ࡱ> MOL%` %bjbjNN 0,,%d  : """"""""$ h' """""""lll":""l"lll" ζ\l0 l l l ll"""l""" """":::::: Minutes for CEPP Meeting March 23, 2009 In attendance: Dan Nathan (Chair), Erica Bastress-Dukehart, Rochelle Calhoun, Terry Diggory, Susan Kress, Kyle Nichols, Rik Scarce, Claire Solomon 10, and Bob Turner I. Minutes for the March 16 meeting were approved. II. Discussion of Date for CEPP Spring Retreat Dan will email several potential dates for the CEPP Spring Retreat to the committee. III. Discussion of the Grade Appeal Procedure The proposed policy was presented to Academic Staff by Erica, Dan, and Kate Graney, who is on CAS and the CEPP subcommittee.Academic Staff members were receptive to the conversation and the proposed policy in its current form; there were, however, questions regarding why the policy was limited to final failing grades. In addition, CEPP members raised concerns about academic freedom. It was agreed that CEPP would present the policy to a faculty-only meeting in the Fall. IV. ACOP update on Mysore pilot program Erica updated CEPP on the status of the Mysore program which has run into administrative difficulties due to personnel changes. Dan, Erica, Muriel Poston, Cori Filson, Joel Smith, Gordon Thompson, and Jim Kennelly will meet to discuss the situation. V. Assessment Steering Committees Goals for Student Learning document CEPP discussed the feedback from Fridays forum. It was agreed that the Goals for Student Learning Document should be brought to Academic Staff and to a Faculty Meeting before the end of the year, for discussion. Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am. Respectfully submitted by Bob Turner.  $%hOi h)hOi()  4  $%gdOi 1$7$8$H$gdOi $1$7$8$H$a$gdOi%.:pOi/ =!"#$% <@< NormalCJaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List%%()4$'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$()4$'0H000000000000000000000%% % Rc}]c'$'Oi@g %`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial qh2&2&; ; 24""2qP B2!CEPP Minutes for December 8, 2008 IT Department Skidmore UserOh+'0H^ , L X dpx$CEPP Minutes for December 8, 2008IT Department Normal.dotԹϱ User2Microsoft Office Word@G@rAζ@rAζ;G\VT$mV! H.&" WMFCw ?lUT#m EMF?P`1   Rp@Times New RomanGz Times ew Roman@P\$\Regis 0 LN0 dv%   T8Xa lF@vb@'LMinutes for CEPP Meeting March 23, 2009Y22,'!2!C=88Y,,21Y-!,2222222TTb X lF@vb@b LP . TTX<lF@vb@X%LP - TtX>( lF@vb@X1LIn attendance: Dan Nathan (Chair), Erica Bastress 2,,22,2-,H,2I,2-2!C2,!!=!-,C,'!,''TT) >J lF@vb@) LP- "TPK >glF@vb@K +LDukehart, Rochelle Calhoun, Terry Diggory, H22,2,!C2,3,,C,2222=,!#0H212#0 TX^"lF@vb@X ILSusan Kress, Kyle Nichols, Rik Scarce, Claire Solomon  10, and Bob Turner82',2H!,''J0,H,23'C28,,!,,C,!,822N22!22,22B22=3!3,!TT_"lF@vb@_ LP . TTX$lF@vb@X~LP - ThX lF@vb@X/LI. Minutes for the March 16 meeting were approv Y22,'!3!2,Y-!,222N,,21I,!,,22!23T`  lF@vb@ LTed.e-2TT  lF@vb@ LP - TTX {lF@vb@XdLP e- T`X} lF@vb@X.LII. Discussion of Date for CEPP Spring Retreat! H',2''222!H,,!2"C=8882!21C,!,,TT } lF@vb@ LP . TDXalF@vb@XJTLDan will email several potential dates for the CEPP Spring Retreat to the committee.H,2H,N,',2,",32,2,2,,'!2!2,C>8882!21C,!,,22,,2NN,,TTalF@vb@JLP - TTXclF@vb@XLP a- T\X GlF@vb@X0-LIII. Discussion of the Grade Appeal Procedure!! H',2''222!2,H!-2,H22,,8!3,,22",TT  GlF@vb@ 0LP . TXI0lF@vb@XHLThe proposed policy was presented to Academic Staff by Erica, Dan, and K=2,2!222',222.0I,(2!,',2,22I,,2,N,9,!!40=!-,H,2,22IT1I7lF@vb@1Ltate Graney, who is ,,H!,3.0H22' TX>-lF@vb@X!Lon CAS and the CEPP subcommittee.22CH8,222,C=88'12,2NN,,TT?W-lF@vb@?LP dT\X-lF@vb@X-LAcademic Staff members were receptive to the H,,3,N,8,!!N,N2,!'H,",!-,,22,22, TdX/ClF@vb@XYLconversation and the proposed policy in its current form; there were, however, questions ,222,!',22,223,2!322',222-02',2"!,3!2!N2,!,H-!,22I-2,!22,'22' TX  lF@vb@XELregarding why the policy was limited to final failing grades. In addi!-1,!231H403,22.1H,'N,22!2,!,211",2,' 2,22T N lF@vb@ Ltion, CEPP members raised 22C=88N,N2,!'