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A constructive dialogue ensued, during which CEPP carefully considered and debated the many intellectual, procedural, resource-based, and pedagogical aspects of such a proposal. Among the topics covered were: Should Scribner Seminars (SS) count as Writing Intensive courses? If so, the following issues might arise: Student exposure to writing might effectively decrease because they would not take EN 105. Such a change would disregard the philosophy that SS should not count for any additional requirements. SS have additional demands such as mentoring time and co-curricular activities, something would change. Should the Writing Proposal include a 2nd writing requirement? There was discussion that a proposal without a 2nd writing requirement would be diluted. However, the main concern regarding the implementation of a 2nd requirement was: Some faculty might not implement writing into their courses. This is not in the spirit of the proposal that seeks a culture change. Discussion ensued regarding the pedagogical reasons for having a 2nd writing requirement. The discussion centered on the idea of explicitly having more than one layer of writing throughout the students’ education. EN 105 or equivalent (Expository Writing) Writing in the major - CEPP acknowledged that the requirement would be chosen by each individual department and that each plan would be different. Examples of ways to fulfill the 2nd requirement might include: 1 credit add-on components to existing courses Advanced writing courses in the discipline A series of writing enhanced course Other kinds of experiences, such as electronic portfolios We agreed that the writing requirement in the major would promote culture change at the department level as they develop the 2nd writing requirement and assess their students writing. The resource issues of a 2nd writing requirement were briefly discussed. It was suggested that, although not ideal, some departments might not be able to offer the 2nd writing requirement until upper-level course due to enrollment pressures. Lastly, CEPP discussed to whom the departments would submit their plans. After some deliberation the current idea was that an advisory group (similar to the advisory group that reviews course proposals for Scribner Seminars) would review department plans for the 2nd writing requirement. The exact make up of the advisory group was not decided, but would probably include the Writing Director, a representative of Curriculum Committee, and some other representatives. Before concluding there was a brief discussion about what might still be need to be addressed in the proposal, specifically, students that have English as a second language and students with disabilities. CEPP thanked Michael Marx and Terry Diggory for their participation.  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