ࡱ> UWTa jbjb $ .......~ ~          , R p .     ..    d. . B$f.... ..  HXv 0 .~~d~~Cepp Minutes 02.05.07 Members present: Beau Breslin (Chair), Deb Hall, Dan Nathan, Kyle Nichols, Matt Hockenos, Muriel Poston, Pat Oles, Jon Brestoff, Heather Vickery and Pat Hilleren (scribe). Invited guests present: Ruth Andrea Levinson, Penny Loretto, Michelle Hobbs, Mike Profita and Michael Ennis-McMillan. Minutes from 1/31/07 were approved. The meeting was dedicated to a discussion with the invited guests on the topic of the breadth of Service Learning (SL) at the College and the question of whether CEPP should lend support to the creation of a virtual Office of Service Learning in order to encourage a more institutionalized view and use of this pedagogical format. The Mellon Fellow in Service Learning (initially David Carp and currently Ruth Andrea Levinson) studied and reported on Service Learning activities at the College. Service Learning activities are currently supported through 1/3 of the Mellon Grant (approximately 10K/year). This grant will sunset at the end of the current academic year. With the exception of the establishment of a service learning web site- all the aims of the Mellon Grant in terms of SL have been fulfilled. The question is- where does SL at Թϱ go from here and what is the role of CEPP? Following are a list of topics discussed, and questions that were raised. The Virtual Office What would be the role of the office? Some ideas were that this office would help to coordinate agendas between SL agencies and the college--maybe solicit and/or receive ideas and requests from the community; to assist faculty in the design and development of an SL course; to provide workshops as a means of faculty development; to provide transportation for students; and to problem solve. SL Courses What kinds of courses get designated SL? Are they 4-credit courses- wherein the service component equates to a lab or studio? What are the requirements for a course to be able to be designated SL? Does a course that requires only one or two visits off-site get an SL designation. Who would decide this? What is the actual faculty interest (# of faculty) in SL courses? Several SL courses are already in place and offered each term (estimated 10-16 per year). Where is the faculty leadership for SL courses? Who will take this on next (after the Mellon grant fellowship ends) and in what capacity? Community How do we engage with the outside community to establish strong links? How do we bring the outside world to what we do? Why is this important? How do employers look at SL courses in a students resume? According to Mike P., it definitely has some cachet. May serve as an indication of character. How is it viewed differently from an internship? The Role of CEPP What is our responsibility as CEPP? The strategic plan makes a commitment to Diversity and Citizenship---how is the College going to tackle citizenship? SL may provide one portal- clearly not the only one. Raises the issue of how CEPP balances its role as representative of the faculty, and its role in implementing leading edge policy. : M   AM ho3hSuho3hSuH*ho3hSu6hSu >?cdZ 8 9 : M @ALM ":pSu/ =!"#$%<@< NormalCJaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List  z zB  >?cdZ89:M@ A L M       0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ00ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0000ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ000ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ>?cdZ:M ppppppppppppp {5`8`8`8`8`8   .5hp!  @5f P @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial phƎʲr4d @%Cepp Minutes 02 John SandersDeb Hall Oh+'0i  , 8 DPX`hp'Cepp Minutes 02John SandersNormal Deb Hall3Microsoft Word 11.3@F#@;R@,XG hPICThd hhx MSWD x ,Times New Roman <.(Cepp Minutes 02.05.07-@( -( -*EMembers present: -@()B-)'eau-D)T -)B-@)(r-)eslin-D)r -)(Ch-@)Za-)ir), Deb-D) -)Hall,-@)w -)Dan-D)d -)Nat-@)Wh-)an,-D)H -)Kyle-@)u -)Nich-@)uo-)ls,-D)7 -)Ma-@)Pt-)t-D) -(n:Hockenos, Muriel Poston, Pat Oles, Jon Brestoff, Heather V-@(nji-) ckery and-D) -)Pat-@)M -)Hi-@)<l-)leren ( (scribe). -@) -( -*EInvited guests prese-@(=n-)t:-D)" -) Ruth-@) -)Andr-@){e-)a-D) -@)L-)$ev-@)9i-)nson,-D) -)Penny-@) -)Lore)rtto, Mic-@)h-)el-@),l-)e-D) -)Hobbs,-@) -)Mike-D) -(Profita and Mic-@(<h-) ael Ennis)-)McMil-@)l-)an.-@)H -( -*EMinutes from 1/31/07 we-@( 'r-)e-D) -)appro-@)v-)ed.-@)H -(Q -*EThe m-@)e-)eting-D)y -)was-@)] d-),edi-@)Jc-)ated to-D) -)a-@) -) discussio-@)n-) with-D)z -)the-@)J -)in-@)/v-)ited-D)[ -)g-@)u-)ests-D)Z -)on-@)< -)the-D)J -)to-@)/p-)ic-D), -)of-@)2 -)t-@)h-)e (breadth of Serv-@(5i-)ce Lear-@)n-)ing-D)M -)(SL)-@)n -)at the-D) -@)C-)' ollege and-D) -)the-@)J -)q-@)u-)estion-D) -)of-@)2 -)wh-@)Ie-)ther-D)^ -)CEPP-@) -)should-D) -( lend support to t-@( Kh-)e-D) -)cr-@)/e-)a-@)t-)ion-D)M -)of-@)2 -)a-D) -)vi-@)Cr-) tual Office-D( : -)of-@)2 -)Servi-@)c-)e-D) -@)L-)$ earning in-D) -)order-@) -)to (e encourage-@) -)a-D) -)mo-@)Mr-)e-D) -)inst-@)ki-)tutio-@)on-)al-@),i-)zed-D)h -)v-@)i-)ew-D)F -)and-@)W -)use-D)P -)of-@)2 -)this-D)W -)pedago-@)g-)ic-@),a-)l-D) -)for-@)Fm-).at.-@); -( -*E The Mellon F-@( e-)llow-D)k -)in-@)/ -)Serv-@)ni-)ce-D)6 -@)L-)$ear-@)Jn-)ing-D)M -)(-@)i-)niti-@)Qa-)lly-D)@ -)David-@) C-)6arp-D)M -)and-@)W -)c-@)u-)rren-@)at-)ly-D)/ -)Ru)Fth A-@)in-)drea (4Levinson) studied-@(4s -)and-D)W -)repo-@)kr-)ted-D)J -)on-@)< -)Serv-@)ni-)c-@)e-) Learning a-@(4c-)tivi-@)Qt-)ies-D)C -@)a-)t-D) -)the-@)J -)C-@)(o-)lle-@)=g-)e.-D)* -) -@) -(yService -@)L-)$ear-@)Jn-)ing-D)M -)a-@)c-)tiv-@)@i-)ties-D)T -)a-@)r-)e-D) -)curre-@)|n-)tly-D)@ -@)s-)upported-D) -)through-@) -)1/3-D)M -)of-@w)2 -)the-)J -)Me-@)Pl-)lon-D)M -)Grant-@w) -( (approxim-@)a-)tely-D)[ -)10K/-@)xy-)ear).-D)m -@) -)This-D)k -)grant-@)| -)w-@)+i-)l-@)l-) sunset-D) -)at-@), -)the end-D) -)of-@)2 -) the curre-@)n-)t-D) -)a-@)c-)ade-@)Tm-).ic-@), -)year. 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