ࡱ> `b_a jbjbA]A] $+?+?2222222  ,R H2H22]22F$j222222 5:B.s0c c 2DMinutes for CEPP meeting of April 3, 2008 In attendance: Deb Hall (Chair), Erica Bastress-Dukehart Terry Diggory, Sadiatu Kamara, Sadie Kitchen, Susan Kress, Dan Nathan, Kyle Nichols, Pat Oles, Muriel Poston, and Rik Scarce. The Chair reported contacting Nathaniel Douglass to update him regarding our work on the grade change policy. Ann Henderson responded to CEPPs suggestions regarding her National Survey of Student Engagement report and will post the report. The Committee welcomed Eric Jenks and Jonathan Brestoff to discuss an SGA proposal to revise the Periclean Honor Societys governance structure. There is a strong rationale for moving Periclean from Student Affairs to Academic affairs based in Student Affairs inability to support Periclean administratively, and the Dean of the Faculty is willing to assume administrative and financial responsibility for Periclean. It is not clear whether such a shift would necessitate a faculty vote. Moreover, at issue is students concern that the Dean of Faculty might subsume Periclean within the Honors Forum structure; they would prefer that the faculty govern Periclean, and Dan Curley will take up that issue with FEC. Further discussion ensued, and SGA will reconsider its proposal and report back to CEPP in the future. The rationale for the Committees Faculty Handbook changes was discussed and amended. The Committee then turned to the University Without Walls closure proposal. The Committee feels that it needs to present a clear rationale and plan for closure, as well as a counter-plan for continuanceincluding the attendant faculty responsibilities and related implications of continuing UWW operatons. The Committee agreed that at the April 4 faculty meeting, the Chair would report receipt of the VPAAs closure proposal and would announce a timeline that would lead to a vote on the proposal at the May faculty meeting. We will use Part I, Section XVII, of the Faculty Handbook, which covers the creation and elimination of a department or program, as a guide for how we will proceed; in particular, it is clear that an open informational meeting for faculty must be held. UWW feels it needs more time to gather the data and other information necessary to make the case for continuing the program, and Jim Kennelly feels that it will not be possible to provide those materials until around the time of his departure as UWW interim director on May 31. The VPAA reported on her thinking regarding the process for closure, should the faculty decide to end the UWW program. She noted that when students are expected to graduate will inform the staff phase-out process, commenting as well that UWW will be fully staffed through June 2009 and that after that time an effort will be made to help staff to transition to other positions. Students would be encouraged to complete their studies within a reasonable timeframe. CEPP might consider proposals to allow for current UWW students to be admitted to the residential program. A final concern, the VPAA noted, is how to properly celebrate UWWs history and its contribution to the College. CEPP considered, but did not answer, two key questions: What information from UWW could be presented to CEPP before May 31 that would alter the proposal to close the program? Who will direct UWW after May 31? The VPAA stated that she would change her position on closing UWW if the previously-supplied data were found to be incorrect and other concerns regarding the program that motivated her proposal were addressed. She also stated her support for the faculty taking a deliberate approach in its decision making. The meeting adjourned at 7:45. Respectfully submitted by Rik Scarce. t h)s4hz|hz|B*phhz|OJQJhz|hO\ *+,RS b c qr89@A`agdz|$a$gdz|":pz|/ =!"