ࡱ> mol` O*jbjb :|c|cO$H $H.LLLLLLLLlnnnnnn,#RuLLLLLlLLlllLLLllD,Lllll@ Zb ll0llllHHD HH  Committee for Educational Policies and Planning Tuesday, November 8, 2005 Present: Matt Hockenos (chair) Muriel Poston Deb Hall (scribe) Michael Mudrovic Dan Moran Molly Appel Chuck Joseph Beau Breslin Gordon Thompson Ruth Andrea Levinson Pat Oles Matt said that there was no agenda and that the entire meeting would be devoted to addressing the HEOP/FYE issue. Michael Arnush, Sue Layden and Monica Minor were in attendance. CEPP had understood that an agreement had been reached that was summarized first in an email written by Michael Arnush on October 7, and later by Muriel Poston on October 25. These emails indicated that both parties had agreed to 2 clusters: Human Dilemmas, and possibly an additional cluster focused on Hurricane Katrina. Matt asked if that was still the agreement. If not, what has changed? Michael said that several meetings were held this fall to create a solution to the HEOP problem. Eight courses are needed to accommodate the HEOP students (about five in each course). Given the courses faculty indicated they wanted to develop for FYE it became apparent that there would not be 8 sections of HD. There were 4 HD course proposals in by the due date, last week, for Fall 06. At a FYE development meeting a number of faculty (4) indicated an interest in developing a cluster around Hurricane Katrina. It looked like this model of 4 and 4 might get some traction. At a meeting on October 25, comprised of Pat, Sue, Muriel and Michael, it was decided that Sue and Lewis would step up and teach 2 HD seminars, bringing the total to 6. 2 more courses were still needed. The faculty interested in teaching the cluster on Hurricane Katrina never materialized. It was at this meeting that Jeff Seagraves and Phil Boshoff were asked if they would consider developing a cluster for FYE around their course, Sports and Society. Methodologies are important and Sports and Society appeared to be an attractive alternative. HEOP needs materials and syllabi that are shared. Jeff and Phil were willing to consider this opportunity, but were unwilling to commit until this CEPP meeting had been held. Still, we were left with 6 HD courses and looking for a second cluster. CEPP: A number of faculty expressed interest in teaching HD at the faculty meeting on Friday. When did the discussion of phasing out HD occur? Michael reminded us that 2 years ago there was a failure to deliver LS1. In 38 sections, tenure line faculty taught only 19 sections. HD is under a similar strain now. Michael said that he didnt care what faculty offered to teach. He is responsible for delivering at least 40 seminars each fall. The trend suggests that faculty do want to teach HD, but that there are not enough faculty to teach the 8 sections needed. In Fall 2005 there were eight or nine. Faculty agreed to circulate in and out of the FYE seminars. When we stagger the courses it is likely that we will have a maximum of 4, maybe 6 in upcoming years. Faculty that are currently teaching HD also have an interest in teaching other courses. CEPP: Monica and Sue were asked where they stood on the issue. Sue said that HEOP was not wedded to HD. She stated that HEOP was wedded to a particular pedagogical approach. Clusters are appealing but careful planning is required. She recognized that HD is not a viable option long term, due to lack of faculty participation, but was hoping for another transitional year with 8 HD seminars. She expressed a desire to hold a workshop in January to recruit faculty and design courses that would address specific program needs beneficial to both HEOP and FYE. Monica asked for faculty to look at the structures already in place and then develop a course. CEPP: Were Sues reservations regarding the current 2-cluster agreement about timing or pedagogy? Sue said both. HEOP was a shining example of bridging. Sue felt that for FY07 the 2-cluster model might work, but the staff needed more time to develop a program around the new model. CEPP: Is the 6 and 2 model, already agreed on, workable for Fall 06? Isnt it the case that HEOP had to accommodate itself to HD in the past? Pat indicated that he had hoped that clusters would have developed more organically. Michael indicated that he developed a set of clusters for faculty to consider and they just werent that interested. One of the problems arises from the fact that we wont know what courses faculty are interested in teaching until December. The opportunity was missed last January to develop and propose a course that would meet the needs of HEOP and FYE. The time frame was so compressed that there just wasnt an opportunity to discuss these concerns. The final HEOP report in May indicated that development needed to occur. CEPP: Why cant Sports and Society be developed as a bridge in the summer program, in the next seven months? Sue and Monica expressed frustration that HEOP is asked to deliver a program with no opportunity to discuss what is