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IPPC Update Dan discussed the September 12 IPPC meeting and stressed two issues: a. Optimization. The conversation regarding the optimal number of students on campus is being delayed. The most recent optimization report recommended a desired NFE of 2,280. The next phase of the optimization conversation was to consider an NFE of 2,380. But since our current projected NFE is 2,373 and since we are anticipating changing demographics, it seems wise to delay this project. Dan said he was pleased with the level of scrutiny IPPC is giving optimization, especially in relation to our capacity limits. b. УStrategic Literacy.Ф Dan said that IPPC wants to stress this concept amongst itself and campuswide. He believes CEPP needs to be strategically literate as well, although wondered what it means to be strategically illiterate. Strategic literacy was defined as the ability to Уsee the big pictureФ and to make short- and long-term plans and decisions. II. Discussion of Academic Planning Susan shared and discussed a draft of an Academic Planning document that models how things fit together between vision, learning goals, curriculum, students, faculty, supporting offices and programs, and outcomes assessment. She explained that Academic Planning is a way of setting priorities, clarifying the relations among the different areas within Academic Affairs, and studying where the synergy between the various pieces is and how to promote it. The draft is still in preliminary stages, but is something that Susan would like to bring to the faculty eventually. She said the faculty would/should be most interested in three parts: the order of priorities, the process of adding or subtracting new priorities, and the issue of resources. III. Dean of the Faculty Muriel Poston a. Articulation agreement with RPI. Muriel discussed the proposed articulation agreement with RPI. She said it provides more flexibility for our students and flow between the institutions with its 2-1-1-1 or 3-2 optional structure (two years at │╘╣╧▒м┴╧, one at RPI, one at │╘╣╧▒м┴╧, and one at RPI; three at │╘╣╧▒м┴╧, two at RPI). Our agreement with Dartmouth is three years at │╘╣╧▒м┴╧ and two at Dartmouth. Muriel said │╘╣╧▒м┴╧ is late to join RPI and that other liberal arts colleges have already done so. The RPI agreement will not replace the Dartmouth arrangement, but rather give students more opportunities. This has been discussed with the Engineering Advising Committee. We discussed that this will have to come before the faculty for a vote. Terry suggested that the faculty will likely ask two questions: What evidence is there of student interest? How does the agreement compare with other colleges? Muriel would like to have the program started by Fall 2009 and would like the faculty to vote on this matter in October. b. Merging of Periclean and Honors Forum. Muriel discussed the possible merging of Periclean Honor Society and Honors Forum. Periclean was de-chartered last week by SGA for a complex set of reasons. PericleanТs current Executive Board will support its two primary activities for now: choosing a Periclean Alumni Speaker for Celebration Weekend; and determining Periclean Award winners. The Periclean Executive Board and Honors Forum will work on the new GPA eligibility requirements. Muriel asked Claire if she could find new student representatives for the Periclean Executive Board and Claire agreed. Muriel wants to make sure that its activities are done this year so it doesnТt disappear. IV. Dean of Studies Review Subcommittee Report Discussion of this was postponed for next Monday at 8:30 AM. Muriel agreed to attend the first half hour of that meeting so that CEPP could ask her thoughts on the document. Dan raised the issue about the timing of the subsequent review of the Dean of Studies office. Muriel stated the FYE Director does not need to have access to the electronic note system (E-note). CEPP members agreed to review the document prior to Monday and circulate their concerns via email. ц ╥ v Б Л Ч ё м ┬ p(3▄у9XщюноVu▄∙ї∙ї∙ї∙ї∙ї∙ї∙ї∙ї∙ї∙ё∙э∙ї∙hОяhщ?chя`D h╦ghя`D/0цч  % j k q r ╒ ╓ · фц║╗де ╓Ўющччщщщщ▐▐▐щщщщщщ▐▐▐▐▐щ▐Д░^Д░gdя`Dgdя`D$a$gdя`D $@&a$gdя`D▄■╓╫█▄····gdя`D21Рh:pя`D░╨/ ░р=!░а"░а#Ра$Ра%░░╨░╨ Р╨ЖЬ@@ё @ ТўNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAЄ бD Default Paragraph FontRiє │R  Table NormalЎ4╓ l4╓aЎ (kЇ ┴(No ListZYЄZ ў  Document Map-D M╞  АCJOJQJ^JaJHЩH QX Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ▄"    /0цч%jkqr╒╓·фц║ ╗ д е  ╓╫█▐0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0АА▄ ╓▄▄Ё8Ё@ё   АААўЁТЁЁ0Ё( Ё ЁЁB ЁS Ё┐╦  ?Ё   OLE_LINK3 OLE_LINK4ж ж ▐└ └ ▐  ╕6(▄┼╣6(Tj║6(=# ╗6(Фj╝6(\╓n Ю Ю 4 4 ▐w з з = = ▐8*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАCityА9*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАplaceА <їЕ YjДЛ╬╪ч Є ─╔▐rК╓ ┌ ╡▐33щ ю н о ╔╔█▐─╔▐хя`Dщ?cОя @А╔╔ШИ ╔╔▄`@  Unknown            GРЗz А Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р Зz А Arial5&Р ЗzaА Tahoma"qИЁ░h▄Є╔Fh:╩F▀Ь╔жДXДX$Ёаа┤┤ББ24d╘╘ф2ГqЁIX)Ё ?ф                     хc2  Minutes Bob Turner Skidmore User■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0РШа░╝╨▄ш№   @ L X dpxАИфMinutes Bob Turner Normal.dot│╘╣╧▒м┴╧ User4Microsoft Office Word@МЖG@№┼п╔@@#╔@°Ь1В(╔ДX■ ╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙о0 hpМФЬд м┤╝─ ╠ рф│╘╣╧▒м┴╧ College╘' Minutes Title ■   ■    !■   #$%&'()■   +,-./01■   ¤   4■   ■   ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Root Entry         └F╨8>В(╔6АData             1Table    WordDocument    4"SummaryInformation(            "DocumentSummaryInformation8        *CompObj            q            ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q