#$%@@@ )s4NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List z z *+,RS  bcqr 8 9 @A`a0p`0p`0p`0p`0Т0p`0p`0p`0Т0p`0p`0p`0p`0p`0p`0p`0p`0p`0 0p`0p`0p`0p`0p`0p`0p`   Sdkrt{|nt8Aoxhq {~ U h />@::@Pg}AN3` @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial3Times qhe 24 `Q:vMinutes for CEPP meeting of Rik ScarceDeb Hall Oh+'0h~  8 D P\dlt|'Minutes for CEPP meeting of Rik ScarceNormal Deb Hall2Microsoft Word 11.3.8@F#@W5@W5e G|PICT|d hhx MSWD x ,Times New Roman <.(Minutes for CEPP mee-@(t-)ing-D)M -)of-@)2 -(Y April 3, 2008-( () *E -*FIn atten-@)d-)an-@)9c-)e:-D), -)Deb-@)d -)Ha-@)Fl-)l-D) -)(Chair),-@w) -)Eri-@)Jc-)a-D) -)Ba-@)Cs-)tress)n-) Dukehart -@)T-)$erry-D)a -)Diggory,-@) ,Times-)Sadi-@)ka-)tu (Kamara,) Sad-@)ii-)e-D) -)Ki-@)<t-)chen,-D) -) Susan Kress,(D )Dan Nathan, Kyle Nich-@(o-)ls,-D)7 -)Pat-@)M -)Oles,-D)} -)Muri-@)xe-)l (APoston, and Rik Scarce.-@(A -( -*E The Chair -@(r-)epor-@)kt-)ed-D)9 -)con-@)Wt-)ac-@)6t-)in)/g Natha-@)n-) iel Douglass-D(z -)to-@)/ -)update-D) -)h-@)i-)m-D)/ -)reg-@)Ma-)rding-D) -)our-@)P -)wo-@)Ir-)k-D) -)on-@)< -( the grade-@) -)chan-@)rg-)e-D) -)pol-@)Mi-)cy.-@)H -(U -*E$Ann Henderson responded to CEPPs su-D(g-)gestions-@) -) regarding-D) -@)h-)er-D)/ -)Na-@)Ft-)ional-D)y -)Survey-@) -)of ( Student Enga-@(g-)eme-@)en-)t-D) -)repo-@)kr-)t-D) -)and-@)W -)wi-@)<l-)l-D) -)post-@)d t-)he-D)9 -)report.-@) -($ -*EThe Com-@)m-).it-@)"t-)ee-D)6 -)we-@)Fl-)co-@)9m-).ed-D)9 -)Er-@)9i-)c-D) -)Jenks-@) -)and Jon)athan Brestoff to -@(id-)iscuss-D) -)an-@)9 -)SGA-D)w -)pro-D)Pp-)osal-@)a -( to revise t-@)h-)e-D) -)Peri-@)ac-)l-@)e-)an-D)9 -)Honor-@) -) Societys-D) -)g-@)o-)vernance-D) -)str-@)<u-)ctu-@)Jr-)e.-D)* -) The-@)mr-)e-D) -)is-@)( -)a-D) -)strong-@) -)r-@)a-)ti-@)"o-)nale (for moving Peri-@(?c-)lean-D)e -)fr-@)(o-)m-D)/ -)Student-@) -)Aff-@)Sa-)irs-D)< -)to-@)/ -)Acade-@)m-). ic affairs-D) -)based-@w) -)in-)/ -)Student-@w) -)Af-@)?f-)airs-D)k -(8inabi-@)yl-)ity-D)@ -)to-@)/ -)support-D) -)Pe-@)<r-)ic-@),l-)ean admi)nist-@)Wr-)a-@)ti-) vely,-D)w -)and-@)W -)t-@)h-)e-D) -)Dean-@) -)of-D)2 -)t-@)h-)e-D) -)Fac-@)Wu-)lty-D)@ -)is-@)( -)wi-@)<l-)li-@)"n-)g-D) -)to-@)/ -(} assume admi-@(}n-)istra-@)ht-)ive-D)J -)and-@)W f-)"ina-@)Jn-)ci-@),a-)l-D) -)resp-@)do-) nsibility-D) -)for-@)F -)Pe-@)<r-)ic-@),l-)ean.-D)c -)It-@w)% -)is-)( -)not-@w)M -)c-@)l-)ear-D)J -)wh-@)Iet-)*her-D)M -(such a shift would ne-@(c-)essita-@)t-)e-D) -)a-@) f-)"acu-@)Tl-)ty-D)/ -)v-@)o-)te.-D); -) Moreover,-@(  a-))t-D) -)issue-@)x -)is-D)( -) students-@w) -)conce-@)r-)n-D) -)that-@w)[ -(the Dean of Fac-@(Au-)l)ty -@)>m-).ight-D)^ -)subsume-@) -)Per-@)Pi-)c-@)l-)ean-D)T -)within-@w) -)the-)J -)Honors-@w) -)Forum-) -)structu-@)r-)e;-D), -)t-@)h-)ey-D)9 -(Lwould prefer th-@(L5a-)t-D) -)the-@)J f-)"ac-@)6u-)lty-D)@ -)govern-@) -)Pe-@)<r-)ic-@),l-)ean,-D)c -)and-@)W -)Dan-D)d -)Cur-@)Zl-)ey-D)9 -)wi-@)<l-)l-D) -)ta-@),k-)e-D) -)up-@)< -)th-@)/a-)t-D) -)issue-@)x -((with FEC. 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