ࡱ> 241a jbjbtt $.......~ ~' , R/ x.....B$f...... @,T(v0'   .~~"~~"Minutes of CEPP Meeting March 24, 2006 In attendance: Matthew Hockenos (Chair), Pat Oles, Ruth Andrea Levinson, Mike Mudrovic (scribe), Beau Breslin, Deb Hall, Gordon Thompson, Dan Moran I. Minutes of the last meeting (Beaus) were approved with minor changes. II. The committee discussed who would be Chair next academic year and elected Beau Breslin. Deb Hall may chair ACIS if it becomes a permanent committee. We discussed the need to smooth the process and to stagger the on/off cycle of elections so that there is consistency on the committee. Matt said that he is still working on a meeting time for next semester. We would like to have a regular meeting time and have the members of the committee schedule their classes around CEPP. That policy may begin in the spring semester of 2007. III. Muriel has made some changes to the Affiliations Guidelines document, adding domestic study options. Matt asked us to read this document for discussion at next weeks meeting. The question was raised as to whether ACIS will still be involved in this process before coming to CEPP (the item at the bottom of p. 2 concerning Approval and Review Process). We will wait for the ACISs charge to come officially from Michael Arnush, at which point CEPP will review and revise the charge and determine this issue. Another question concerned Financial Aid (on p. 3). Are students eligible for student aid for one semester, all year, or even three semesters of study off-campus (abroad or at another domestic site)? Should we consider how long students may study at some other site? What is the time limit? Right now the language will automatically apply and according to availability are questionable. There was another question concerning the language domestic exchange program. Is it truly a one-for-one exchange or rather study at another domestic site for credit at Թϱ? IV. CEPP has been asked to review the College calendar for the academic year 2006-2007. Holidays were a major concern, especially Martin Luther King Day. The semester starts on that day. Should we cancel classes or have some special observance? Thanksgiving is another concern, especially when our student population becomes more diverse and comes from farther distances. Should we have classes at all that week? Study Day is another issue in the fall semester. Is one day sufficient? Does it have to be a Friday? We also asked Pat Oles about Senior Week and the scheduling of commencement ceremonies. In the past this time was accorded to benefit the Registrars calculation of senior grades and eligibility for graduation, but now those calculations are