Academy for Course Innovation and Design (ACID)
The Center for Leadership, Teaching, and Learning (CLTL) and the Schupf Family IdeaLab (IL) are joining forces to bring you the Academy for Course Innovation and Design (ACID), a semester long laboratory for unconventional (radical!) course development meant to enhance student accessibility and participatory learning through liberatory and critical hands-on pedagogies. Participants will receive $500 in compensation. Please email Beck Krefting ( and Jess Sullivan ( a statement of interest by Friday, Jan. 27, that includes the course(s) you would like to design or restructure and the kinds of instructional tools and resources that would assist in the process. For more information, visit the CLTL Learning Communities page.
Teaching Support Network
The Teaching Support Network will resume in the spring. This highly successful program pairs faculty for one semester to engage in activities focused on pedagogical development. This could be peer observations, exchanging course syllabi, reading and discussing pedagogical scholarship, sharing strategies for handling challenges in the classroom, assisting with course development, and so on. The CLTL director will match faculty and invite all those participating to gather for a kick-off meeting on Friday, Feb. 10, from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Weller Room (Lib 212). During the semester, participants should make time to meet with their co-mentor two to three times. The CLTL will provide lunch tickets to subsidize one of those meetings. A final wrap-up session will be held at the conclusion of the semester. If you are interested in participating in the coming semester, please complete this form on the CLTL website by Monday, Jan. 30.
Racial Justice Learning Communities
Three exciting new learning communities (LC) will run this fall in conjunction with the “A´Ú°ù¾±³¦²¹²Ô²¹ Studies and the Humanities at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ: Transnational Explorations in Social ´³³Ü²õ³Ù¾±³¦±ð†grant from the Mellon Foundation. Please review the options available on the CLTL website and, if interested, contact the respective facilitator(s) directly by Monday, Jan. 30. Each LC begins the week of Feb. 6th and will have commitments of approximately two hours weekly during the semester. Once again, faculty/staff who participate in a learning community will be compensated $750.
Racial Justice Teaching Challenge
Winston Grady-Willis, Professor and Director of Black Studies, and Beck Krefting, Professor in American Studies and CLTL Director, are excited to announce the continuation of the Racial Justice Teaching Challenge (RJTC), in tandem with the “A´Ú°ù¾±³¦²¹²Ô²¹ Studies and the Humanities at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ: Transnational Explorations of Social ´³³Ü²õ³Ù¾±³¦±ð†grant from the Mellon Foundation. The RJTC moving forward is consistent with prior iterations. We would like to invite professional staff working on projects or initiatives fulfilling the criteria to add their names and projects to our list. To learn more about the criteria for participating in this ongoing challenge, please go to the CLTL website. We ask that you signal your participation in the RJTC by adding your name, department/program/office, and courses/projects that fit the parameters of the challenge to the no later than Friday, Feb. 3.