needed with faculty. Michael said he is always available but hasnt been contacted, and that protocol had been agreed on during the October 25th meeting. Sue said that the agreement was not ideal but never said that it couldnt be done. It isnt the way we want to do it, but we can make it work. The program is being expanded to 40 students at the same time as these changes are occurring, which complicates the process. There will be another meeting on November 14. There are some concerns that Jeff and Phil will not be able to teach the cluster. Faculty often have other obligations to consider. We will need to be prepared to read proposals and look for opportunities for clusters, if Jeff and Phil cant be prepared by June 15 for the summer program component. CEPP: What are the alternatives to what is being proposed? Sue felt there were faculty members who wanted to teach HD, but were told they couldnt. We want to plan for FY07. We are not wedded to HD. Michael said that no one was telling faculty that they could not teach HD. Faculty can teach whatever they want. His responsibility is to see that every department participates. The responsibility should not fall to a few. The mentoring and advising responsibilities require that faculty circulate through FYE, without repeating. (Although, 5 or 6 professors will be repeating courses this coming fall.) CEPP: Much unnecessary confusion has developed over this issue. The 6 and 2 model seems like a reasonable compromise at this point. Sue and Monica look at being able to pull this off as frighteningly difficult. The HEOP staff cannot be expected to go from 25 to 40 students without additional support. Fortunately, there is agreement that HD is not the only cluster that could work. We just need to solve the short-term problems now and address the long-term problems in the coming months. Michael agreed that it would work for FYE as well. Faculty are in the same situation with FYE, including mentoring and the co-curricular component. Muriel recognized that there is a resource issue. How long do we end up in transition? We could be in the same place next year. Faculty have indicated a willingness to work with HEOP, and if we can work ahead we wont be extracting faculty but working with them and cultivating a joint development. There is a timing issue. In January and February department chairs are asked who will be teaching in 07. Additionally, anyone teaching in the fall has to be on campus in the spring. Sabbaticals and leaves are a factor, and collaboration can be difficult because of conflicting schedules. Staffing will continue to be an issue. CEPP: What does HEOP want? For Fall 06, HEOP ideally would like 8 HD courses or interdisciplinary seminars. It is what has worked effectively in the HEOP program. HEOP indicated that they could recruit faculty to teach HD or other interdisciplinary courses. Michael stressed that recruiting faculty was his job, which would become complicated if other faculty were soliciting faculty to teach. Michael, Sue and Monica left. CEPP discussed the issue briefly in the remaining few minutes. CEPP observed that there is high anxiety within the HEOP staff, exacerbated by the recent discourse on campus. It is a forced choice and substantial change. There will be new material, more students. It is a complex timing issue. The HEOP community is a model that works, and one we would like to support and encourage. It was observed that HEOP developed around the HD seminar. The LSI program influenced HEOP in a positive way. Now the LS model has changed, but it is not yet known how HEOP will transition. There are serious resource and staffing implications. CEPP needs to make a public statement given the discussion at the last faculty meeting. There was a great deal of misinformation. What will happen in the Fall06? What is the future for clustering? Sections are needed that are HEOP friendly for FY07. It is important to appeal to colleagues who are interested in collaborating. Since CEPP drafted the original language it is important to comment on how that structure is applied. It is possible that HEOP may have a continual struggle as the clusters change, if a comprehensive strategy isnt developed. %'O*hVhFZCJH*h |hFZCJ2LMl|N O $&d P a$$^`a$gdFZ$a$$a$ $@&a$gdFZ@&gdFZO* AB  LMLM !34AB$a$gdFZ$a$Bef !!""##$$$$$%%%%*' (!($a$$a$gdFZ!(M*N*O*$a$/ =!"#$%D@D |NormalCJOJPJQJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontZiZ  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k(No List RY@R  | Document Map-DM OJQJaJ0>@0 |Title$a$5O$: z z z z !"O$,2LMl|NOA B L M LM !34ABef*! "!"M$N$Q$0`ހ0`ހ0`ހ0`ހ022`ހ022`ހ022`ހ022`ހ022`ހ022`ހ022`ހ022`ހ022`ހ020؀02022`ހ022`ހ022`ހ022P܀022`ހ022022`ހ022022`ހ022022`ހ02P܀022`ހ022022022022`ހ022022`ހ022022`ހ022`ހ022`ހ022022022`ހ022`ހ022`ހ022022`ހ022022`ހ022022`ހ022022022022`ހ022022`ހ022022`ހ022022`ހ022`ʀ02؀022022`ހ022`020؀022022`ހ022022`ހ022`ހ022022`ހ020؀02؀022022`ހ022P܀022022`ހ022022`ހ022`ހ2LMl|NOA B L M LM !34ABef*! 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