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The minutes were approved with the clarification of the phrase “short-term” study abroad to distinguish this issue from study abroad in the larger context. CHAP report. Matthew announced that Sue Layden could not attend today’s meeting as originally scheduled, and that Michael Arnush will not be free until November 8. We need to postpone the issue of the HEOP students’ integration in the FYE until then, and Matthew asked if that was a problem. He thinks that many of the issues have been resolved, but that Nov. 8 should be the latest date for our consultation with Michael and Sue. CEPP agreed. We also debated whether we should continue to expect Michael Arnush and Sue to attend our meeting at the same time. If they cannot both come on Nov. 8, then we would have to see them individually to move the process along. Someone asked what sort of responses Michael had received to his e-mail if 10-7-05 to the faculty (see attached) and what pressing issues are still to be resolved. There will be two “clusters” of seminars in the Fall semester of 2006. CEPP voiced no objection to this proposal, but agreed that we still have some questions: Is this a long-term solution? It is probably not the optimal solution, but it is a thorny issue that needs more thought. We wonder how long Human Dilemmas can be delivered to the HEOP students, how long faculty will be available to offer it in the Scribner Seminars. One cluster would be better for HEOP’s purposes. Chuck asked what conversations are taking place and what the tenor of the conversations is. Are the involved parties still debating the larger question or have they moved on to smaller questions? Will HEOP advisers sit in on Scribner Seminar classes (as they have done in the past) to help students more effectively? Muriel said that she and Pat had a meeting scheduled for later that day to talk about these issues. Sarah reported that they are still trying to form the second cluster around a common theme with common readings. Hurricane Katrina’s effect on the Gulf Coast may be one possibility. Pat inquired at what point CEPP needs to become engaged in the process. Gordon said that the information that we had received today about the conversations in progress had been helpful, and that we should remain informed about this progress. Matthew distributed the CHAP report, additional reading that will help inform us. We should read the CHAP report and other materials on retention and HEOP students for the Nov. 8 meeting. Someone asked how the students will be distributed in the clusters. The plan is to have 40 students distributed across eight seminars. Ruth-Andrea raised the issue of diversity if all the HEOP students are “clustered” in eight seminars, but it was agreed that this was a rather small issue considering the even smaller number of students of color in the HEOP group. A larger question is how ГдЙЯБЌСЯ will support non-HEOP minority students. How do we address all students’ needs? We would like to raise the bar for everyone, but we need to know how we will support students. ACIS subcommittee update. Based on our previous meeting and the consultation with Michael Arnush and Cori Filson, we decided that ACIS will form an additional subcommittee for the question of short-term study abroad. Ruth-Andrea had volunteered to represent CEPP, but it was unclear whether she would be the CEPP representative on ACIS or a member of the ACIS subcommittee on short-term study abroad. Matthew suggested that this subcommittee consist of the following individuals: Cori (OIP) Michael Arnush (ACIS) Ruth-Andrea or another member of CEPP Sarah Goodwin (DOF) A member of Curriculum Committee to be named at a later date Deb agreed to serve on one or the other (ACIS or the subcommittee). She and Ruth-Andrea will discuss it between them and let us know. Matthew said that it would not be ideal but acceptable to have two different people representing us in this process. Pat asked how long we will consider this issue a matter of policy. Our charge is to set up the guidelines for short-term study abroad because it is a discreet policy decision with budgetary implications. But even ACIS is temporary, so the details of management of the policy will not be CEPP’s responsibility. Muriel also suggested that CEPP needs to get involved in the Special Programs summer programs abroad to see what distinctions exist between short-term study abroad during the academic year and during the summer term. Middle States Report—Diversity section. Sarah Goodwin attended this part of the CEPP meeting to continue the vetting of the Middle States Self-Study. Deb commented on the section on the Scribner Library and CITS. The information on WebCT is already outdated and needs to be revised. The document addresses information literacy, but what about communication tools? The matter of e-portfolios was raised. Sarah said that they are exploring options and discussing their use. Sarah and her cohorts will revisit the section on HEOP because it is still evolving. Changes occur from day to day. The question was raised whether CEPP will see the “penultimate” draft of this document. Can CEPP sign off on it? Will Sarah be able to say that CEPP approved it? Will she have to say that we “weighed in on it,” that we approved it “in principle,” that we “reviewed and transmitted” it with no final agreement or consensus? Sarah also stated that ГдЙЯБЌСЯ needs to include a list of recommendations that come out of each chapter, and that this may be one of the most controversial aspects of the document. CEPP will probably see what the recommendations are as of November 15. Ruth-Andrea suggested that CEPP has not had enough time to deliberate about the document in committee before expressing our opinions to Sarah. Sarah stressed again that the document must have one voice. Matt commented that the chapter on FYE does the best in addressing the central issue of engagement, which is the major theme. Beau agreed and added that the section on diversity has an angry tone and seems to have a private “agenda.” Ruth-Andrea commented that the domestic diversity issue needs more development. Students can have “life-altering” experiences without necessarily studying abroad. Is there a corollary between experiences in the US and those abroad? Transformative experiences can occur on campus, off campus, and abroad. We agreed that the two “halves” of the chapter need better connection. CEPP will continue discussing the Diversity section in the next meeting and postpone the section on the sciences to November 1. Chuck asked if CEPP thought it a good idea to bring the discussion of this document to the floor of the November faculty meeting for commentary and debate. Many think that the commentary must be framed so that valuable comments can emerge. Recent attempts to bring other issues to the floor of the faculty meeting have disintegrated or taken singular direction. The separate forums on each section have been focused and productive. Agenda for our retreat of October 23. Matt has already suggested several readings not connected to the retreat. He continues to stress the importance of the language of the Preamble of the Academic Vision Statement as the cornerstone of these discussions. He asked us to consider the focus on academic rigor: How do we define it? What are we using right now? Matt said that he would send us an e-mail after setting the final agenda. He also asked if we should invite Grace Burton to our retreat to talk about the DOS restructuring. CEPP decided not to invite her at this time. Muriel and Chuck can talk about the DOS and Pat can present information about Academic Assistance. 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