ࡱ> VXUa  jbjbdd ee 6666666   ,9 R j( 6 ( 66 =  6 6 J$n6666 66 ;[ S 0 6$ CEPP Minutes October 4, 2006 In attendance: Beau Breslin (Chair), Jon Brestoff, Deb Hall, Matt Hockenos, Pat Hilleren (Scribe), Dan Nathan, Kyle Nichols, Pat Oles and Muriel Poston Minutes from the 09/20/06 meeting were approved This meeting was dedicated to further discussion of three primary issues currently under consideration by CEPP (ACIS, WTF, and ID Lines) with an emphasis on strategizing a clear timeline for each. 1. ACIS Update ACIS is considering changing the name of the Office of International Programs to the Office of Off-Campus Study (OOCS) as a means to more accurately represent the types of affiliations and/or programs of study (domestic and abroad) available to students. Affiliation guidelines are being altered to reflect the name change. The College currently recognizes four different types of programs under the umbrella of Academic Affiliation (Թϱ program, Approved Program, Articulation Agreements, and Exchange Program). Although extant in policy, the College does not currently participate in a national (domestic) exchange program. The student senate expressed their broad support for expanding domestic programs. There was brief discussion regarding policy/procedure for faculty exchange and the need for flexibility in the language such that intra-institutional programs could be developed. The College is planning to host a team from the National Student Exchange (NSE) for a site visit in December of 2006, as part of an application to participate in the NSE domestic exchange program. CEPP will consider at least one program for endorsement over the course of the next two months with a goal of introducing this issue to the faculty in the December faculty meeting. In that Exchange Programs are extant to College policy (Academic Affiliations), CEPP may opt to request a vote on said issue at the same December meeting. 2. WTF CEPP has arranged an Open Forum to be held from 3:00 to 4:30 on October 20th to discuss the recommendations of the writing task force (WTF). Background and WTF recommendations are available online. Significant issues under consideration include: i) the role/breadth of Writing Intensive Courses as a means to support writing across the curriculum (currently only 9 are offered); ii) the need for a clear understanding of the resource issues that are inherent to the WTF recommendations; and iii) a clear indication of the priority by the administration to support (if passed) the recommendations. Dean Poston agreed to research/provide more information on the resource issues. A tentative timeline for this issue is to discuss the WTF recommendations with the faculty at the October Open Forum; to develop a CEPP proposal on writing in November; to introduce this proposal to the faculty in the December faculty meeting, and vote on the proposal in February of 2007. 3. Proportional and Dedicated Tenure Track Lines in Interdisciplinary Programs CEPP will draft a rationale for proportional and dedicated tenure-track lines in interdisciplinary programs and submit this rationale to the CAPT (mid-October) as they deliberate procedural considerations of this issue. CEPP envisions presenting this issue to the faculty in November (either alone, or in conjunction with the CAPT), with the goal of a faculty vote in December. ] e 8  h1BhXh1BhXH*h1BhX5hX   C D \ ] e f /078 gh      / =!"#$%<@< NormalCJaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontZiZ  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k(No List !z z 7CD  \]ef/0  7 8 g h     00p`0ʀ0p`0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0؀0ʀ00ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0л0ʀ0؀0ʀ0@ـ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0؀0ʀ0؀0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ00ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀCD  \]ef  п[0Ip8oѨп[0Ip8oѨп[0Ip8oп[0Ip8opppppppppppppppp0п[0Ip8oп[0Ip8oп[0Ip8oп[0Ip8o        @}; T P @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial hFFw_!r4dG c`q Cepp Minutes John SandersDeb Hall Oh+'0\k  , 8 DPX`hp'Cepp MinutesJohn SandersNormal Deb Hall2Microsoft Word 11.3@@BY@BYw_GiPICTid hhx MSWD x ,Times New Roman <-.( -*E CEPP Minutes-(% -()October 4, 2006-@()G -(n -*EIn atten-@)d-)an-@)9c-)e:-D), -)B-@)(e-)au-D)9 -)Breslin-@) -)(C-@)<h-)air),-D)c -)Jon-@)S B-)6restoff,-D) -)Deb-@)d -)Hall,-D)w -)Ma-@)Pt-)t-D) -) Hockenos,-@) -)Pat-D)M -)Hi-@)<ll-) eren ((Scribe), Dan Nat-@(lh-)an,-D)H -)Kyle-@)u -)Nich-@)uo-)ls,-D)7 -)Pat-@w)M -)Oles-)n -)and-@w)W -)Muriel-) -)Poston-@) -(= -*EMinutes from the 0-@(9-)/20/06-D) -@)m-).ee-@)6t-)ing-D)M -)were-@w)u -)approved-@) -( -*EThis me-@)e-)ting-D)^ -)was-@)] -)ded-@)Wi-)c-@)a-) ted to fu-@)r-)ther-D)^ -)dis-@)Fc-)ussion-D) -)of-@)2 -)three-D)y -)pri-@)Cm-).ary-D)M -)issues-@) -)curre-@)|n-)tly-D)@ -)u-@)n-)der-D)M -(Q considera-@)t-)ion-D)M -)by-@)< -)CEPP-D) -)(ACIS,-@) -)WTF,-D) -)and-@)W -)ID-D)? -)Lines)-@) -)with-D)k -)an-@)9 e-))mphasis-D) -)on-@)< -)str-@)<a-)teg-@)Ji-)zi-@),n-)g-D) -)a-@) -(clear-@)v -)ti-@)"m-).eli-@)=n-)e-D) -)for-@)F e-))ach.-@)c -( -*E1. 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