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Drafts of minutes to be circulated among CEPP members, then made public after approval. II. H1N1 Preparedness: Rochelle reviewed the work of the operational planning group and accommodations that may be needed for both individual and class schedules in order to contain the spread of the virus. III. Review of CEPP agenda for this year A. Caps report from Caps subcommittee: CEPP mapped out a broad range of further consultation and research. Ultimately CEPP is to make a recommendation to the DOF but this matter does not come before the full faculty for a vote. B. Grade Appeal Policy: CEPP will move quickly to determine a committee position on the report submitted last spring, and then plan further consultation, including a faculty forum. Aiming for a faculty vote by November. C. NYU School of Nursing Articulation Agreement: CEPP approved a motion to be presented at the September 11 faculty meeting, laying over for vote in October. D. Assessment: CEPP will work with the Assessment Steering Committee to bring the Student Learning Goals, already endorsed by CEPP, to the full faculty for endorsement as soon as possible. E. Online courses: CEPP will pursue this issue in consultation with IRC. F. Center Study Group Report: The VPAA will report to CEPP on a comprehensive plan for faculty development programs, incorporating the VPAAs response to the report of the Center Study Group (CSG) submitted last spring. After consultation with CEPP, the VPAA will consult further with the members of CSG regarding the network concept that was the focus of their report. G. To be continued: Erica will report on CEPPs agenda for the year at the September 11 faculty meeting. Additional items on the agenda will be discussed at the next CEPP meeting. IV. Academic Affairs Budget Priorities and Planning: Susan reviewed the program at the September 3 Academic Staff retreat, launching Academic Affairs participation in a college-wide revisioning process to continue throughout the year. We can expect changes in the way we do things but not in the colleges core identity as a liberal arts college. On the latter topic, the faculty interest group on The Future of the Liberal Arts, convened by Michael Arnush and Pushi Prasad, will provide an important forum for ideas that CEPP should stay in touch with. The Academic Affairs planning process will continue to involve CEPP through the VPAAs ongoing consultation with the chairs of major committees and through the VPAAs membership on CEPP. V. Next meeting: September 16, 8:30 a.m. in Library 213 Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted by Terry Diggory     CEPP minutes 9/9/09 page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 ',-U] B C    m n o p s } } ~  `bdഭhv5OJQJhvhv5OJQJhvhvOJQJ h$Mhvh$Mhv5h( h9W?5h$Mh9W?5 hkqh~nhAioh;:hhvh9W?h~nhZh6Ch hcDhU4./C D   m n  _`gdv 0^`0gd;: 0^`0gd~n8^8gd6C^gd9W?gd~ngdcD$a$gdcDO '(:?np(5I%&'(QȽߨ~zvqvmfmb^Z^vZVZhAiohZhh8 hhhhhh h~/5h~/hv h~/h~/h~/B*OJPJQJ_Hph%h~/h~/B*OJPJQJ_Hph(h~/h~/5B*OJPJQJ_HphhvhvOJQJhvhv5OJQJhvh~/OJQJh~/OJQJhv5OJQJhOJQJhvOJQJ   9:&'(abcgdZh^hgdAiogdAio 0^`0gd~ngd~/gdvQ`ch7gh y'mHnHujhZUho{jho{Uh~nhZhAio hkqhAio  $!gdZgdZ 5 01h:pZ/ =!"#$% 0@@@ cDNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH \\ ~/ Heading 2$<@& 56CJOJQJ\]_H aJDA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List 6U@6 cD Hyperlink >*B*phTOT v List Paragraph ^m$OJPJQJ_H NN ~/ Char Char3 56CJOJQJ\]_H aJ4@"4 Z0Header  H$6O16 Z0 Char Char2CJaJ4 @B4 ZFooter  H$6OQ6 Z Char Char1CJaJH@bH Z Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ@Oq@ Z Char CharCJOJQJ^JaJ $./CDmn_`   9 : & ' ( a b c 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000X0000X0000X0000X0000000X00& FFFFFIQ   (@BI!8@0(  B S  ?jp:kp|lpmplnpaaddh gggnn =*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace O 8^< G R T 3333rs? 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