ࡱ> `b_%` 3bjbjNN 0,,3D  )$hGC C C RC C C V@t !S" 0)x tt C - ) Minutes for CEPP meeting of May 4, 2009 In attendance: Dan Nathan (Chair), Erica Bastress-Dukehart, Rochelle Calhoun, Terry Diggory, Susan Kress, Kyle Nichols, Rik Scarce, Claire Solomon 10, and Bob Turner I. The April 20 minutes were approved, and the April 27 minutes were approved with minor revisions. II. The Committee briefly revisited its discussion regarding internships. The Chair reported that the variable-credit internships CEPP approved at the prior meeting were well received. III. The Committee reviewed and endorsed the Assessment Steering Committees revised Learning Goals document. The most recent version includes a preamble that reflects the distinctiveness of a Թϱ education, and it ties the goals to the Colleges past, essentially noting that weve been doing this, in the words of the Chair. The primary audiences for the document that the Committee approved are expected to be internal. At the same time, CEPP was made to understand that the document will be public. IV. The Chair asked the Committee to consider the possible shape of the process for discussing the acceptance of transfer credit for on-line courses, and CEPP agreed that a faculty forum would be an appropriate vehicle for enlarging the conversation around this subject. The Chair also noted that the IRC has asked CEPP to consider creating a joint working group to explore the issue of Թϱ on-line courses. V. The Chair reported that he is working on the CEPP Annual Report and that a draft of it will be shared with Committee members for our review. VI. The Committee discussed the VPAAs revised budget update, which the VPAA noted she sees as important both for ensuring transparency and for framing discussions and decisions now and in the future. A primary goal is saving faculty positions. Timing is a key issue: How quickly can the institution move to realize approximately $1 million in savings in Academic Affairs FY 2010-2011 budget? Decisions will have to be reached by February 2010. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25. Respectfully submitted by Rik Scarce. ao3hQ-[ hcKhBJ()6 7 #$  23gdBJ$a$gdBJ3.:pBJ/ =!"#$% <@< ONormalCJaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List33()67#$  25$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$()67#$  250x00000000000000000003 3 3 8@0(  B S  ?Rc}EKoq%(5 053ao25oo5VFYu)8Rt5R:d808^8`0o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. PLP^P`LhH.808^8`0o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. PLP^P`LhH.808^8`0o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. PLP^P`LhH.5RVFu)\                        BJQ-[25U@oo oo3P@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial 1h[&&99!4d//2qP42'Minutes for CEPP meeting of May 4, 2009 Skidmore User Skidmore User   Oh+'0y   8D d p |(Minutes for CEPP meeting of May 4, 2009Թϱ User Normal.dotԹϱ User3Microsoft Office Word@@t&g@S9GHxVT$mH <&" WMFC' 3SlUT#m EMFSP`1   Rp@Times New RomanGz Times ew Roman@J$\Regis 0 LN0 dv%   T8XR lF@vb@'LMinutes for CEPP meeting of May 4, 2009Y22,'!2!C=88N,,212!Z.022222TTS X lF@vb@S LP . TTX<lF@vb@X%LP - TtX>( lF@vb@X1LIn attendance: Dan Nathan (Chair), Erica Bastress 2,,22,2-,H,2I,2-2!C2,!!=!-,C,'!,''TT) >J lF@vb@) LP-"TPK >glF@vb@K +LDukehart, Rochelle Calhoun, Terry Diggory, H22,2,!C2,3,,C,2222=,!