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勛圖惇蹋 College
Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


October 1, 2004
Gannett Auditorium

President Philip A. Glotzbach called the meeting to order at 3:42 p.m.

President Glotzbach asked if there were any objections to the approval of the September 10, 2004 Faculty Meeting
minutes; hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.


President Glotzbach began by recognizing several faculty members. Associate Professor Matt Hockenos in the Department of History recently published a book entitled A Church Divided: German Protestants Confront the Nazi Past, Indiana University Press. Associate Professor Corey Freeman-Gallant in the Department of Biology is the coprincipal investigator on a two-year NSF grant Collaborative Research: Sexual Selection on Multiple Male Ornaments in Common Yellowthroats. The total amount of the grant award is $270,000 with the possibility of extending the grant into a third year. Associate Professor Adrienne Zuerner was recognized for her help in procuring a gift to 勛圖惇蹋 in
the name of Karen Levin Coburn '63, given by her husband on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary, to create an endowed lecture fund to benefit Womens Studies. President Glotzbach also thanked everyone who volunteered to teach in the Liberal Studies for Adults program. Professor Susan Bender was recognized for her influence on one of her students, Heather Hurst '97, who recently received a $500,000 McArthur grant. This is the second 勛圖惇蹋 student to receive a McArthur grant. Professor Mott T. Greene, University of Puget Sounds John B. Magee Professor of Science and Values and an historian and colleague of Professor Tad Kuroda, was 勛圖惇蹋s first McArthur grant
recipient. President Glotzbach thanked the faculty members who helped students set up broadcasts of the Presidential Campaign Debate the evening before.

President Glotzbach announced that Michael D. West, from Trinity College, has been appointed to the position of Vice President for Finance and Administration. He thanked the members of the search committee for their work: Matt Baker, Assistant Director for Operations; Barbara Beck, Associate Vice President for Business Affairs and Director of
Human Resources; Associate Professor Una Bray; Mike Hall, Director of Financial Planning and Budgeting; Chuck Joseph, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty; Associate Professor Jim Kennelly; Marny Krause, Associate Vice President for Advancement and Director of Development; Anita Miczek, Administrative
Assistant; Trustees Dennis Dammermann and Bill Dake; and Liz Bourque, Special Assistant to the President, who provided support for the committee.

Work is continuing on the comprehensive campaign with more information forthcoming at the November faculty meeting. The Institutional Planning Committee (IPC) has made progress working on the Strategic Plan. Once the plan is completed and the list of primary targets for the campaign has been solidified, Advancement will be working with
faculty members to cultivate potential donors.

President Glotzbach shared his position on the upcoming First-Year Experience proposal. When applying for the presidency, President Glotzbachs interest in 勛圖惇蹋 was piqued by the Liberal Studies program. He has always been in favor of interdisciplinary work, and 勛圖惇蹋 appeared to have a college-wide commitment to the concept.
勛圖惇蹋s present orientation to interdisciplinary teaching has been promoted by the experience of teaching Liberal Studies. President Glotzbach also acknowledged that there is no curriculum that can solve all the problems 勛圖惇蹋 encounters in the first year e.g.., problems of uneven and dangerous student behavior and issues of retention will not be solved by a new first-year curriculum alone. But consistency is the key to the success of the First-Year Experience (consistency in challenging and engaging our students, consistency of mentoring). The success of the proposal and related curriculum will take the integrity, commitment, and energy of a supportive faculty.


Dean Charles M. Joseph expressed his gratefulness that Michael West has accepted the position of VPFA. Dean Joseph provided an update on the progress of the Middle States review. Associate Dean Sarah Goodwin and the steering committee have done a terrific job in moving quickly over the last month to complete the first stage which is
structuring a preliminary design. A website will be up and running by Monday, October 4, 2004 which can be access through the Dean of Facultys website.

The CITS search is underway and Dean Joseph thanked President Glotzbach for inviting Academic Affairs to join forces with Business Affairs in the implementation of the search. Barbara Beck, Associate Vice President for Business Affairs and Director of Human Resources, and Dean Joseph are co-chairing the search. Solicitation of applications is

勛圖惇蹋 currently has sixteen open searches for tenure-track faculty lines, some searches have been open for some time plus the five new lines that were announced at the September 10 faculty meeting. These new faculty members will need to be part of the first-year experience no matter what program is decided upon for the first year, Dean Joseph acknowledged that in some instances courses will have to be pledged to other areas including interdisciplinary programs. Dean Joseph recently met with chairs of the departments with open searches.

Dean Joseph acknowledged the honorable presence of the distinguished Beijing delegation on campus. The delegation, composed of four administrators and faculty members from Peking University, was involved in a week-long visit to 勛圖惇蹋 discuss further cooperation and collaboration in the 勛圖惇蹋 in Beijing exchange program. On Thursday,
September 30, the Latin-American Studies program kicked off its week-long film festival in cooperation with the Saratoga Film Forum.

Dean Joseph discussed his recent memo to the community regarding his position on the First-Year Experience proposal. He confirmed that the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty is fully prepared to support the proposal. There are approximately 200 to 210 full-time teaching faculty members; the number
being dependant on who is included in the count. Dean Joseph noted that if every faculty member were to teach an LS or First-Year Seminar (FYS) course, this would result in one course assignment per faculty member every four years. Dean Joseph acknowledged that for various reasons this is not feasible; but if two-third of the faculty participated, it would result in a Liberal Studies or First-Year Seminar course opportunity every three years per faculty member.


President Glotzbach introduced Betsy Sheridan '05, President of the Student Government Association. Ms Sheridan introduced the Executive Committee officers for the 2004-05 academic year: Peter Logan '05, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Petria Fleming '06, Vice President for Residential Affairs; Leigh Stokey '06, