-џў§@џЛ)– -)forward-џD)О џџ-џў§@џЛ)i-)t-џD) -)toџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ u-),s-џD) -)viaџџ-џў§@џЛ)J -)e)-)mџџ-џў§@џЛ)/a-)il.-џD)1 -)Heџџ-џў§@џЛ)F -)wiџџ-џў§@џЛ)<l-)l-џD) -)alsoџџ-џў§@џЛ)a m-)= ake copies-џD)ќ -)ofџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 t-)he-џD)9 -(ТReview for those џџ-џў§@џЛ(lm-).embers-џD)Ў -)ofџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e-џD) -)cџџ-џў§@џЛ)o-)mmџџ-џў§@џЛ)^i-)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)t-)ee-џD)6 -)whoџџ-џў§@џЛ)g -)requesџџ-џў§@џЛ)t-)ed-џD)9 -)it.-§@Л)1 -(HТWe needџџ-џў§@џЛ)е -)to-џD)/ -)vџџ-џў§@џЛ)e-)t-џD) -)thisџџ-џў§@џЛ)W -)draџџ-џў§@џЛ)Mf-)t-џD) -)asџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 -)soon-џD)q -)asџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 -) possible.-§@Л)д -(Т -*E4. The)š issue of FYE and HEOP advising џџ-џў§@џЛ(вŸn-)eeds-џD)k -)toџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ -)be-џD)9 -)addџџ-џў§@џЛ)Wr-)ess,-џD)X -)andџџ-џў§@џЛ)W -)CEPP-џD) -)hasџџ-џў§@џЛ)P -)agreed џџ-џў§@џЛ)Џt-)o-џD) -)actџў-џ§ў@џw)G -(Тas a body to discuss it. Maџџ-џў§@џЛ(>t-)t-џD) -)askedџџ-џў§@џЛ)‰ -)if-џD)% џџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e-џD) -)shouldџџ-џў§@џЛ)  -)inviџџ-џў§@џЛ)^t-)e-џD) -)Michџџ-џў§@џЛ)a-)el-џD), -)Arnushџџ-џў§@џЛ)А -)or-џD)2 -)Monicaџџ-џў§@џЛ)И -)Mџџ-џў§@џЛ)5i-)nor-џD)P -(\Тfor our next mџџ-џў§@џЛ(\e-)eting,-џD)ˆ -)bџџ-џў§@џЛ)u-)t-џD) -)theџў-џ§ў@џw)J -)coџџ-џў§@џЛ)9m-).miџџ-џў§@џЛ)@t-)tee џџ-џў§@џЛ)Ua-)greed-џD)† -)thџџ-џў§@џЛ)/a-)t-џD) -)weџџ-џў§@џЛ)F -)would-џD)– -)liџџ-џў§@џЛ)"k-)e-џD) -)toџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ r-)"eview-џD) -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e (ЁТ documents(ЁЧ we haџџ-џў§@џЛ)v-)e-џD) -)andџў-џ§ў@џw)W -)talk-џD)[ -)aboutџџ-џў§@џЛ)† -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e-џD) -)issueџџ-џў§@џЛ)x -)among-џD)Є -)ourselџџ-џў§@џЛ)“v-)es-џD)2 -)beforeџџ-џў§@џЛ)š h-),earing-џD)— џџ-џў§@џЛ)o-)ther-џD)^ џџ-џў§@џЛ)p-)oints-џD)u -(цТof view. This issue is not urgeџџ-џў§@џЛ(ц•n-)t.-§@Л)  -( +Т -*E 5. Matt reporџџ-џў§@џЛ( pўt-)ed-џD)9 -)onџџ-џў§@џЛ)< -)the-џD)J џџ-џў§@џЛ)p-)rogress-џD)­ -)ofџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 -)the-џD)J -)Wџџ-џў§@џЛ)9r-)iting-џD)o џџ-џў§@џЛ)T-)$ask-џD)P -)Force.џџ-џў§@џЛ)˜ -)He-џD)F -)saidџџ-џў§@џЛ)a -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)at-џD), -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)ey-џD)9 -)wiџџ-џў§@џЛ)<l-)l-џD) -)sџџ-џў§@џЛ)e-)nd-џD)< -( ЕТsurveys or questionnaires to џџ-џў§@џЛ( Еrd-)iffeџџ-џў§@џЛ)Tr-)ent-џD)J -)groџџ-џў§@џЛ)Pu-)ps-џD)5 -)onџџ-џў§@џЛ)< -)campu)Ёs. The џџ-џў§@џЛ)Ђt-)ask-џD)P -)forceџџ-џў§@џЛ)| h-),as-џD)2 -)compџџ-џў§@џЛ)†l-)eџџ-џў§@џЛ)t-)ed-џD)9 -)aџў-џ§ў@џw) -( њТsurvey intended for џџ-џў§@џЛ( њЅd-)epaџџ-џў§@џЛ)Tr-)tmeџџ-џў§@џЛ)[n-)tal chairs, whom-џD( њ/ -)theyџџ-џў§@џЛ)h -) will contџџ-џў§@џЛ)дa-)ct-џD), -)shortly.