#0H212#0 TX^"lF@vb@X ILSusan Kress, Kyle Nichols, Rik Scarce, Claire Solomon  10, and Bob Turner82',2H!,''J0,H,23'C28,,!,,C,!,822N22!22,22B22=3!3,!TT_"lF@vb@_ LP . TTX$lF@vb@X~LP - TXXlF@vb@XLPI. TTlF@vb@LP TT lF@vb@,LThe April 20 minutes were approved, and the =2,H2!22N22,'H-!,,22!23,2,222,T$ lF@vb@ $LApril 27 minutes were approved with H2"22N22,'H,!,,22!32,2H2 TX {lF@vb@XdLpminor revisions. N22!!,2'22'TT '{lF@vb@dLP "- TTX}lF@vb@XLP - TdXalF@vb@XJLTII. ! TTalF@vb@JLP TdgalF@vb@JYLThe Committee briefly revisited its discussion regarding internships. The Chair reported =2,C2NN,,2!,!0!-2',2'2',2''22!,2,!2212-!2'22'=2,D2,!!,22!,2 TXclF@vb@XLpthat the variable2,2,2,!,2,TTclF@vb@LP-"TclF@vb@JLcredit internships CEPP approved at the prior meeting were well received. ,",22,!2'22'C=88,22!22,2,2,2!2!N,,31I,",H,!-,,2,2TTclF@vb@LP . TTXGlF@vb@X0LP - TdXIlF@vb@XLTIII.!! TTIlF@vb@LP T|IHlF@vb@L\The Comm=2,C2NNTIIlF@vb@IHLittee reviewed and endorsed the Assessment Steering Committee s revised ,,!,2,H,3,22,222!',23,H'','(N,28,,!21C2NN,,!'!,2',2 TXX.-lF@vb@XWLLearning Goals document. The most recent version includes a preamble that reflects the <-,!231H3,'22,2N,3=2,N2'!,,,22-!'222,22,',2!-,N2,2-!,!,,'2, TX/lF@vb@XaLdistinctiveness of a Skidmore education, and it ties the goals to the College s past, essentially2'2,2,2,''2!,822N2!,,22-,22,22,'2,12,'22,C2-1-!'2,','',2,0TT/lF@vb@LP  TX lF@vb@X^Lnoting that  we ve been doing this, in the words of the Chair. The primary audiences for the 22212,,I,!2,3,,222212',22,H2!&" WMFC S2'2!2,C2,!=2,2!N-"0,22,2,,'!2!2, T|X  lF@vb@Xo ]Ldocument that the Committee approved are expected to be internal. At the same time, CEPP was 22,2N,22,2,C2NN,,,22!22,2,!,,32,,,222,2,!2,H2,(,N,N,C=88H,' TX lF@vb@X 5Lmade to understand that the document will be public. N,2,2222,!',222,2,22,2N,2H2,222,TT lF@vb@ LP - TTX l lF@vb@XU LP - T`Xn  lF@vb@X LTIV. ITTn  lF@vb@ LP Tn  lF@vb@ L`The Chair=2,C2,!Tn * lF@vb@ GL asked the Committee to consider the possible shape of the process for ,'2,23,C2NN,,2,22'2,!2,23''2,'2,2,2!2,2!3,,('!2! TX  R lF@vb@X; 3Ldiscussing the acceptance of transfer credit for oni2',2''212,-,,,2,2-,2!!,2'",!-!,2!2!23TT 9 R lF@vb@ ; LP-v!T\: >R lF@vb@: ; -Lline courses, and CEPP agreed that a faculty 2,,22!',',22C=88,2!,,23,,",,20 T\XT @ lF@vb@X XLforum would be an appropriate vehicle for enlarging the conversation around this subject!2!2NH2222,,2,22!32!,,2,2,,!2!,2,"1212,,222,!(,22,!23222''22,,TpAT & lF@vb@A LX. The =2, TpX 8 lF@vb@X! [LChair also noted that the IRC has asked CEPP to consider creating a joint working group to pC2,!,'222,22,2, CC2,','3,2C=882,22'2,!,!-,21,22H2!2211!2222 T X: ~ lF@vb@X Lexplore the issue of Skidmore on,322!,2,''2,2!822N2!,22TT:  lF@vb@ LP-n!T: lF@vb@ Lhline courses. 2,,22!(,'TT : lF@vb@ LP P. TTX  lF@vb@X LP P- TXX  lF@vb@Xz LPV.HTT  lF@vb@z LP aTX / lF@vb@z WLThe Chair reported that he is working on the CEPP Annual Report and that a draft of it v=2,C2,!!,23!,22,3,'H2!221223,C=88H222,C,22!,222,,2!,!2! TX klF@vb@X Ltwill be shared with H2,'2,!,2H2Tl 6 lF@vb@l "LCommittee members for our review. C2NN,,N,N2,!'!2!22!",2,HTT7 d lF@vb@7 LP . TTXwlF@vb@X`LP 4- TdXylF@vb@XLTVI. I TTylF@vb@LP 2T@ylF@vb@SLThe Committee discussed the VPAA s revised budget update, which the VPAA noted she =2,C2NN,,2',2'',22,H8HH!'!,2',22321,223,,H2,22,I8HH22,2'2, TXl]lF@vb@XF_L sees as important both for ensuring transparency and for framing discussions and decisions now e',,','N22!,2222!3!,2'2!31!,2'3,!,3.0-22!2!!",N212',2''32',222,,'22'22H T,X_lF@vb@X%Land in the future. A primary goal is &&WMFCS ,2222,!22!,H3!N,#012,'T_lF@vb@=Lsaving faculty positions. Timing is a key issue: How quickly ',231!