ࡱ> GIFa  jbjb11 $[[.......d d 26 8 8 8 8 8 8 , RC \d .d ..y R..6 BV....6 ..6    6 0 ,  6 .dd$dd CEPP Minutes April 24th, 2007 In Attendance: Jon Brestoff, Heather Vickery, Kyle Nichols, Dan Nathan, Deb Hall, Beau Breslin (Chair) Muriel Poston and Pat Hilleren (Scribe) Guests: Erica Bastress-Dukehart and Rik Scarce (Newly elected CEPP Members) 1. Kyle Nichols reported on his visit to the Expository Writing Committee Meeting. Some of the issues discussed concerning the new Writing Requirement at that committee meeting were as follows: What (if any) are the guidelines for writing in the discipline? Should there be a task force for implementation? How much power would the writing director have? Are non-traditional forms of writing included in expository writing? Will there be significant resource issues for EN105? How will the new requirement impact use/demand for the writing center? Can we think creatively about the kinds of professional help in the writing center (i.e. retired faculty) There was no further discussion. 2. We had a brief discussion of the CEPP motion for proportional tenure track lines on the faculty floor to be voted on at the upcoming faculty meeting. 3. Beau reported that Ann Henderson agreed to sit on the subcommittee (as an administrative representative) to examine the Dean of Studies (DOS) restructuring. Deb Hall and Kyle Nichols will be the CEPP members (Kyle will chair the subcommittee). Dan Curley will represent from FEC and Tillman Nechtmann will represent CAS. 4. A brief conversation about internships- the need to prepare a white paper summarizing our work (Dan Nathan will prepare) and a desire to have a discussion with academic staff or the dept. chairs meeting. Dean Poston agreed to arrange this opportunity.  h6h}CH*h}C !6h) R S gd}C & F & Fgd}C  gd}C":p}C/ =!"#$%<@< NormalCJaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List z !6h)RS0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ 0ʀ 0ʀ 0ʀ 0ʀ 0ʀ 0ʀ 0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ00ʀ00ʀ0 0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ0ʀ   5=y|"bR~pp^p`CJOJQJo(*hH^`OJQJo(hHopp^p`OJQJo(hH@ @ ^@ `OJQJo(hH^`OJQJo(hHo^`OJQJo(hH^`OJQJo(hH^`OJQJo(hHoPP^P`OJQJo(hH"bD v1        @=:hP @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial?1M Courier New;Wingdings qhObނ!r4@%Draft John SandersDeb Hall  Oh+'0L  ( 4 @LT\dl'DraftJohn SandersNormal Deb Hall3Microsoft Word 11.3.5@ @7@̦3+G8KPICTK0d hhx MSWD x ,Times New Roman <-.( -*E CEPP Minutes -(4 -()April 24 (( th <+, 2007-) (n -*E In Attendan-@(c-)e:-D), -) Jon-@)b -) Brestoff,-D) -)H-@)+e-)ather-D)y -)V-@)+ic-)*kery,-D)z -)Kyle-@)u -)Nichols,-D) -)Dan-@)d -)N-@)+a-)than,-D)w -)Deb-@)d -)Ha-@)Fll-) ,-D) -(Beau Breslin (C-@(Fh-)air)-D)T -)Mur-@)gi-)el-D), -)Poston-@) -)and-D)W -)Pat-@)M -)Hil-@)Ml-)eren-D)h -)(Scri-@)ub-)e)-@)/ -(= -*EGuests: Erica -@(#B-)'astress)-)Dukehart-@) -)and-D)W -)Rik-@w)W -)Scarce-) -)(Newly-@3) -)el-@),e-)cted-D)e -@)C-)'EPP-D)g -)Memb)ers)-)Z ( *E -*E1. 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Beau repor-@( }t-)ed-D)9 -)t-@)h-)at-D), -)Ann-@)g -) Henderson-D( }R -)ag-@)9r-)eed-D)T -)to-@)/ -)sit-D)9 -)on-@w)< -)the-)J -)subco-@)m-).mi-@)@t-)tee (as-D) -)an-@w)9 -( administ-@)r-)ati-@)=v-)e-D) -)rep-@)Mr-)esent-@)|a-)tive) to-D) -)ex-@)9a-)mine the-D) -)Dean-@) -)of-D)2 -)Stud-@)ni-)es-D)2 -)(DOS)-@) -)restructuring.-D(  -@) -)Deb-D)d -( Hall and Kyle N-@( Ni-)chols-D) -)will-@)^ b-),e-D) -)t-@)h-)e-D) -)CEPP-@) -)members-D) -)(Kyle-@) -)w-@)+i-)ll-D)" -)c-@)h-)a)ir-@)% -)the-D)J -)subco-@)m-).mi-@)@tt-) ee).-D)Y -@) -( LDan Curley will -@( LUr-)eprese-@)n-)t-D) -)from-@)u -)FEC-D)n -)and-@w)W -)Til-@)Gl-)man-D)h -)Nec-@)ah-)tmann-D) -)w-@)+i-)ll-D)" -@)r-)epresent-D) -)CAS.-@) -(  -*E4. 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