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Some of the following changes were discussed: changing the wording either in the motion or rationale so that the phrase demonstrated need is included altering the order of items in the rationale. including a reference to the academic vision statement in the last paragraph Muriel offered to distribute copies at the faculty meeting of the spreadsheet that outlines the use of ID lines at peer institutions. A question was raised about the possibility of new ID programs, as a result of this policy. Muriel restated that tenure track lines are a limited resource and a case has to be made for each line, however, this policy does build flexibility into the structure for ID programs. Again, only ID programs that find this appropriate will take advantage of it. Discussion continued on the possible questions that may arise as a result of this motion. Where will ID faculty reside? Will this legislation create a paradigm shift? x h1Bh]h]h]5h] v| " s u X  ^ _     / =!"#$%<@< NormalCJaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontZi@Z  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k@(No List !z  v|"suX^_    00p`0ʀ0p`0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ00ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ     п[0Ip8oѨп[0Ip8oѨп[0Ip8oп[0Ip8op0p0p0p0п[0Ip8oп[0Ip8oп[0Ip8oп[0Ip8oп[0Ip8oп[0Ip8o   @  Q  m4 P @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial hc;c"iW!~4dc`q Cepp Minutes John SandersDeb Hall Oh+'0T  , 8 DPX`hp'Cepp MinutesJohn SandersNormal Deb Hall4Microsoft Word 11.3@L@aW@;iWG SPICTSd hhx MSWD x ,Times New Roman <-.( -*E CEPP Minutes-(% -()November 1, 2006-@() -(n -*EIn atten-@)d-)an-@)9c-)e:-D), -)B-@)(e-)au-D)9 -)Breslin-@) -)(C-@)<h-)air),-D)c -)Jon-@)S B-)6restoff,-D) -)Deb-@)d -)Hall-D)h -)(scri-@)kb-)e),-D)> -)Ma-@)Pt-)t-D) -)Hockenos-@),-) -) -( Pat Hille-@)r-)en,-D)H -)Dan-@)d -)Nat-@)Wh-)an-D)9 -)and-@)W -)Muri-@)xe-)l-D) -)Poston-) (= -*EMinutes from the-@(d -)me-@)Je-)tings-D)u -)on-@)< -)Octob-@)e-)r-D) -)11-@)<t-)h-D) -)and-@)W -)October-D) -)18th-@)k -)w-@)+e-)re-D)/ -)appro-@)v-)ed.-@)H -( -*EInterdisciplinary L( ines -@)s -(Q -*EThis me-@)e-)ting-D)^ -)was-@)] -)ded-@)Wi-)c-@)a-)ted-D)J -)to-@w)/ -)the-)J -)discuss-@)i-)on-D)< -)of-@)2 -) Interdisci-@)p-) linary Li-@)n-)es-D)2 -)focusing-@) -)on-D)< -@)t-)he-D)9 -(CEPP motion and r-@(a-)tion-@)^a-)le), for fu-@)l-)ly-D)/ -)ded-@)Wic-)*ated-D)e -)(100%)-@) t-)enure track lines-D( -)to-@w)/ -(  Interdisci-@)p-)linary-D) -)Prog-@)qr-)ams-D)a -)th-@)/a-)t-D) -)will-@)^ b-),e-D) -)pr-@)2e-)sented-D) -)at-@w), -)the-)J -)f-@)a-)cu-@)9l-)ty-D)/ -)m-@)/e-) eting this-D) -)Friday.-@w) -)The-@)^ -(e motion wi-@)l-)l-D) -)then-@w)h -)layover-) -)w-@)+i-)th-D)/ -)a-@) -)vo-@)<t-)e-D) -@)a-)t-D) -)th-@)/e-) December m-@(ee-)eting.-D) -@)C-)'EPP-D)g -) suggested-@) -) that Beau (conta-@)c-)t-D) -)Susan-@) -)and-D)W -)ask-@)P -)if-D)% -)she-@)P -) would allow-D( -@)f-)or-D)2 -)the-@)J -)cr-@)/e-)a-@)t-)ion-D)M -)of-@)2 -)a-D) -)Co-@)Fm-).mit-@)Qt-)ee-D)6 -)of-@w)2 -)the-)J -)Wh-@)Wo-)le-D), -)so-@)5 -( that we co-@)u-)ld-D)/ -)ha-@)9v-)e-D) -)an-@)9 -)open-D)u -@)d-) iscussion-D) -)for-@)F -)20)<-) 30 minutes. -@(6 -(4 -*EBeau sta-@)t-)ed-D)9 -)th-@)/a-)t-D) -)the wor-@)d-)ing-D)M -)in-@)/ -)t-@)h-)e-D) -)mo-@)Mt-)io-@)/n-) mirrors-D) -)langua-@)g-)e) cur-@)\r-)ently-@)y -)in-D)/ -)the)J -@)f-)acu-@)Tl-)ty ( handbook. 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