-,2122'22'=N21',2,0''2,H2H22,20 T$XClF@vb@X,$Lcan the institution move to realize ,,22,2'222N22,2!,,-,T ClF@vb@,Lhapproximately ,22!23N,,0T` ClF@vb@ ,.L$1 million in savings in Academic Affairs FY 32N222',221'2H,,2,N,I!!,!(!8H TdXElF@vb@XLT20102222TT E@lF@vb@ LP-!TAE lF@vb@AAL2011 budget? Decisions will have to be reached by February 2010. 22222222,.H,,'22'H2,2,22,!,--2,2307,3!2,#02222TT E lF@vb@ LP . TTX)lF@vb@XLP - T$X+;lF@vb@X$LThe meeting was adjourned at 10:25. =2,N,,31H,',222!3,2,2222TT<+hlF@vb@<LP - TTXlF@vb@XLP - T`XlF@vb@XkLTResC,'T olF@vb@k#Lpectfully submitted by Rik Scarce. 2,,!20'22N,230C28,,",,TTplF@vb@pkLP . TTXlF@vb@XLP -% 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6 66666666666666666666  ).@Times New Roman- F2 K'(Minutes for CEPP meeting of May 4, 2009   2 Kq(  2 WA( U2 dA1(In attendance: Dan Nathan (Chair), Erica Bastress 2 d(-L2 d+(Dukehart, Rochelle Calhoun, Terry Diggory, Fy2 pAI(Susan Kress, Kyle Nichols, Rik Scarce, Claire Solomon 10, and Bob Turner 2 p(  2 }A( 2 A(I. 2 G( M2 a,(The April 20 minutes were approved, and the A2 )$(April 27 minutes were approved with %2 A(minor revisions.  2 (  2 A( 2 A(II.  2 N( 2 aY(The Committee briefly revisited its discussion regarding internships. The Chair reported s%2 A(that the variable 2 (-z2 J(credit internships CEPP approved at the prior meeting were well received.   2 (  2 A( 2 A(III. 2 N( 2 a(The Commw2 H(ittee reviewed and endorsed the Assessment Steering Committees revised  2 AW(Learning Goals document. The most recent version includes a preamble that reflects the t 2 Aa(distinctiveness of a Թϱ education, and it ties the goals to the Colleges past, essentially  2 ( 2 A^(noting that weve been doing this, in the words of the Chair. The primary audiences for the  2 A](document that the Committee approved are expected to be internal. At the same time, CEPP was  [2 A5(made to understand that the document will be public.   2 *(  2 A( 2 +A(IV. 2 +O( 2 +a (The Chairv2 +G( asked the Committee to consider the possible shape of the process for X2 7A3(discussing the acceptance of transfer credit for on. 2 7(-O2 7-(line courses, and CEPP agreed that a faculty 2 DAX(forum would be an appropriate vehicle for enlarging the conversation around this subject2 D(. The 2 PA[(Chair also noted that the IRC has asked CEPP to consider creating a joint working group to s;2 ]A (explore the issue of Թϱ on 2 ](- 2 ](line courses.  2 ] (  2 iA( 2 vA(V. 2 vK( 2 vaW(The Chair reported that he is working on the CEPP Annual Report and that a draft of it t)2 A(will be shared with >2 "(Committee members for our review.     2 7(  2 A( 2 A(VI.  2 R( 2 aS(The Committee discussed the VPAAs revised budget update, which the VPAA noted she 2 A_(sees as important both for ensuring transparency and for framing discussions and decisions now  C2 A%(and in the future. A primary goal is  g2 =(saving faculty positions. Timing is a key issue: How quickly  A2 A$(can the institution move to realize   2 (approximately P2 .($1 million in savings in Academic Affairs FY   2 A(2010 2 W(-m2 ZA(2011 budget? Decisions will have to be reached by February 2010. s 2 ~(  2 A( A2 A$(The meeting was adjourned at 10:25.   2 (  2 A( 2 A(Res@2 Q#(pectfully submitted by Rik Scarce.   2 (  2 A( "System-((((((((''''''''''''''''''''&&&&&&&&&&՜.+,D՜.+,|8x  /' (Minutes for CEPP meeting of May 4, 2009 TitleP :B_PID_LINKBASEA  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ[\]^aRoot Entry F/Sc1Table WordDocument0SummaryInformation((zDocumentSummaryInformation8WCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q