ࡱ> 352b jbjbNN $ $$|||||||  < > > > > > > , R!j | j ( ||  (( ( ( ^| | < ( $|||| < ( ( ||( C  ( (  < ( ( ( ( |Minutes for CEPP Retreat May 12, 2008 Faculty Staff Club, 3-6 pm In attendance: Deb Hall (Chair), Erica Bastress-Dukehart, Terry Diggory, Susan Kress, Dan Nathan, Kyle Nichols, Pat Oles, Muriel Poston, Rik Scarce, Bob Turner and Claire Solomon (student rep for next year). The CEPP retreat is traditionally reserved for broad discussion and minutes are not usually taken. However, due to the heavy workload of CEPP this spring, including the UWW recommendation presented by CEPP to the faculty, a part of the CEPP retreat was devoted to business recorded in these minutes. The May 8 minutes were approved. Claire Solomon was introduced and welcomed to the committee. Erika Bastress-Dukehart, chair of ACIS (a standing sub-committee of CEPP), provided CEPP with a copy of her final report and noted that ACIS needs an endorsement from CEPP to approve petitions for domestic study in the pilot program. Petitions will be approved following the same procedure that is used for study abroad. CEPP approved this procedure. She also reported that OCSE (Off-Campus Study and Exchange) has had a difficult time recruiting faculty for site evaluations because of timing. Site evaluations often need to be conducted over breaks. It was noted that ACIS needs a name change in line with OCSE. New members need to be recruited for the committee for next year. Cori Filson (OCSE director), Leslie Mechem (current ACIS chair) and Erica (CEPP rep) will continue to serve. Traditionally, Management and Business, Art and Foreign Languages have been represented on the committee due to the high numbers of students studying abroad in these disciplines. Dan and Erica will work together to recruit faculty to this committee. Muriel presented an Articulation Agreement with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Ann Henderson and Michael Ennis-McMillan have both reviewed the agreement. The financial aid components have also been reviewed. CEPP will take it under consideration for presentation to the faculty in the fall. This will provide an opportunity for a larger pool of our students to enter science and engineering. The Academic Grievance charge was discussed and approved. Dan will contact the CAS, CAFR and the SGA to populate the committee. One member of CEPP will also serve. Susan Kress updated CEPP on the progress of the CTL. She shared the CSG (Center Study Group) charge and informed us that the committee has begun its work. This committee will update CEPP. Terry Diggory (chair) and Rik Scarce are the CEPP representatives. The final report is