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Invited guests: John Anzalone (MALS), Jim Kennelly (UWW), Susan Kress (VPAA), Jeff Segrave (DSP) The VPAA announced that a meeting to discuss a possible Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will be convened on December 4 at 4:00 PM in the Special Programs Conference Room (4th Floor, PMH). All CEPP members are welcome to attend. The VPAA also announced that she has begun to marshal resources for a CTL. Deb Hall announced that a CEPP retreat is in the works for January, either the 17th or 15th. Jeff Segrave and John Anzalone discussed and clarified the revised proposal for a pilot program that would allow undergraduates to enroll in MALS seminars. CEPP raised several concerns, logistical (i.e., it is late in the semester to expect undergraduates to participate in the January seminar) and procedural. Most substantive, several CEPP members thought it would be prudent and advisable for MALS seminars to be vetted (if not approved) by Curriculum Committee if undergraduates are to receive credit for these courses. There were also concerns about how MALS would finance such an arrangement. Several CEPP members expressed the view that a Summer seminar seemed to be the most viable way to pilot this idea, and that all students in the seminar would receive graduate-level credit. Segrave and Anzalone agreed to re-work the proposal and bring it back to CEPP. CEPP then heard from Segrave regarding the Special Programs at │╘╣╧▒м┴╧ report. He said that the report was trying to make more intentional conversations that need to take place. He also noted that the report, while ambitious, does not УbenchmarkФ itself against other programs. Jim Kennelly then discussed and provided data regarding │╘╣╧▒м┴╧Тs UWW on-line courses, including who has been teaching these classes. Since the Spring of 1997, │╘╣╧▒м┴╧ has offered 190 such classes and they have been taught by a wide range of instructors, 24% of which were described as УFull-Time │╘╣╧▒м┴╧ Faculty.Ф Kennelly noted that UWW needs more access to │╘╣╧▒м┴╧ faculty to make on-line courses effective. One CEPP member asked about how UWW and MALS courses are assessed. Kennelly and Anzalone both replied that students received significant feedback on their work. (Both Kennelly and Anzalone may have misunderstood what we meant by assessment, that is, the effectiveness of the course in meeting its objectives as opposed to the quality of the studentsТ work in the course.) They did not address how courses meet their objectives. Another CEPP member asked about the administration of Summer School, which comes under the Office of Special Programs purview. It was explained that Jim Chansky, Director of Summer Sessions & Summer Special Programs, has a great deal of latitude in determining what courses are offered and who teaches them. These courses do not УcountФ in terms of a faculty membersТ teaching record for tenure or promotion. Discussion ensued about the possibility of conceptualizing Summer school differently. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35. Respectfully submitted by Dan Nathan. х./┘┌;<st╤╥o p с т . / э ю > ? 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