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勛圖惇蹋 College
Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


DECEMBER 5, 2003


President Philip A. Glotzbach called the meeting to order at 3:44 p.m.

President Glotzbach asked if there were any objections to the approval the November 7, 2003 Faculty Meeting; hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.


President Glotzbach recognized the following faculty accomplishments: Professor Mary Elizabeth OBrien for a paper entitled Helmut K瓣utner and the Limits of Aesthetic Resistance at the Colloquium on Literature and Film at West Virginia University, and her book title Nazi Cinema as Enchantment: The Politics of Entertainment in the Third Reich; Professor Mary Zeiss Stange for her papers entitled: Guns, Violence, and Belonging in Late Twentieth-Center America and Gun control: A Debate on One of the Most Divisive Issues in America; Professor Lenora de la Luna is
co-author of a chapter entitled Childrens Writing: How Textual forms, Contextual Forces, and Textual Politics CoEmerge in What Writing Does and How It Does It; Professor Terry Diggory, wrote a review of the book Wolfgang Paalen: Artist and theorist of the Avant-Garde by Amy Ritter; Professor David Domozych is author of a chapter entitled Algal Cell Walls in the Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Professor Corey Freeman-Gallant wrote a paper entitled, Social Pairing and Female Mating Fidelity Predicted by RFLP Similarity at the Major Histocompatibility Complex in a Songbird together with co-authors Michael Meguerdichian 02 and Suzanne Sollecito, Department of Biology at 勛圖惇蹋 College, and Nathaniel Wheelwright of Bowdoin College. Professor Francisco Gonzalez has a number of new publications: an article entitled Conversing 勛圖惇蹋 Virtue Every Day: Socratic Communication as End, Not Means, a review of Platon et la Question de la Pens矇e, and an article entitled Why Heideggers Hermeneutics is Not Diahermeneutics. Professor Robert Turner authored The Political Economy of Industrial Recruitment Strategies: Do Smoke-Stack Chasing and Vote-Chasing Go Together? Professor Catherine Golden authored Images of the Woman Reader in Victorian British and American Fiction; Professor Denise Smith received a grant for $10,000 from the Med-Eng Systems, Inc. to perform research involving thermo-physiological testing to evaluate the performance of an MES Personal Cooling System during pre-exercise, exercise and recovery conditions on human participants wearing Fire Fighter protective ensembles. Professor Daniel Nathans book Saying Its So: A Cultural History of the Black Sox Scandal was awarded the 2003 Book of the Year Prize for NASSS (The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport).

Professor Sheldon Solomon spoke at the Friends of the Presidents Dinner held in New York City on December 2; over 260 people attended. This group of alumni and friends contributed $10 million dollars last year.

The Student Government Association (SGA) and the Information Resource Council (IRC) have been working toward limiting off-campus access to the major lists including the everyone-list to help reduce or eliminate spam. President Glotzbach addressed his recent decision to grant three additional holidays to non-union workers but not to union workers. The additional days occur logically within the two-week period for the holiday break. These additional days were granted for two reasons: to save money on heating buildings, and to express appreciation to non-union workers because these employees experienced a zero salary increase as well as a reduction in their benefits. The additional three days off could not be granted to union employees because 勛圖惇蹋 must honor union contracts, just as when 勛圖惇蹋 honored those contracts when union employees received a salary increase and no changes in costsharing benefits. 

Regarding Liberal Studies I, the First-Year Experience, and the work the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP) has been doing, whether LSI is revised or remains the way it is, it will still be offered next year and will need to be staffed with everyone committed to it. President Glotzbach encouraged senior faculty members to teach an LSI section.

President Glotzbach has had conversations with people in town about the relationship between Town and Gown, and issues of voting. He sees this conversation as a part of a larger concept of citizenship and 勛圖惇蹋s students. Students have been involved in these conversations. A determination of acceptable behavior and where to draw the limits of student behavior is an ongoing issue, as well as how well 勛圖惇蹋 is educating those students to be responsible citizens.

In the coming weeks President Glotzbach will be working to rejoin conversations about the Strategic Plan with the Institutional Planning Committee (IPC), and working with the Committee on Faculty Governance (CFG) regarding governance restructuring.


Dean Charles M. Joseph began his report by congratulating faculty members for completing a successful semester. Many improvements have been realized since last semester (spring 2003) regarding budget issues, however, choices and decisions will still have to be made on a regular basis within departments, but now it is more to ensure successful academic programs rather than simply for broad reductions in spending. Academic Affairs is not exempt in any way from institutional responsibility or from contributing to the welfare of the community as a whole. Dean Joseph is committed to running a fiscally efficient operation that respects the competing needs of the institution and noted that it will still be necessary for the Deans Office to push back on many requests. 勛圖惇蹋 is headed in a much more positive direction and that an academic vision will remain paramount through the lean years 勛圖惇蹋 faces. Dean Joseph expressed his appreciation of the infusion of energy that President Glotzbach has brought to 勛圖惇蹋. The efforts of President and Marie Glotzbach to welcome everyone in the community have been wonderful. President Glotzbach has had to make tough decisions since he started, and he has made the right decisions for 勛圖惇蹋. The president spoke very powerfully at the recent Friends of the Presidents dinner about the future of 勛圖惇蹋.

This years Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP) has a great deal of energy and perseverance in dealing with the heart of 勛圖惇蹋s educational corpus. Work continues on the Academic Vision. Subcommittee chairs Professor Michael Arnush and Professor Hugh Foley together with relative subcommittee members have been moving the ViSta forward in a careful yet expeditious manner. The development of a ViSta that is educationally sound, imaginative, and distinctive is necessary to enable Michael T. Casey, Vice President for Advancement and his
colleagues to use as a tool in the current campaign. The Financial Policy and Planning Committee has also had a remarkable semester. There is a spirit of cooperation and efforts have been made to explain as clearly as possible the financial picture of 勛圖惇蹋. Dean Joseph thanked Professor Mehmet Odekon for his leadership in moving this committee forward in a positive way. Dean Joseph also thanked the members of the Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure (CAPT), and Professor Roy Ginsberg for his leadership. CAPT has had a very busy fall semester, which will remain the case during the spring 2004 semester. The endowed chair nomination process is moving ahead. Dean Joseph has also had conversations with the Governance Advisory Council (GAC) in rethinking the governance system.

Dean Joseph also thanked all faculty members for their hard work in service, teaching, and scholarship. Conversations are now focusing on academic excellence and concrete ways in which to achieve this, e.g., construction of residence halls, student retention, fall orientation, the need for departments to establish clear student assessment guidelines. Middle States Assessment will take place in the spring of 2006. Other business to happen in the spring 2004 semester will include the appointment of a new Director of the Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery,
establishment of more transparent and efficacious methods for department chairs and program directors to work with the Deans Office, there are several faculty searches in progress, several programs are assessing the structures of their curricula, and a new major may be on the horizon. Dean Joseph thanked his faculty colleagues for allowing him to represent them, and he wished everyone a restful semester break.


MEHMET ODEKON FPPC (Financial Policy and Planning Committee)

The outreport for FPPC was presented and provided to members at the previous faculty-only faculty meeting held on November 21, 2003. (See Attachment A.) The five drivers (comprehensive fee, enrollment, general salary adjustment, financial aid, and capital budget) and suggestions in the report were recently discussed with members of Presidents Staff. Professor Gordon Thompson commented on behalf of CEPP that CEPP does not think it is a good idea to simply admit more students but instead, the issue of retention should be the primary focus. Approximately 600 new students arrive at 勛圖惇蹋 each fall with the rate of graduation at around 480 students. A newly formed Committee on Retention was formed at the behest of President Glotzbach and includes the following members: John Brueggemann, Associate Dean of Faculty Development; Jon Ramsey, Dean of Studies and Associate Dean of Students Affairs; Joseph Stankovich, Associate Director, Registrars Office; Mary Lou Bates, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid; John Young, Director of Admissions, Ray Rodrigues, Director of Assessment, and Pat Oles, Dean of Student Affairs. This
committee has been examining the data connected to issues of retention and attrition. Further information and results will be presented by President Glotzbach and Professor Brueggemann at a later date. The SGA is not in favor of increasing the number of students on campus. Professor Michael Arnush asked for clarification of item 2(a)(bullet 3) regarding articulation agreements with other institutions. Professor Odekon explained that this refers to agreements with other institutions regarding course transfers, e.g., credit for LSI is very hard to transfer, but it may be transferable if another institution has a comparable course. It may also be relevant in the case where high-quality students entering 勛圖惇蹋 from a community college may be admitted as juniors if criteria are met. President Glotzbach is in favor of keeping the present student/faculty ratio for the time being. Professor Paty Rubio asked for the particulars of item 2(a)(bullet 4) regarding explaining the study-abroad programs. Encouraging students to go abroad is a revenue enhancing aspect if quality controls are in place. More students going abroad create capacity. Dean Joseph asked for further information regarding item 5, specifically maintenance of or investment in 勛圖惇蹋s existing infrastructure. Karl Broekhuizen, Vice Present for Financial Affairs, explained that he expects a report in mid to late January regarding the current conditions of 勛圖惇蹋s facilities together with recommendations as to where attention is most needed within certain time frames, (between now and seven or eight years). Professor Odekon also announced that Thursday, December 9 at 11:00 a.m. in Davis Auditorium, the FPPC subcommittee will be reporting on the document they prepared regarding financial statements and the financial condition of the College.

