ࡱ> 241%` Rbjbj"x"x 4 @@R||||         $< h + + @ .   Vv|" V 0 > > > + +   || CEPP Minutes for December 8, 2008 In attendance: Dan Nathan (Chair), Erica Bastress-Dukehart, Rochelle Calhoun, Terry Diggory, Susan Kress, Kyle Nichols, Rik Scarce, Claire Solomon 10, and Bob Turner I. December 1st minutes were approved. II. Discussion of Room Arrangements for the January 9 Retreat. Dan has reserved a room on the 2nd floor of Murray-Aikens Dining Hall. III. Discussion of the University Without Walls Summer Working Group (UWWSWG) Report CEPP discussed the academic program, time commitments, and the viability of the new academic plan espoused in the UWWSWG Report. Dan explained that the UWWSWG tried to make the new UWW academic model as consistent as possible with the residential College. As a result, the new program is less flexible and more rigorous, with limits on the number of experiential credits student can be awarded and increases in the number of Թϱ credits that must be earned. Erica suggested that some parts of the new model were reminiscent of MALS. She noted that the more rigorous MALS program attracted better students. Although the committee agreed that the academics of new program were more rigorous, there was concern about the twin goals of ramping up the academics and making it economically self-sustaining. Will making the program less flexible and more rigorous deter potential students from the program? Several CEPP members also raised questions about whether the report adequately reflects the time commitments required to implement the new academic program. Vetting UWW courses and assessing the adjuncts who will deliver some of the UWW courses will create more of a burden on our governance structure. Terry noted that UWW disproportionally affects five disciplines at the College, rather than the faculty as a whole. Some of these core disciplines, like Dance and Social Work, are already very small. If the faculty members of these five departments are not willing to commit their time and energy, then the new proposal is not viable. The question was raised whether we should ask those five core departments if they are willing to commit their resources. There is also the concern that UWW might cannibalize some of our current residential students, who could switch from being full-time residential students to being UWW students. Susan Kress discussed the broadly representative nature of the UWWSWG that considered the academic plan and the efficiency model for delivering the program. She noted that the UWWSWG had many lingering concerns and questions. Can we attract 100 full-paying students at the current price? Can we attract faculty participation? Can we survive in a competitive on-line environment? Is this a good use of scarce College resources in economic hard times? She also reported that a significant majority of the UWWSWG think that the proposed model is not viable and is not an appropriate allocation of the Colleges resources. The increase in time, energy, and money that the new model would cost raises the question of whether this is the best strategic choice for the College. Discussion of the UWWSWG report will continue at the January 9 retreat. IV. Discussion of academic planning and priorities in a moment of economic crisis Susan started the conversation by stating that the College will face a shortfall of $8-9 million over the next two years. She said the College was committed to delivering the program, but stated that the size of the deficit raises a number of important challenges. The group discussed possibilities for reducing or consolidating funds. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM. Respectfully submitted by Bob Turner. #lQR hhhA h#8hA hghAhA "#3 4 { | T U ^ _  YZ)*gdA$a$gdAR*QRgdA21h:pA/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List R "#34{|TU^_   Y Z )*QTX0HX0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0000000000000R *R R8@0(  B S  ? T*OT33TAT@  6  R`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"1hmrfmrf#/ #/  24dKK2qHP)? 2!CEPP Minutes for December 8, 2008 Bob Turner Skidmore UserOh+'0   @ L Xdlt|$CEPP Minutes for December 8, 2008 Bob Turner Normal.dotԹϱ User2Microsoft Office Word@@Vv@Vv#/ ՜.+,0 hp  Թϱ CollegeK' "CEPP Minutes for December 8, 2008 Title  "#$%&'(*+,-./03Root Entry FᔿVv5Data 1TableWordDocument4 SummaryInformation(!DocumentSummaryInformation8)CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q