ࡱ> bda%` {bjbj"x"x 0@@{ 4rrrr ~ . npppppp$ h >>>Fn>n>>> PC6=r* >Z0> 4 > >>4 drr Minutes for CEPP meeting of October 20, 2008 In attendance: Dan Nathan (Chair), Erica Bastress-Dukehart, Rochelle Calhoun, Terry Diggory, Susan Kress, Kyle Nichols, Rik Scarce, Claire Solomon 10, Bob Turner I. The October 13 minutes were approved with changes. II. The UWW Working Groups report will soon be submitted to the VPAA. III. A brief discussion ensued regarding the Colleges finances. The VPAA noted that, as a result of the recent market downturn, the endowment takeout and alumni giving are both concerns. IV. The Committee agreed that the Chair should draft a note to the Dean of the Faculty and the Dean of Student Affairs informing them that next years CEPP chair will request an update from them regarding the implementation of the DOS Restructuring Review. CEPP understands the report to contain recommendations, not mandates to the administration. V. Several ACOP issues were discussed: The Spelman articulation agreement will need to be brought to the faculty in the form of a motion, as will the termination of the current Թϱ in India program, and the new India program, a pilot to begin in the next academic year, needs to be announced to the faculty. All of these points will be addressed at the November 7 faculty meeting. VI. The Committee held a wide-ranging discussion regarding on-line courses. Among the topics discussed was the need for more information, for instance regarding how other liberal arts colleges are treating on-line education; the VPAA will post the Committees queries along these lines to the Annapolis deans and Northeast deans listservs. The connection between UWW and on-line credit for residential students was also discussed. The initial student Academic Council response to the notion of granting credit for on-line courses was mixed. The Committee also noted: the value of a faculty-onlyand/or Shades of Greydiscussion of the matter; the possibility of giving credit for these courses on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis; the importance of working closely with IT should a proposal move forward; possible extensions of the curriculum in beneficial ways thanks to on-line courses; the question of on-line courses effects on faculty workload; and course credit issues, among others. The Chair distributed reading materials to be discussed at the October 27 meeting. VII. The meeting was adjourned at 10 a.m. Respectfully submitted by Rik Scarce. {h\(-. P R   n o ()ST{gd\($a$gd\({.:p\(/ =!"#$% @@@ sFNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List{ { -. PRno( ) S T } $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$-. PRno( ) S T } 0000000000000000000{ { {  OLE_LINK1 OLE_LINK2QQ} hh} Wh;Dn q } } } \(} @z z [ z z { @UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial qhl&l&jj r4w w 2qP Q:v2,Minutes for CEPP meeting of October 20, 2008 Skidmore User Skidmore UserOh+'0|( @L l x 0Minutes for CEPP meeting of October 20, 2008Թϱ User Normal.dotԹϱ User2Microsoft Office Word@@X"=@X"=jGĄVT$m RB&" WMFC5J h;h[lUT#m EMFh[P`1   %  Rp@Times New RomanGz Times ew Roman[ 0[ lN0[ dv%  TT;X lF@vb@;,LMinutes for CEPP meeting of October 20, 2008Y22,'!2!C=88N,,212!H,22,!222222TT X lF@vb@ LP . TT " <lF@vb@ %LP - TtX>( lF@vb@X1LIn attendance: Dan Nathan (Chair), Erica Bastress 2,,22,2-,H,2I,2-2!C2,!!=!-,C,'!,''TT) >J lF@vb@) LP-"TPK >glF@vb@K +LDukehart, Rochelle Calhoun, Terry Diggory, H22,2,!C2,3,,C,2222=,!#0H212#0 TX "lF@vb@X ELSusan Kress, Kyle Nichols, Rik Scarce, Claire Solomon  10, Bob Turner82',2H!,''J0,H,23'C28,,!,,C,!,822N22!22B22=2!3,!TT  "lF@vb@ LP . TTX$lF@vb@X~LP - T`X lF@vb@X.LI. The October 13 minutes were approved with c =3,H,23,!22N22-'H,!,,22!22,2H2,Tx  lF@vb@ L\hanges.2-21,'TT H lF@vb@ LP . TTX {lF@vb@XdLP - TX}LlF@vb@XFLII. The UWW Working Group s report will soon be submitted to the VPAA.! =2,H___2!221H!222!'!,23!H'2222,'22N,222,H8HHTTM}ylF@vb@MLP - TTXpalF@vb@XJLP TTqalF@vb@qJLP - TXclF@vb@XbLIII. A brief discussion ensued regarding the College s finances. The VPAA noted that, as a result !! H2!,!2',2''22,3'2,2!-1-!2312,C2,1-!'!2,2-,'=2,H8HH22,22,,',",'2 TXGlF@vb@X0LLof the recent market downturn, the endowment takeout and alumni giving are b2!2,!-,,2N,!3,22I22!22,,222HN,2,3,22,22,2N21231-!,2TGlF@vb@0Lhoth concerns. 22,22-,!2'TTGlF@vb@0LP . TTXIlF@vb@XLP - TXD-lF@vb@X_L IV. The Committee agreed that the Chair should draft a note to the Dean of the Faculty and the I=2,C2NN,,-1",-22,2,C2,!'22222!,!,22,22,I,,22!2,7-,20,222, TX/lF@vb@X_L Dean of Student Affairs informing them that next year s CEPP chair will request an update from H,,22!822,2H"!,!'2!2!N212,N2,3,30--!!'C=88,2,!H!-22,',2222,,"!2N TxX  lF@vb@X2Lthem regarding the implementation of the DOS Restr2,N!-1,!2312,N2-N,2,222!2,HH8C-'!T0  lF@vb@ &Lucturing Review. CEPP understands the 2,2!21C,2,HC=88222,!',22'2, TX lF@vb@Xo GLreport to contain recommendations, not mandates to the administration. !,22!2,22,2",,2NO,22,22'22N,22,,'22,,2N2'!,22TT  lF@vb@ o LP - &" WMFC hh[TTX  lF@vb@X LP - ThX l lF@vb@XU ZLV. Several ACOP issues were discussed: The Spelman articulation agreement will need to be H8,2,!,HCH8''2,'H,!,2',2'(,2=2,82,N,2,!,2,22-1",,N-2H2,,222, TXn lF@vb@X 7Lbrought to the faculty in the form of a motion, as will2!221222,",,2022,!2!N2!,N222,'HTT n v lF@vb@ ,L the termination of the current Skidmore in 2,,!N2,222!2,,2!",2822N2!,2 TX R lF@vb@X; bLIndia program, and the new India program, a pilot to begin in the next academic year, needs to be 22,3!31!,N,222,3,H 22,2!32!,N,2222,1222,2,3,,,3,N,0-,!3,,2'22, ThXT Y lF@vb@X ZLannounced to the faculty. All of these points will be addressed at the November 7 faculty ,22222,,222,",,20H2!2,',222'H2,,22!,'(,2,2,H23-N2,!2!-,20 T|X 8 lF@vb@X! L\meeting.N,,21TT 8 lF@vb@! LP . TTX:  lF@vb@X LP - TX  lF@vb@X LhVI. The CommitI =2,C2NNT I lF@vb@ Lltee held a wide,,2,2,H2,TTJ j lF@vb@J LP-!Tk k  lF@vb@k Lranging discussion regarding on",31312',2''22!-1,!23123TTl  lF@vb@l  LP-!T y lF@vb@  Lline courses. Among the topics 2,,22!(,'HN2213,22,' TpX  lF@vb@Xz [Ldiscussed was the need for more information, for instance regarding how other liberal arts 2',2'',2H,'2,2-,2"2!N2!,2!2!N,22!3!2',2,,!-2,!23122H32,!2,!,-!' TX lF@vb@X L|colleges are treating on,2,2,',",!-,2123TT lF@vb@ LP-!T lF@vb@ =Lline education; the VPAA will post the Committee s queries al2,,22-,222,H8HHH22'2,C2NN,,!'22,!,',T {lF@vb@ L`ong these 2312,', TpXGwlF@vb@X`[Llines to the Annapolis deans and Northeast deans listservs. The connection between UWW and 2,'22,H22,22'2,,2',22H2!2-,'2,,2''',!2'=2,,222-,222,H,,2H__,22 TXXylF@vb@XLPon22TTylF@vb@LP-!TyDlF@vb@^Lline credit for residential students was also discussed. The initial student Academic Council 2,,!,2!3!!,'2,2,'22,2'H,','22',2'',2=2,2,'22,2H,,2,N,C222, TlX ]lF@vb@XF0Lresponse to the notion of granting credit for on!,'222',22,22222!1",221,!,2!3!22TT  ]lF@vb@ FLP-!T " ]lF@vb@ F L`line cour2,,22!T# ]lF@vb@# F"Lses was mixed. The Committee also ','H,'N3,2=2,C2NN,,,'2 TX_lF@vb@XLnoted: the value of a faculty22,22,2 &WMFChh[,2,2!,!-,30TT_lF@vb@LP-!Td_lF@vb@LTonly220TT_lF@vb@LP dT_m lF@vb@Lxand/or Shades of Grey,222!82,3,'2!H!.0TTm _ lF@vb@n LP dT _SlF@vb@ Ldiscussion of the matter; the 2',2''222!2,N,,!2, TpXClF@vb@X,[Lpossibility of giving credit for these courses on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis; the 22''2/2!1231,",3!2!2,',,22!(,'22,8,'!,,2#/H2','!-,2"03,''2, TTXE lF@vb@X,Limportance of working closely with IT shouldN22!,2,,2!H3!221,2',0H2 ='2222Tt EKlF@vb@ 1L a proposal move forward; possible extensions of ,3"222',N22,!2!I,!223''2,,3,2'22'2! T`X )lF@vb@X.Lthe curriculum in beneficial ways thanks to on2,,2!!,22N22,3,!