џў-џ§ў@џw)Ж -)They-џD)| -)areџў-џ§ў@џw)J -( ?Тworking on a survey for facuџџ-џў§@џЛ( ?zl-)ty-џD)/ џџ-џў§@џЛ)m-).embers. Perhaps-џD( ? -)itџџ-џў§@џЛ)" -)would-џD)– -)beџџ-џў§@џЛ)9 -)best to-џD)ž -)haveџџ-џў§@џЛ)r -)oџџ-џў§@џЛ)u-)r-џD) -)studџџ-џў§@џЛ)de-)nt-џD)/ -( „Т representџџ-џў§@џЛ)нa-)tiџџ-џў§@џЛ)"v-)es-џD)2 -)approachџў-џ§ў@џw)н -)the-ўˆ)J -)Acaџџ-џў§@џЛ)ad-)emџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ji-)c-џD) џџ-џў§@џЛ)C-)'ouncil-џD)— -)toџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ -)work-џD){ -)on a stuџџ-џў§@џЛ)Лd-)ent-џD)J -)survey.џџ-џў§@џЛ)Џ -)Tџџ-џў§@џЛ)%h-)e-џD) џџ-џў§@џЛ)ta-)*sk-џD)5 -( ЩТforce is also gџџ-џў§@џЛ( Щa-) thering inforџџ-џў§@џЛ( ЩZm-). ation about-џD( Щ• џџ-џў§@џЛ)o-)ther-џD)^ -)coџџ-џў§@џЛ)9l-)legesе-џD) -)poџџ-џў§@џЛ)<l-)iџџ-џў§@џЛ)c-)ies,-џD)R -)andџџ-џў§@џЛ)W -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)ey-џD)9 -)mayџў-џ§ў@џw)h -)even-џD)r -( Т consult alџџ-џў§@џЛ)щu-)mni.-џD)m -)Tџџ-џў§@џЛ)%h-)e-џD) -)taskџџ-џў§@џЛ)a -)forџџ-џў§@џЛ)Fc-)e-џD) -)hopesџџ-џў§@џЛ)Œ -)to tџџ-џў§@џЛ)Nu-)rn-џD)2 -)theџџ-џў§@џЛ)J -)process-џD)Д -)overџџ-џў§@џЛ)k -)to-џD)/ џџ-џў§@џЛ)C-)'EPP-џD)g -)inџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ -)the-џD)J -)springџў-џ§ў@џw)– -)so-ўˆ)5 -( SТthat we џџ-џў§@џЛ)Пc-)an-џD)9 -)deџџ-џў§@џЛ)9v-)elop-џD)h -)aџџ-џў§@џЛ) n-),ew-џD)F -)writingџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ў -)reqџџ-џў§@џЛ)Mu-)irџџ-џў§@џЛ)%e-)ment.-§@Л)ˆ -( ˜Т -*E6. Su){ e Layden џџ-џў§@џЛ)юa-)ttenџџ-џў§@џЛ)[d-)ed-џD)9 -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e-џD) -)mџџ-џў§@џЛ)/e-)eting at-џD)Г -)ouџџ-џў§@џЛ)<r-) request-џD)Н -)and,џџ-џў§@џЛ)f a-))long-џD)k -)withџџ-џў§@џЛ)k -)Pat-џD)M -)Oџџ-џў§@џЛ)+l-)es,-џD)A -)expџџ-џў§@џЛ)Wl-)aiџџ-џў§@џЛ),n-)ed-џD)9 -)theџў-џ§ў@џw)J -( "Тmission of the Offiџџ-џў§@џЛ( "Šc-)e-џD) -)ofџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 -)Student-џD)И -)Aџџ-џў§@џЛ)+c-)adeџџ-џў§@џЛ)Tmi-)>c-џD) -)Servicesџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ь -)and-џD)W -)howџџ-џў§@џЛ)g i-)ts-џD)( -)roleџџ-џў§@џЛ)^ d-),iffers-џD) -)fromџџ-џў§@џЛ)u -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)at-џD), -)ofџў-џ§ў@џw)2 -( gТthe Dean of Studџџ-џў§@џЛ( gXi-)es.-џD)A -)Theџџ-џў§@џЛ)^ -)foџџ-џў§@џЛ)2l-)lowing-џD)Ї -)sumџџ-џў§@џЛ)dm-).ary-џD)M -)isџџ-џў§@џЛ)( -) divided into-џD( gc -)thџџ-џў§@џЛ)/r-)ee-џD)6 -)sџџ-џў§@џЛ)e-)ctions:-џD)Ё -)wheџџ-џў§@џЛ)dr-)e-џD) -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e-џD) -( ЌТnew OSAS-џD( ЌЭ -)standsџџ-џў§@џЛ)– -)at-џD), -)theџџ-џў§@џЛ)J -)mџџ-џў§@џЛ)/o-)menџџ-џў§@џЛ)ht-);-џD) -)plansџџ-џў§@џЛ) -)fџџ-џў§@џЛ)o-)r-џD) -)theџџ-џў§@џЛ)J -)futurџџ-џў§@џЛ)ue-);-џD) -)andџџ-џў§@џЛ)W -)quesџџ-џў§@џЛ)nt-)ions-џD)d -)andџџ-џў§@џЛ)W -)issues-џD) -)ofџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 -( ёТconcern џџ-џў§@џЛ)Юr-)aised-џD)| -)byџџ-џў§@џЛ)< -)CEPP.-)ž ( 6Т -*Ea. 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