!,',2 TXX ` lF@vb@Xo WLconcerns about academic freedom. It was agreed that CEPP would present the policy to a ,22,,!2',222,-,2,N-!!,,22N I,'-2!,,22,C=88H2222!,&WMFC?',22,22-02, TxX l lF@vb@X L\faculty!,,20TTm  lF@vb@m LP-!T z lF@vb@ Lonly meeting in the Fall. 220N,,3122,7,TT{  lF@vb@{ LP . TTX l lF@vb@XU LP - T8Xn $ lF@vb@X 'LIV. ACOP update on Mysore pilot program IHCH8222,,22[1'2!,222!22!,NTT% n R lF@vb@% LP e. TX a R lF@vb@X; CLErica updated CEPP on the status of the Mysore program which has ru=!,,222,,2C=88222,',2'2!2,[0'2!,3!22!,NH2,23,'!2Tb R lF@vb@b ; Lxn into administrative 222,2N2'!,2, TXT  lF@vb@X bLdifficulties due to personnel changes. Dan, Erica, Muriel Poston, Cori Filson, Joel Smith, Gordon 2!!,2,'22,22,!'232,,2,31,'H,2=!-,Y2!,82'22C2!7'12(2,8M2H2!222 TX ^ 8 lF@vb@X! ?LThompson, and Jim Kennelly will meet to discuss the situation. =22N2'22,22(NH,12,0HN,,22',2'(2,'2,22TT_ 8 lF@vb@_ ! LP - TTX:  lF@vb@X LP - TX j lF@vb@X GLV. Assessment Steering Committee s  Goals for Student Learning documeniHH'',''N,28,,!31C2NN,,!',H2,'!2!822,2;,-!231,22,3N,2TTk  lF@vb@k LPt TT  lF@vb@ LP - ThX  lF@vb@Xz ZLCEPP discussed the feedback from Friday s forum. It was agreed that the Goals for Student C=882',2'',22,!,,32,,2!!2N7!2.0"'!2!3NH,'-1!-,22,2,H2,'!2!822,2 ThX lF@vb@X ZLLearning Document should be brought to Academic Staff and to a Faculty Meeting before the <-,!231H3,2N,2'22222,2!23122H,,2,N,8,!!,222,7-,20Y,,213,!2",2, TX?wlF@vb@X`!Lend of the year, for discussion. ,222!2,0-,!!3!2',3''22TT@lwlF@vb@@`LP - TTXylF@vb@XLP - TX ]lF@vb@XF"LMeeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.Y,,21H,',222!3,2-2222,NTT 9]lF@vb@ FLP - TTX_lF@vb@XLP - T`XClF@vb@X,LTResC,'T ClF@vb@,#Lpectfully submitted by Bob Turner. a2,,!20'22N,230C22=2!3,!TTClF@vb@,LP . TTXElF@vb@XLP -% 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6 66666666666666666666  ).@Times New Roman- F2 K'(Minutes for CEPP Meeting March 23, 2009    2 Ks(  2 WA( U2 dA1(In attendance: Dan Nathan (Chair), Erica Bastress 2 d(-L2 d+(Dukehart, Rochelle Calhoun, Terry Diggory, ey2 pAI(Susan Kress, Kyle Nichols, Rik Scarce, Claire Solomon 10, and Bob Turner 2 p(  2 }A( R2 A/(I. Minutes for the March 16 meeting were approv  2 (ed. 2 $(  2 A( P2 A.(II. Discussion of Date for CEPP Spring Retreat 2 ( 2 AT(Dan will email several potential dates for the CEPP Spring Retreat to the committee.  2 (  2 A( O2 A-(III. Discussion of the Grade Appeal Proceduret 2 ( w2 AH(The proposed policy was presented to Academic Staff by Erica, Dan, and K(2 (ate Graney, who is v=2 A!(on CAS and the CEPP subcommittee.,  2 ( O2 -(Academic Staff members were receptive to the t 2 AY(conversation and the proposed policy in its current form; there were, however, questions  s2 AE(regarding why the policy was limited to final failing grades. In addid22 f(tion, CEPP members raised 2 AW(concerns about academic freedom. It was agreed that CEPP would present the policy to a  2 A(faculty  2 _(-22 b(only meeting in the Fall.   2 (  2 A( F2 +A'(IV. ACOP update on Mysore pilot program  2 +( p2 7AC(Erica updated CEPP on the status of the Mysore program which has rud  ,2 7s(n into administrative 2 DAb(difficulties due to personnel changes. Dan, Erica, Muriel Poston, Cori Filson, Joel Smith, Gordon   j2 PA?(Thompson, and Jim Kennelly will meet to discuss the situation.     2 PW(  2 ]A( v2 iAG(V. Assessment Steering Committees Goals for Student Learning documenK  2 i(t 2 i( 2 vAZ(CEPP discussed the feedback from Fridays forum. It was agreed that the Goals for Student 2 AZ(Learning Document should be brought to Academic Staff and to a Faculty Meeting before the   =2 A!(end of the year, for discussion. r 2 (  2 A( >2 A"(Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.  2 (  2 A( 2 A(Res@2 Q#(pectfully submitted by Bob Turner. g  2 (  2 A( "System-((((((((''''''''''''''''''''&&&&&&&&&&՜.+,0 hp  Թϱ College "' "CEPP Minutes for December 8, 2008 Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCEFGHIJKNRoot Entry FMζP1Table WordDocument0SummaryInformation(x^DocumentSummaryInformation8DCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q