GORDON THOMPSON CEPP (Committee on Educational Policies and Planning)

CEPP does many other things besides Academic Vision, but CEPP has remained focused on the development of a vision. There have been two fora this semester, both receiving good attendance. There is a sense of newness and excitement, but there are also critical issues. The original vision timetable noted that CEPP was to officially present the Vision Statement at todays faculty meeting. It was decided that it would be in bad faith not to take into consideration issues discussed in the open fora. CEPP plans to hold a retreat in January to include those issues in a second draft. The Vision Statement is not a statement set in stone but will continue to evolve as conditions change. Professor Hugh Foley hairs the First-Year Subcommittee. Professor Michael Arnush is chair of the Study Abroad and Diversity in the Curriculum Subcommittee. Both subcommittees are exploring great opportunities and ideas. CEPP is about to launch two additional subcommittees in the spring.


There was no old business.


MICHAEL T. CASEY Capital Campaign

Michael Casey provided a recap of the Capital Campaign plans. He referred to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet, which provided information about campaigns. The Board of Trustees has approved a preliminary campaign goal of $125 to $150 million. The capital campaign has been reactivated. Advancement has set a prospect visitation goal of twice the number of visits of two years ago. This is a five- to six-year campaign but the time period is flexible. From the last campaign to this campaign the baseline of funds raised on a regular annual basis doubled from the Journey Campaign. Prior to the Journey Campaign approximately $6 million was raised per year. 勛圖惇蹋 is now raising $12 million annually on a regular basis. Michael expects to realize a baseline of $25 million on a regular annual basis with this campaign. A new giving marker was added last year to the Friends of the President levels, i.e., the top level was raised from $50,000 to $100,000. Numbers of donors and participation of population is being examined. Roughly 42 percent of 勛圖惇蹋s population gives on an annual basis; the goal is to increase this to the higher 40s or close to 50 percent. The number of donors has been increasing steadily, but participation has not gone up as quickly as desired. Many alumni have been lost over the last decade and a great deal of time has been spent on trying to find them to solicit them. A change in the culture of 勛圖惇蹋 is desired to portray it as a nationally regarded, elite institution that is worth
elite-size gifts.

The money will come in a few different forms. Unrestricted dollars (Annual Fund) support the Operating Budget.  Endowment dollars are invested for the future (current endowment level is $160 million). These gifts come in over a period of years, typically five years. Planned Giving dollars are received when individuals set up trusts, sign annuity contracts, etc. Presently 勛圖惇蹋 will receive $20 million from Planned Giving vehicles. Gifts-in-Kind will also count toward the campaign. This campaign is a comprehensive campaign, which counts everything that comes in. The
unrestricted money raised will go to the Operating Budget and to support academic programs, financial aid, capital projects, etc. Cues will be taken from the institution as to where the funding priorities are.

There have been conversations with Trustees about how to organize the campaign. A core committee will be formed to help run the campaign. Leadership commitments to the campaign will be sought soon, other donors will look to what other people give and make their gift accordingly. There are currently about 800 Friends of the President, which is roughly 10 percent of 勛圖惇蹋s giving population. The 90:10 rule applies: 90 percent of the money comes from 10 percent of the population. More than 70 percent will come from 1 percent. Campaigns are typically driven by a very small number of people. 勛圖惇蹋 will need 500 to 600 major gifts of $25,000 or more for the campaign to succeed. The question has been asked as to what faculty can do. Michael stressed that faculty members need to continue doing what they are doing in the classrooms. A more direct way to help would be to give time and energy and go on the road to meet with people. Participation in College events will help make it clearer to prospective donors what 勛圖惇蹋 is all about. Faculty and staff will also be asked to give to the campaign. The long-term benefit of this campaign will be the building of the middle tier of donors the $100,000 to $500,000 donors of which 勛圖惇蹋 will need a large number. Karl Broekhuizen raised the question of whether the campaign goal of $125 to $150 million will be new money to which Michael responded, no. Professor Rubio asked how much does each dollar costs to raise? Last campaign it cost $.25 to raise a dollar. It is hoped that cost will remain the same for this campaign or less, perhaps $.20 per dollar.


There was no other business


Announcements were printed on the back of the agenda. (See Attachment B.)

  • Professor Dan Curley announced particulars about the upcoming 6th Annual Academic Festival on behalf of Honors Forum, which will be held Wednesday, May 5, the day after classes end. Honors Forum wishes to enlist the help of faculty members to sponsor projects especially at the junior and senior level. He encouraged faculty and staff to promote and attend the festival itself. He asked that everyone look at the schedule and try to build extra-credit opportunities around one or more of the presentations. He also asked that other business (meetings, retreats, in-service sessions, etc.) be suspended for the day in order to showcase the work of the best and brightest students at 勛圖惇蹋.
  • President Glotzbach also mentioned a new event, a Holiday Open House at Scribner House, will be hosted by Marie and the President. All faculty and staff have been invited, about 900 people including children, spouses, significant others, etc.
  • The Faculty Meeting Reception was hosted by the Tang Museum and was held in the Atrium of the Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen M. Kelly
Executive Secretary
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty