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勛圖惇蹋 College
Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


MARCH 5, 2004


President Philip A. Glotzbach called the meeting to order at 3:42 p.m.

President Glotzbach asked if there were any objections to the approval the February 13, 2004 Faculty Meeting; hearing none, the minutes were approved.


President Glotzbach began his report by stating that the Board of Trustees recently approved a $33 million bond issue to enable 勛圖惇蹋 to build new residence hall facilities for upper-class students. It will also provide money for the refurbishing of the dining hall facilities. The Trustees also authorized the selling of Moore Hall. The Board of Trustees further approved the five major budget parameters as were recommended by the administration. For net enrollment, no increase was recommended; therefore, the Board approved a net fiscal enrollment of 2,140 students. (The number of applicants is up about two percent this year. The application total at the time of this meeting is 6,030.) A 4.9 percent increase in the comprehensive fee was recommended, or about one point below this years increase. The comprehensive fee will be set at $39,510. The Financial Aid budget, the second-largest piece of the overall budget, will increase about 7.4 percent to $17,475,000, which represents about a 26.5 percent discount rate. A four percent general salary adjustment was approved. There will be additional funds for promotions and for an additional one percent to fund market adjustment for some employees. More details will go out to the community as soon as possible. There is also a projected increase in sharing of healthcare costs with
an anticipated rise of 15 percent next year. The Trustees also approved a one percent reduction in the Colleges contribution to pension plans: 10 percent annual contribution if one is under 50 years old, and 11 percent if one is over 50 years old. The President stated he does not anticipate a further reduction.

President Glotzbach then announced the new holders of endowed chairs: The Class of 1948 Chair for Excellence in Teaching Professor Mary Ann Foley; The Courtney and Steven Ross Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies Sheldon Solomon; The Douglas Family Chair in American Culture, History, and Literary and Interdisciplinary Studies Mary Lynn; The Quadracci Chair in Social Responsibility Roy Rotheim; and The Robert Davidson Chair in Art Doretta Miller.

Professor Michael Arnush asked about the authorized one percent cut in the pension contributions of the College. He noted that the Board had approved small additional reductions in the pension plan if necessary. President Glotzbach responded that the Board did authorize the additional reductions; however, he is hoping 勛圖惇蹋 does not have to implement them.

Clarification of the term market adjustment was requested. President Glotzbach responded it was equity with response to where 勛圖惇蹋 employees are positioned with regard to market. Specifically for faculty salaries, 勛圖惇蹋 is looking at both AAUP and 勛圖惇蹋s comparison group in determining changes in salaries.  Regarding whether Moore Hall is being considered for a retirement community, President Glotzbach explained that a retirement community is in the concept stage. If 勛圖惇蹋 decides at all to become involved, it is very unlikely that 勛圖惇蹋 would put any of its resources into it except perhaps for some land and 勛圖惇蹋 would be partnering with others. It is unlikely that Moore Hall would figure in such plans. The net effect of building new
residence halls together with losing Moore Hall would approximately 200 new beds.


Dean Joseph opened by reporting that the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees recently approved tenure recommendations (see Attachment A) and reappointment recommendations (see Attachment B).  Recommendations for sabbatical leaves were also approved (see Attachment C). A total of 23 faculty members will be on sabbatical next year. Typically, the average number of professors on sabbatical in any given year in the peer group ranges between 16 and 25.

Dean Joseph continued his report by announcing the Saratoga Reads! One Book, One Community program. Professor Phyllis Roth gave an explanation of the program and referred to a handout that she provided (see Attachment D). Professor Roth encouraged anyone with questions or who is interested in the program to please contact Marie Glotzbach or her for further information.

Professor Roth announced on behalf of Phi Beta Kappa, Professor George Saliba from Columbia University has been invited to campus under the Visiting Fellows program to give a lecture on April 1 at 5:30 p.m. Professor Saliba is professor of Arabic and Islamic Science in the Department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University. More information is to follow.

Professor Peter Stake, on behalf of the Faculty Development Committee, announced that the recipient of the Edwin M. Moseley Lectureship for next year is Professor Mary Stange.

President Glotzbach added his congratulations to the people who received tenure, reappointment, promotions and to Professor Stange.



Professor Gordon Thompson, on behalf of CEPP, moved to withdraw the motion from last months meeting. (See Attachment E.) Hearing no objection, the motion was withdrawn.


Professor Mary-Beth OBrien, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, and regarding the motion (see Attachment F) on the creation of a major in International Affairs into the record, gave a detailed presentation regarding the rationale behind the motion. She also provided information at the meeting which can be found at the following web links:
/academics/ia/compare.htm;  /academics/ia/title6results.htm. There were two open fora held by CEPP to discuss the IA major proposal: Monday, February 16 from 4:00-5:00 p.m. and on Tuesday, February 24 from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Thanks and credit was given to Professor Gary McClure who brought forth the original proposal. Following discussion, the motion was called and voted on by consensus. Paper ballots were requested which members of CFG distributed.

President Glotzbach announced the results of the paper ballot vote: 79 in favor, 28 against, three abstentions. The motion passed by majority.


Professor Katie Hauser, on behalf of CFG, presented the motion for clarification of language in the Faculty Handbook regarding administrators who may attend and vote in faculty meetings that was originally brought to the faculty at the February 6 Faculty Meeting. (See Attachment G.) Professor Hauser opened the floor for discussion; having heard none, the motion was voted on and passed with all in favor.



Professor Gove Effinger, on behalf of the Committee on Faculty Governance, explained the rationale of the two motions presented concerning Faculty Handbook language with respect to the
Tenure Review Board.

MOTION 1: CFG moves that the underlined language be removed from and the bold language be added to Section VIII, Part F and G on pages 121-122 of the Faculty Handbook
MOTION 2: CFG moves that the underlined language be removed from Section VIII, Part E, Paragraph 2 on page 119 of the Faculty Handbook. (See Attachment H for the full text of the
motions.) A minor language adjustment was taken under consideration by the Committee. The motions, having come from the committee, required no second. Both motions will lie over until the next meeting.


There was no other business


  • Professor Katie Hauser announced that faculty members who would be willing to serve on the search committee for a new Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer, should please respond to the ballot that was issues that morning and responses are due by Wednesday at 12:00 Noon in order to try to form a committee before spring break.
  • Nick Merrill, announced on behalf of the Student Government Association, announced on behalf of the Committee on Academics, Senate Committee along with Academic Council is organizing a faculty/student flag football game or series of games. More information will follow.
  • The Faculty Meeting Reception was hosted by the Office of Advancement and was held at the Faculty/Staff Club.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen M. Kelly
Executive Secretary
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty