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He informed CEPP about four new and/or modified awards: the Mente & Malleo (Geosciences), the Levine internship (Government), the First-Year Experience Prize, and the Stephanie Mnookin award (Theater). Ennis-McMillan added that his office and the Dean of the Faculty would like to streamline Honors Convocation, which will be held in the dining hall this year. CEPP discussed the idea and offered some suggestions to curtail the number of award winners who are acknowledged (in person) at Honors Convocation. The DOS agreed to take CEPP’s ideas under advisement, and CEPP endorsed the new awards. At this point CEPP discussed the Writing Proposal, which was submitted to the faculty on February 2. Much of CEPP’s conversation centered on different ways in which departments that do not view writing as central to their discipline or mission (such as Studio Art) may be able to fulfill the proposal’s requirements. Many CEPP members reiterated that there are myriad ways for departments to craft an acceptable plan that promotes writing within the major. Along these lines, Beau Breslin expressed a willingness and interest to meet with Kate Leavitt, Chair of Studio Art, and other members of the Art department to discuss the proposal. Breslin said he would contact Leavitt. Deb Hall provided a brief ACIS update, since the full update was discussed at the CEPP retreat, and included the following information:  1) ACIS is working on a new NSE (domestic study away) proposal that will more closely resemble a pilot program since only 5-8 students may initially take part.  2) In order to prepare faculty who will conduct site evaluations of ГдЙЯБЌСЯ approved programs, a site evaluation workshop is being prepared for later this term. This workshop will be required for those who will conduct a site evaluation.  3) Finally, ACIS is working on a Re-Integration workshop for faculty in April. Guests Doug Reilly and Thomas Agostino will attend and share strategies for preparing our students for study abroad and their return.  She also reported that ACIS is having a difficult time convening. Pat Hilleren gave an update on the Assessment Taskforce, which is now in its second year and has a much more clear sense of what assessment is. The Taskforce has discussed several potential models for institutionalizing better assessment. One such possibility is the creation of a new administrative position, perhaps a college-wide Director of Assessment, someone with experience as an administrator, scholar, and teacher. CEPP offered feedback and looks forward to seeing the Assessment Taskforce’s recommendations. Finally, Jon Brestoff and Heather Vickery shared four issues that concern students. 1) Some students are interested in the possibility of establishing an optional January term; SGA’s Academic Council has established a subcommittee to explore the issue. 2) The status (and in some cases, reduction of) academic journals, both hard copy and electronic, in Scribner Library. It was suggested that Ruth Copans, the College Librarian, come to CEPP to provide an update on the library. 3) Perhaps the College could do more to engage students academically before a student declares his or her major. Major-specific blogs were mentioned as a possibility, as was increased coordination between SGA’s Academic Council and the Office of Admissions. 4) It was suggested that something could be done to make Academic Fair more like an actual fair. 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