expected in April 2009. After meeting with the Macalester College Assessment Team in April, it became clear that a more integrated model of assessment might be more effective at Թϱ than the common top-down model. The integrated model would include an Assessment Facilitator (skilled in assessment strategies), a Faculty Coordinator (a 2-year appointment) and an Assessment Steering Committee who would work together with the administration. Would this committee be a sub-committee of CEPP? The pros and cons were discussed. Susan also shared the Charge for the Arthur Zankel Music Center Study Group and discussed the need for this important committee. CEPP agreed that it will need time to discuss, edit and revise the DOS Restructuring Report before it is released to the faculty. CEPP will take up that work in the fall. Appreciation was shared for Pat Oless long service to CEPP as the Dean of Student Affairs; for Muriel Poston, DOF, who will no longer be serving as a standing member; and for outgoing chair Deb Hall. Dan Nathan will be chair of CEPP next year. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Deb Hall.  3 hH\[hM .HhI&hM . h)s4hM .hM .B*phhM .hM .hM .5 &ABCAB >?=>34h^hgdM .gdM .$a$gdM .4[\gdM .":pM ./ =!"#$%@@@ 5NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListH@H b Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ  z z &ABCAB>?    = > 34[\0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0H0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:&ABCAB>?    = > 34[\8@858@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@88@8 4 JNOUnt ' 1 ^ d  @ G5 p @UnknownDeb HallGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial5 Tahoma qh9&& ; !r4d83qP Q:vMinutes for CEPP meeting of Rik ScarceDeb Hall Oh+'0\   8 D P\dlt|'Minutes for CEPP meeting of Rik ScarceNormal Deb Hall3Microsoft Word 11.4.2@@O@(R GPICTb HHb bHH,~Dbb          4wwso{kZo{o{o{ww9Vg9g9RNsg9^NsZc^ZZ^^Vg9NsRg9wwwo{o{ Vg9JRkZg9wg9V/o{wkZsso{wwo{w7g9VcRg9g9Rg9NskZckZ^Rw^RZNskZ     _wwo{wwwo{wwo{o{o{wwkZo{kZsCNsVg9RVZVc^cVRcNskZkZcRVo{kZRkZZVVRZg9kZ^ZJRVV^RVkZV^kZkZg9co{ccZZwR^ZVV^wkZ^ZZwqo{wwwswwwwwo{o{wwwkZo{wkZo{g9wo{w cNsV^NsJRVVw^ckZ^2cRZR^VRo{kZ^VVg9^kZVVZZNsVwZo{VRcVkZcZVwZJR^kZVRVVZckZNskZ^+kZwwwswCRZRNskZZVkZZRZ^Vg9RZRkZV^kZg9g9^VkZ   GkZwo{kZo{o{wwwwswwww>kZR^cVcckZ^Z^Vg9Rg9kZVR^ZVVkZZkZ^Z^kZ^ZkZZkZRRVZZo{Zc^ZF1VVVZNs^V^g9^ZVkZJRZg9]wwwwwwww wwwso{kZo{o{wwww0^Z^NskZg9NsV^VcRVZkZ^kZV^^g9ZJR^R^Nsg9VVkZVRVZZkZcVccJRo{Z ^V^o{VcRZo{Vcg9R^WwkZwo{wwwwo{kZo{o{wswswo{kZo{o{BcZkZckZkZ^cBF1kZ^VZVg9RVZkZ^ZJRg9^ZRg9cVccNsJR^kZVc^Zg9wVZVZZkZg9R^cVcckZ^Z^VNsRZ+wwwwwwS"Z^kZZRZg9ZR^ZNs^ZZkZ^NskZZ^Zo{Vg9R^Z^Ns^V^RZ   WkZwwwo{wo{wwkZwwwwwww,kZR^Vg9Vg9VNs^V^RZVZkZ^VZZkZZkZ^ZcNs^^RRZNsRVVRZo{VZ^c^ZVVZVZkZcZNsRZg9Zg9R^ cZNsF1^g9R^  co{wo{o{wwwo{o{wkZwwwso{kZo{o{wwwAVkZNsVVRZg9kZ^ZJRVV^RVkZccRVo{kZZRwckZRkZVZg9VVRVcZ^RscBF1^g9R^ZkZcVccg9ZkZZkZR^Z ]o{kZo{o{wswswwwwwo{wkZwwsAcVccVwo{JRVcZZg9ZkZR^kZkZNsVkZkZ^ZRg9VVZVZg9^Zg9RJRZwckZRV^^ZZVV^VZZkZZF1kZ^JRkZkZZNskZ?o{kZo{o{swwwwo{w?cVccNsVZZRkZ^Z^g9ZRVZkZZkZZZNsRZg9ZZg9^Zg9o{Vg9R^Zo{Rg9ZRckZVNskZc^g9ZRVZVw^kZR^Uwswwwwwo{wwwo{kZo{o{wwDVZZRkZ^ZkZZkZRVkZVcg9R^ZVNsRZkZZc^Z^kZRRVg9R^Z^RZkZZRZg9VRRVZcVccVZZkZZkZ^Zg9Ro{ZmwkZwwwwo{o{g9o{wo{so{wkZwwo{wwwwwZRc^Z^kZ^RR^VRZkZ^Z,^Zg9RJRcZRVkZco{kZscVNsR^ZRg9^Zg9VVZVkZJRVVc^kZRVZRVZV IwsswswswwskZwAZo{kZVVZg9o{NsRkZ^cRo{^VckZVcRg9kZRRR^kZNs^V^ZVZR^cV^ZJRkZg9o{NsJRcRo{R^kZNs^V^ZVZWswwwwwwwwwwo{wkZwwBZZ^VV^^Zg9ZR^cZVZ^cRZZkZ^kZRkZ^VVRg9VRZVZRZg9RVg9Z^kZRV^^ZZVVBkZ^cRVVc^o{VMwwo{o{g9o{wwwwwwsws?kZNs^VwZRcZRV^RVwNsRNskZR^kZF1^^Zg9ZR^kZ^ckZJRJRRkZJR^cZNsF1^g9R^RkZJRkZg9g9^VkZo{wo{wwo{o{g9o{w wwwwwww wo{wkZwwwo{wo{kZo{o{wCcZkZo{g9o{RF1kZcZRVZ^^cg9Rg9c^RVVg9^cR^NskZc^kZRVg9Z^kZRcRV^NsVZVkZZVkZcVcckZ^ZkZEwwkZwwwwwwo{wwo{VkZkZVZVg9Ns^^g9ZZ^kZ^kZkZVZZRVVkZZwVg9VcF1kZJRg9VVZVZZNs^ZZVwZVVZg9ZkZVcV OwwwwwwwwwwswBcVVc^Vc^F1VkZ^R^JRkZ^ZkZ^ZJRg9^ZZVg9R^cZNsF1kZZR^Z^^g9ZJR^RZRV^NskZR^kZZkZNs^Z^JRZ[wwwwwwo{wo{wwwwswZRZg9NscVRRVZo{Vg9R^Z^ZRcRkZNs^ZcNsV ZVkZZVVwo{Nsg9ZkZVg9ZcRR^kZg9R^ckZ^ZkZVcRg9w' g9ZJRo{ZcZNsF1^g9R^  Ywwwwwwwwo{wo{wwwwAVg9^^RZkZ^ZJRg9^ZVVZwkZ^cRV^ZVZwckZ^F1RVg9VkZg9RZ^VZJRkZV^kZcZkZg9^JRVo{ckZVNsZ^RZRV Zwwwwwwwwo{wwwwwwwwwkZwcRVZ^kZZV3ZV^cRVRVVVRRg9cVg9o{NsNsRVkZ^F1g9RkZ^kZVVZZJR^VckZ^F1RVg9kZR^Uswwwww wo{kZo{o{wwwwwkZNsVVcNsNsRcZNsRZV^VNsRVkZ^VkZZZR^^VkZ^ VZZcVccVkZkZZVV^o{g9^VZRcZVZR^kZV^ZVKswswwswwkZwwwswRkZR^ZJRg9V^ZVg9Zg9R^kZVcRg9NsJR^NskZRo{ZVkZkZZkZZkZR^VZ kZRVZg9kZZkZVkZVkZcRwswwZZ$kZZkZZ^kZNs^Z^VNsg9Z^Vg9^kZZZ^Vc^VVZ^VcNs^^kZo{JR   YkZwwwo{wwwwwwo{wwwo{wkZCkZR^ZwcVZF1^cc^o{^kZVVc^cRVkZcJRRZZRc^ZZ^F1VZVZZRkZ^ZcNsVVwo{VkZZVNscg9JR^cZNswYo{wo{o{wwkZo{wwwwo{wso{kZo{o{ww@cZcZVVZg9R^Rco{ZwNsZZ^kZVRJR^cZNsF1^g9R^co{V^NsRNskZR^RkZcVccVwo{kZVkZZZ^kZkZ^  gkZswwo{kZo{o{w swo{g9wkZww wwo{g9o{wwo{w@R^ZV^g9^ZZ^ZZJR^ZcVccZVg9R^ZkZZckZ^ZZkZg9R^ckZcRR^ZRVkZ^NsR^cRco{kZc^Vg9^kZ YkZwo{wwwwswwwwwwkZw>RRZg9c^Z^ZVF1kZc^VVZo{VkZZF1kZJR^Zg9RJRg9R^cZNsF1^g9g9^F1VZR^cJRZZVVkZVkZRo{ZSwo{wo{kZo{ wwwwo{wkZwo{kZo{o{=cZNsF1^g9R^Vwo{RRZVg9^cVcckZ^kZZco{ZcZkZg9kZcRV^kZVVZZo{VRcVkZc^VkZ^JR^cVcc2kZwswwwwo{e+kZ^ZkZ^F1RV^kZ^ZkZR^kZNsVkZ^ZZkZg9R^kZZ^cRZNsZV^kZg9VV^                    ՜.+,0 hp  'Թϱ College Minutes for CEPP meeting of Title  !"#$%&'()+,-./014Root Entry F61TableWordDocument$ SummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8*CompObjX FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8