ࡱ> (*'a jbjb,, NN>>>>>>>VVVV b B zzzzzzzz  ,, R~x >zzzzz B>>zz BBBz>z>z BR$v>>>>z BBm >> n xXVF   0B ,B B>rrCEPP Minutes May 5, 2006 In attendance: Deb Hall, Ruth Andrea Levinson, Gordon Thompson, Mike Mudrovic (scribe), Dan Moran, Muriel Poston, Pat Oles, Matt Hockenos (chair); visitors: Dan Nathan, Jon Brestoff. Dan Nathan and Jon Brestoff are new members of CEPP for next year, so we all introduced ourselves. Assessment Task Force Report. Chuck chaired the committee and wrote the report. Ruth Andrea questioned the distinction between the charge of the committee and a report on the task forces work this year. She thought it should be couched in terms consistent with the Middle States report. Deb thought the document was more of a clearing house for existing procedures rather than guidelines. Ruth Andrea also wondered whether student engagement had been omitted, but Pat pointed out that it is difficult to assess engagement. With regard to time allotted for faculty to do assessment, Muriel stated emphatically that there would be no course release. However, some committee members did receive financial compensation this spring for their work on assessment. Susan Kress will do the assessment next year when she replaces Chuck. CEPP agreed that some revising of the wording of this document would be in order before we could approve it. Gordons minutes of last weeks meeting were approved. ACIS charge. CEPP agreed that the subcommittee should review and revise the language of the Affiliations document before approval. We also agreed that the subcommittee should deal with domestic study away from campus. The issue of reintegration came up, and Gordon pointed out that a subcommittee talked about that issue and wrote guidelines in 2003-04. He referred Deb to the SADS report. CEPP endorses the ACIS charge with changes. Short-Term Study Abroad: Curriculum Committee Proposal Form. Mike suggested several changes in the wording and language to clarify the procedure. CEPP endorses the document with the changes suggested. IPPC Subcommittee on Admission and Financial Aid. Matt reported on the new policy that would limit financial Aid for study away to two experiences per student. However, he noted that Cori Filson has requested a wider discussion of the issue on campus. The question of access and equity was raised. Should students who can pay for their own experiences have the option of more than two experiences away? Should all students be limited to two experiences? Each semester or short term program away qualifies as one experience. (The London students are exempt until they are on campus. The London semester does not count as an experience away.) Pat thinks that we can make a distinction between treating all students fairly and treating them the same way. Because financial concerns will have an impact for next year, should CEPP defer approval until next semester? What is driving the decision, financial aid or educational policy. CEPP decided that we need more information about the packaging and decided to postpone a decision until the fall. CEPPs agenda for next year. Gordon thought that we should discuss the lack of course offerings, especially at the 100 and 200 level. We should also consider underenrollment at the 300 level when determining faculty load and allotment of resources. Pat would like to add further consideration of the academic calendar and of the daily schedule. Should be have a midday convocation or meeting block set aside? Should be reconsider fall break and study days? The Committee discussed several of the points on the agenda that Matt proposed and found them to be valid. 9U& 1   h5h  89 % & ^ & F$a$/ =!"#$%D@D NormalCJOJPJQJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontZiZ  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k(No List  z z  89%& 0P0P0P0P0P0P0P0P 0P0P 0P0P 0ʀ0P 0P0P 0P0 00000 89%& 0π0000000 00 00 00 00 00 0p8p8p8p8   aidhio m |  O V 9 A ::::H^*L ^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.H^         @P ` @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial3Times qh{&ڨ !>43 J@ CEPP MinutesCITS Computer DepotDeb Hall  Oh+'0l   ( 4 @LT\d'CEPP MinutesCITS Computer DepotNormal Deb Hall3Microsoft Word 11.2@G@,E";x@r[  ՜.+,0 hp  'Թϱ College3  CEPP Minutes Title  !"#$%&)Root Entry F,+1TableWordDocumentSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjX FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8