ࡱ> (*'a ;jbjbA]A] (+?+?; ||||||| 0, Rn |||||$|||||| 9By.00  |$Minutes for CEPP meeting of 10 April 2008 In attendance: Deb Hall (Chair), Terry Diggory, Pat Oles, Kyle Nichols, Dan Nathan, Rik Scarce, Muriel Poston, Erica Bastress-Dukehart, Susan Kress. Minutes of March 27 were approved with minor amendments. Discussion opened with Jeff Segrave, Dean of Special Programs, and Jim Kennelley, Acting Director of University Without Walls. Jim Kennelley suggested that he needed more time to create a model for downsizing and restructuring UWW. He acknowledged that the model currently appended to the VPAAs recommendation for closure was formulated very quickly and without significant input from the UWW staff. Jim did, however, supply the committee with substantial new data, and he brought additional data in hard copy form with him for CEPP to consider. He then made it clear that if there is interest in a strategic plan for UWW, it will take until May 31 to complete. Members of CEPP noted how the perception that this committee is rushing to judgment on the issue of UWW is both inaccurate and unfair. As one member commented, there is no sprint and no foot dragging. Discussion continued with questions from the committee regarding what the decision for closing UWW or for continuing the program should turn on. Is it a matter of tenured and tenure-track faculty involvement? Financial issues? Academic rigor within the programs online courses? Or is it how UWW is situated within the college? It was noted that only nine current tenured and tenure track faculty have indicated a willingness to continue teaching online courses. Questions arose concerning the cost of online course development and whether it makes fiscal sense to craft them for a small number of students. Discussion regarding the Antigua program included whether it would make more sense to send faculty to Antigua rather than making it a distance program. The question arose as to whether UWW was initially expected to be self supporting. VPAA Susan Kress acknowledged that when the program was voted in by faculty it was with the understanding that it would support itself. The committee agreed with Jim Kennelly that the involvement of tenured and tenure track faculty in UWW is critical, and that broad involvement from across the disciplines has not been present in recent years. The question also arose as to how many credits a UWW student should take with Թϱ faculty. Currently, UWW students are only required to fulfill twelve credits of their program in Թϱ courses. It was agreed by the committee that UWW students and alumni will have the opportunity to voice their concerns regarding the VPAAs recommendation for closure at a future meeting. The final issue that the committee discussed regarding UWW was whether it is possible for the question to come to the floor for a vote at the May faculty meeting. At the end of the meeting the faculty of CEPP elected Dan Nathan as the next chair of the committee for 2008-09. There will be a CEPP retreat on Monday, May 12th, place TBA. The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm Respectfully submitted by Erica Bastress-Dukehart  9:;hGMh~B*phhYwh~B*H*phh~B*phh~hGM *+, a b 3 4 _ ` <=45gd~$a$gd~;789:;gd~&1h:p~/ =!"#$%@@@ GMNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListHH r Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ;  z z ; *+,ab34_`<= 4 5   7 8 9 : = 888888888888888888888888888888888; ; ; 8@0(  B S  ?SZ`dCL#W ] % 6 = {3Exy= :@dJ6; ` @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial5 Tahoma"qhƤF h !x24da ; 3QHX(?GMMinutes for CEPP meeting of SKidmore UserDeb Hall Oh+'0  < H T `lt|'Minutes for CEPP meeting ofSKidmore UserNormal Deb Hall2Microsoft Word 11.3.8@F#@@~(45@~(45  ՜.+,0 hp  'Թϱ Collegea  Minutes for CEPP meeting of Title  !"#$%&)Root Entry F j+1TableWordDocument(SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjXObjectPool j j FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8