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The budgets of the two areas are also largely distinct, and ancillary budgetary implications are negligible. Over the years, the two areas have become both intellectually and programmatically distinct at Թϱ. Another key motivating factor for the split is the potential that personnel decisions may resort in discord at some point, though that potential has gone unrealized heretofore. Discussions with the chair of CAPT have indicated that no creative work-arounds for parsing the Departments hiring policies exist in the Faculty Handbook. CEPP members asked about the art facultys participation in both the FYE and the new writing requirement. Paul noted that increasing numbers of art faculty will be contributing the FYE, although it is unclear how some aspects of the writing requirement would be addressed by the proposed Department of Art. One possibility is to strike an agreement with Art History. CEPP also inquired regarding the management of the Schick Art Gallery, since the committee that oversees it is comprised of members of both potential new departments. It appears that the issue has yet to be resolved. The Chair will inform the Faculty of the receipt of the proposed dissolution and creation of departments at the October 5 Faculty Meeting. CEPP thanked Rob and Paul for joining us. The minutes of September 25 were modified and approved. CEPP welcomed a new SGA representative, Sadiatu Kamara. CEPP turned to a discussion of the proposed Center for Teaching and Learning and the potentially related topic of assessment. The Chair noted that VPAA Susan Kress would like to return to CEPP to talk further about assessment. During her first visit the conversation veered toward a Center and she would like an opportunity to clarify the findings of the ATF. During their conversation both the Chair and Susan feel a retreat may be in order to allow all invested parties to participate in the discussion regarding the Center. CEPPs sense is that the Center concept is at such a nascent stage that such a gathering would be premature. For the same reason, a task force would be difficult to charge at this time; indeed, the Committee also declined the VPAAs request, transmitted through the Chair, to meet with CEPP on this matter because the Committee members have yet to discuss in depth why the College needs a Center and the Centers potential scope. The Chair noted that the VPAA also appears concerned that the Assessment Director position may be overlooked should CEPP focus its attention on the Center. CEPP feels that the Assessment Task Forces report does need to be responded to, but because assessment and the Center ultimately may be linked, the Committee determined that that response should come after the purpose and scope of the Center are clarified. The first step in that clarification process will be taken next week, when CEPP members share the fruits of their homework: their ideas regarding the Centers rationale, vision, and stakeholders. Respectfully submitted by Rik Scarce. 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