ࡱ> 574a :jbjbtt $::::::::  *66666666, Rf :66666::666j:6:6N$r::::6U::* V|:m0*u,@ @ :DDCommittee on Educational Policies and Planning: Minutes April 21, 2006 Present: Beau Breslin, Deb Hall, Matthew Hockenos, Ruth Andrea Levinson (Scribe), Daniel Moran, Muriel Poston, Molly Appel, Pat Oles, Gordon Thompson Deb Halls minutes were not reviewed but CEPP decided to approve the minutes via email during the coming week. Matt presented the remaining work to be addressed in the final meetings of the year: on April 26th the report from ACIS will address the short-term study abroad processes, criteria, and forms; we will also approve the calendar; on May 5th , the final CEPP meeting of the year, we will discuss the WTF recommendations and the PA requirement. Remaining business for CEPP, is to review the year end reports from the newly formed Office of Student Academic Services as well as years report from the Dean of Studies. These reports will be completed during the next few months as the two offices collaborate on information sharing and reviewing their working relationship during this initial year of restructuring. A report will be made to CEPP early in the fall 06. Matt will contact Michael Arnush to determine when the first year report on FYE will be available to be presented to CEPP. In this meeting, Muriel, Matt, and Pat communicated to CEPP the final proposal from IPPC for utilizing the additional money resulting from Optimization. IPPC is presenting two budgets to the Board of Trustees, one that allocates the money if we put into effect the Optimization plan and the other budget if Optimization is not approved. The Presidents Cabinet and IPPC endorsed the budget that prioritized compensation including increasing the wages for adjuncts and converting some full-time adjunct positions into contract lines and possibly one tenure track line. An accompanying fiscal priority and academic program need was to create several administrative support staff positions. Meeting these stated priorities meant that very little money was left to distribute to important new initiatives such as increasing financial aid. CEPP discussed what were the implications of our involvement this year in reviewing budget decisions for academic programs via the Optimization Report as it relates to CEPPs future consideration of budgets. After considerable discussion, CEPP decided that early in the fall we should work with Muriel to advise her of academic program priorities as she is beginning to construct the budget. Several people remarked that for at least the next 5 -10 years, the academic programs budget will probably have to be directed towards supporting the programs weve initiated this year and in the strategic plan as being at the forefront of Թϱϒs curricular refinements: FYE, diversity, and the sciences. Next, Beau guided CEPPs consideration of the Final Report of the Physical Activity (PA) Subcommittee to the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning. CEPP readily approved; 1) the Athletic Program review at an interval of every 5 years, 2) the composition of the Review Committee (the Athletic council minus the 2 student representatives), and 3) conferring course credit for Physical Activity courses. CEPP was undecided about whether letter grades should continue to be awarded for PA courses or they should be graded only on the basis of pass/fail. The majority of CEPP members did believe that pass/fail would be the preferable choice for PA courses since they do not fulfill any major, minor, or program requirements. In addition, the high proportion of A grades do show evidence of slightly increasing students GPAs. Furthermore, the PA courses at Թϱ tend to follow a bi-modal distribution between A ranges or C ranges. Finally, all of the other colleges that were used as references for comparison apply the pass/fail grading system for PA courses. Despite CEPPs inclination to initiate changing the grading system to pass/fail, CEPP decided to postpone such a decision. Muriel suggested that there are a number of courses that dont fall under the rubric of an academic course or academic supervision such as internships. She suggested that we conduct our consideration of the PA courses along with a review of the range of courses that are offered for 1, 2, or 3 credits. Pat was more in favor of adopting this process as well because he thought that making such an across the board change without the support of the athletic coaches (who want the course to continue to be graded with letters) would be problematic and a disconnect from current practices. CEPP agreed to let the grading policy for PA courses become the leading edge of a larger discussion among faculty and the appropriate committees beginning in the next academic year. In the remaining few minutes of the meeting, CEPP approved the charge for the CEPP Assessment Task Force. Last year CEPP had designated the tasks articulated in the charge to the CEPP subcommittee; however, the charge had not been formally written and approved. Beau reported that Chuck would be sending a report within the next week about the progress that the Task Force had made this year in designing an assessment plan and processes. Beau provided a brief overview of what was to come. Next year, 6-7 assessment projects will be underway with a faculty leader assigned to each one and the Assessment Task Force will assume oversight. Examples of assessment projects are the FYE, the Sciences, and Writing. :<:h!>h!>H*OJQJh!>OJQJ8GN q: & Fxgd!> & Fxx$xa$$x&dPa$ :/ =!"#$%@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontZi@Z  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k@(No List :$ z z :8GN q<00ˀ0ˀ0 0 0 0 0 0@À 0@À8GN q<0@0@0@0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0 0 8:::U\pxci <9> >D<::::$u֦d^`o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. 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