-,H./'3,22'222TT  )lF@vb@ LP-!T  )lF@vb@  Lline courses; the question of on2,,22!','2,23,'222!22TT)lF@vb@LP-!T)lF@vb@Lhline courses 2,,22!',(! TpX+ylF@vb@X[Leffects on faculty workload; and course credit issues, among others. The Chair distributed ,!!-,'22!-,20H3!22,2,22,22!(,,",2''2,',N23122,!'=2,C3,!2'!22,2 TXlF@vb@XLxreading materials to b!,,231N,-!,'22T8 lF@vb@'Le discussed at the October 27 meeting. ,2',2'',2,2,I,22,!23N,,21TT  lF@vb@ LP . TTXlF@vb@XkLP - TDX lF@vb@X)LVII. The meeting was adjourned at 10 a.m.I! =2,N-,21H,',222!2,2,22,NTT 8 lF@vb@ LP . TTXhlF@vb@XQLP - T0XjolF@vb@X&LRespectfully submitted by Rik Scarce. C,'2,,!20'22N,230C28,,",,TTpjlF@vb@pLP .% 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6 66666666666666666666  )."System-@Times New Roman- M2 K,(Minutes for CEPP meeting of October 20, 2008  2 K{( / 2 W( /U2 dA1(In attendance: Dan Nathan (Chair), Erica Bastresss 2 d(-/L2 d+(Dukehart, Rochelle Calhoun, Terry Diggory, 8s2 pAE(Susan Kress, Kyle Nichols, Rik Scarce, Claire Solomon 10, Bob Turner 2 p|( / 2 }A( /P2 A.(I. The October 13 minutes were approved with c 2 (hanges.. 2 4( / 2 A( /t2 AF(II. The UWW Working Groups report will soon be submitted to the VPAA.   2 ( / 2 A( / 2 D( /2 Ab(III. A brief discussion ensued regarding the Colleges finances. The VPAA noted that, as a result }2 AL(of the recent market downturn, the endowment takeout and alumni giving are b  2 (oth concerns.  2 ( / 2 A( /2 A_(IV. The Committee agreed that the Chair should draft a note to the Dean of the Faculty and the  2 A_(Dean of Student Affairs informing them that next years CEPP chair will request an update from    V2 A2(them regarding the implementation of the DOS Restr  D2 '&(ucturing Review. CEPP understands the v2 AG(report to contain recommendations, not mandates to the administration.    2 y( / 2 A( /2 AZ(V. Several ACOP issues were discussed: The Spelman articulation agreement will need to be  ^2 +A7(brought to the faculty in the form of a motion, as willM2 +(,( the termination of the current Թϱ in 2 7Ab(India program, and the new India program, a pilot to begin in the next academic year, needs to be 2 DAZ(announced to the faculty. All of these points will be addressed at the November 7 faculty  2 PA(meeting. 2 Pf( / 2 ]A( / 2 iA(VI. The Commit "2 i(tee held a wide 2 i(-/:2 i(ranging discussion regarding onn 2 iX(-/:2 i\(line courses. Among the topics n 2 vA[(discussed was the need for more information, for instance regarding how other liberal arts r/2 A(colleges are treating on 2 (-/g2 =(line education; the VPAA will post the Committees queries al 2  (ong these 2 A[(lines to the Annapolis deans and Northeast deans listservs. The connection between UWW and r 2 A(on 2 L(-/2 O^(line credit for residential students was also discussed. The initial student Academic Council  S2 A0(response to the notion of granting credit for on 2  (-/2  (line cour>2 5"(ses was mixed. The Committee also  72 A(noted: the value of a facultys 2 (-/2 (only 2 (/ +2 (and/or Shades of Grey 2 =(/ 82 G(discussion of the matter; the 2 A[(possibility of giving credit for these courses on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis; the iM2 A,(importance of working closely with IT shouldU2 1( a proposal move forward; possible extensions of s P2 A.(the curriculum in beneficial ways thanks to on 2  (-/;2   (line courses; the question of on 2 (-/ 2 (line courses 2 A[(effects on faculty workload; and course credit issues, among others. The Chair distributed i,2 A(reading materials to bF2 '(e discussed at the October 27 meeting.   2 H( / 2 A( /I2 A)(VII. The meeting was adjourned at 10 a.m.t  2 ( / 2 A( /D2 $A&(Respectfully submitted by Rik Scarce.   2 $( /-((((((((''''''''''''''''''''&&&&&&&&&&՜.+,D՜.+,<x  w ' -Minutes for CEPP meeting of October 20, 2008 TitleP :B_PID_LINKBASEA  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZ[\]^_`cRoot Entry F0M6=e1Table WordDocument0SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8YCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q