done much more quickly. Do we need Senior Week? CEPP would like to invite Ann Henderson to our meeting and that Muriel Poston be present, so we will finalize our discussion of the calendar at the next meeting. V. Optimization and faculty compensation raised major concerns at the Faculty-only meeting on Thurs. afternoon (3/23/06). The meeting was contentious and produced confusing results. Ruth Andrea suggested that we (CEPP and the faculty at large) need to separate the issues of the Optimization funds going to academic programs and the issue of fuller compensation for faculty. The faculty seem in the main to disapprove of a 3% GSA, as do the Trustees. Beau questioned whether the perception of 3% was merely bad marketing on the part of the Presidents cabinet. Do we need more transparency in this process? It was agreed that sabbatical leaves form part of the compensation package, and that when the course release issue is resolved, we may have a better picture. CEPP must discuss recommendations for spending the Optimization funds. Are these funds designated for new initiatives or existing programs and problems? What exactly are new initiatives? Our next step will be to prioritize academic needs and make recommendations to IPPC. Given that Muriel plans to do that, we should hear what she is has to say about these issues. h* hhp'()  ' ( 1 2 s t HIOPgd* h$a$gd* hgd* h":p* h/ =!"#$%<@< NormalCJaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List!z z '()  '(12stH I OP03p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0ɀ0ɀ0ɀ0ɀ00ɀ00ɀ0p0p0p'()  '(12stH I p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08p08   !$@ H     D '0O:::::@@69` @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial qh  !>4 @CMinutes of CEPP MeetingDeb HallDeb Hall Oh+'0   0 < HT\dlt'Minutes of CEPP MeetingQ Deb Hallf CQNormal Deb Hallf C2Microsoft Word 11.2@F#@İU@İU GtPICTlb HHb bHH$ @bb          %wwso{kZo{o{ww5Vg9Ns^g9^ZZkZcVccVg9^RNsc#wwwo{wo{w"Vg9VkZJRg9Vwg9V     iwwwwwwwwwo{wwo{o{wo{wwwww>NsVg9RVZVc^Vg9Vg9JR^VwcRcV^VZZkZcRNskZg9cVg9co{RZwZ^JRZRZkZ^Vc^kZNsZZVwVg9Ns^awwwwwwo{o{wo{wo{wwkZwo{ww8Vg9^ZRkZZkZZcF1^kZRZV^Vg9^RNswcVRcNskZg9co{ZkZZVkZRZNsRZZVwcNsVVg9ZkZV  =wswwwo{wwwww8kZVg9Ns^g9^ZZkZJR^kZVZg9NsR^^VckZVZV^ZkZVZkZ^VZZkZZkZ^ZVkZJRNs^VZVRVc^Z   NwwkZwwwwwo{wwwwwwo{kZ>R^cZNsF1^g9R^Zo{Zc^ZZ^F1wF1VV^kZZR^cRNskZV^kZg9VcVZF1^cRVkZVVZR^cRZVZV^Wo{wo{ww wwo{wkZswo{wwwCVg9^RNscVRcNskZNskZJRcRV^ZwckZR^ZR^cZNsRZVZ^F1NsV^Vg9cZNsF1^g9R^ckZ^ZRc^ZZ^ZOwwwwww sswswwwCJR^V^^NsZZNskZZZJRJR^ZRc^ZZVF1g9ZZNscc^kZJR^ZNsZkZkZcg9V^ZkZ^kZ^RRVZZJRVg9g9F1kZ^o{Z;wwwwwwwwwsAcZVRZRVcg9ZVg9R^cZNsF1^g9R^Vg9JRNsVo{Zg9RVg9R^o{ZNso{kZNsVkZVNscZVVNsR^^Vcg9o{NsRkZZkZ =o{wwwwwwwwsAV^kZg9ZF1kZ^Ns^kZcRVV^kZZkZNs^g9ZRVkZ^VkZ^c^kZVkZNsR^^Vcg9o{NsRVVZRVkZ^g9R^NskZF1kZR^kZZkZQwwwwww wo{kZo{o{kZwwwwBJR^NsNsF1^g9R^ZcR^ZR^g9R^^ckZVZZ^F1R^VZcVcckZRVNsZkZNsNsNsg9R^ZVo{Vg9R^ZZ^Vcso{s' ZF1kZ^Ns^kZZkZg9VVkZ  Ywwwwwwwwwwso{o{wwwwwwkZkZVg9^(kZRVZNsNsZ^ZZNskZ^cRVJR^Zg9Zg9R^ZwkZkZNsg9RVZcVR^kZNs^Z c^NsRVg9wVZRVc Gswwswwwwwwwsw@sZZNsRZ^cZRZg9ZNso{F1ZsVg9Vg9NsZV^Z^Zg9ZkZ^VZg9RRZZc^NskZJRg9kZZkZZo{Zc^ZF1VVg9V^kZg9ww% VZ^VZNsR^^Vc  YkZww wwwo{wkZwwwwwwwskZR^cZNs^VRZcVcckZJR^o{RNskZVg9g9R^RZg9g9BkZZkZZg9cZVc^Nso{VcZVZkZZkZVNsVZZ^kZo{^Vwko{wo{ww swwo{wkZwwsswwswwwwwwCcRc^ZZkZcRVkZkZVRo{g9kZZkZJR^ZwckZRZJRVkZc^g9ZcZNsRZkZkZRVkZZkZRNskZVg9o{JRV^kZZg9V^ZRwJRGwwo{kZo{o{wwwwwww:VNso{JRZZNsg9cVccVwo{kZkZRo{^VRVZkZRo{Z^JR^cRVkZc^VVZZ^g9^F1^V^g9RRRZ^^  ]wwwo{wwwwkZwwwwwswwZRZg9R^kZ^9NsRVcZVc^Ns^Zg9NsVVcNskZZwRRVZRZwkZ^ZRZ^VNsRZo{RRRkZZg9^ZJRg9Vo{Z =swwwswswww?RkZF1^ZF1kZ^Ns^kZRkZkZg9^NswZkZ^kZ^Vg9RkZ^JR^NsRZRkZZZkZZg9^NsZkZscBkZZ^ZkZF1kZZVZZkZVg9Mwwwo{kZwwwwwwwwwBVVZJR^kZZZNsRZ^cZo{RkZkZRRZ^kZZVZcZVRZ^kZRZVg9ZVcZg9^ZJRg9ZNskZJRZRZg9Vg9ZZNskZ^ZJR^kZao{o{wwwwo{o{wwwswwwwwsw@ZZRckZRVg9RJR^g9JRkZ^kZo{NsRkZZZRg9VZVwg9R^NsVc^Vc^sVkZkZNs^g9ZNsNsg9ZVkZkZNsZZkZg9sVVZ+swwwwswKsVcNskZZNscg9ZVkZVo{NsRo{kZNssVkZ^Z^ZVVJR^   7kZwwwwswwsw kZR^kZ^VRZVVZJR^kZ^2Z^ZVcZVc^Nso{Vcg9R^kZVc^Vc^sZZNskZ^NsZ^kZcRVVc^ZkZZckZBkZskZZZ?wswwwwwsw=Z^kZNsZV^sRkZVV^RcRVVc^ZkZkZVJR^kZZg9^NsVNsVNsR^kZZZNsRZ^cZZ^kZZkZckZ^Rg9Vg9kZwwo{RVRNskZZkZR  `wo{kZo{o{wwwwwo{wwwswwo{w=kZ^cVccRVZR^^VVZV^Zg9ZkZ^kZVVwJR^cZkZRc^cVRVZVkZRkZJR^VcVZ^Ns^cg9^VkZg9Vs ?o{swwwwso{kZwDg9VVkZcRkZRVg9ZVZkZ^VNsNso{ZkZcZVc^Nsw^ZZ^F1kZkZNsg9VkZg9Nsc^JR^kZ^kZVccNsg9kZR^Z^NsRZg9^kZEwwkZwwwwwwwwo{;ZNskZNsZVJRVg9ZVg9RRZ^kZZVZcVc^kZcNsZZ^ZZJRVkZ^ZZNsRZZ^cNskZZRZ^kZVVc^kZ=kZwwwwwwwwwkZRV)ZZkZNscRVVZg9R^kZcF1c^kZVw^ZZ^F1kZkZNswR^VZ^kZZg9^ZJRg9Z^kZJRo{F1R^cBkZ^ZNsRkZ^]wwsswwkZwwwwwwwwwo{>Z^^kZZ^VVZcZNsRZkZkZZNskZVkZJR^kZZo{NsVVc^ZRF1^kZZVZRVkZ^cNsZZ^ZVNskZkZg9RJRVZ^VkZ WkZwo{wwswwwwsso{o{wwCRRZg9cNsg9o{ZVVZJR^kZo{ZZ^^NsJR^kZVkZR^NsRZRkZkZZZV^ZVg9Z^kZkZZo{JRg9kZcR^Zo{g9RNs^g9ZR^s o{wo{o{ww wwo{o{wwkZ o{wwwwwwws'Vg9kZRVg9kZckZ^VRZVZV^ZcVg9co{RZVRZ^g9R^VRkZckZ^^VZg9R^ZcR^Z^kZNscZkZAwww wwwswo{wCcZNsF1kZJRc^NsRVg9c^kZF1kZZVVZkZVg9R^ZVZg9JRo{Zg9o{NsRVRZVccZkZZ^Zg9ZRJR^kZZg9R^Z^co{NskZVkZZUwwsw wwwwswwwwwCcNsc^Nsg9RVZkZZJRo{ZkZckZVZ^F1VZ^kZZo{Ro{ZZkZZkZckZF1^Vg9RVwR^g9VZVwJRZZ^cVV^kZV^ZVZVkZ^Wwwwwo{wkZ o{wwo{o{kZo{o{wwww ZZV^NsRcRNsRkZ^1ZVkZg9co{F1ZV^^ZR^VRkZckZ^^VkZcVccVwZ^R^V^g9ZNskZo{RZRV                ՜.+,0 hp  'Թϱ College  Minutes of CEPP Meeting Title  !"#$%&'(*+,-./03Root Entry F(cU51TableWordDocument$SummaryInformation( !DocumentSummaryInformation8)CompObjXObjectPool(cU(cU FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8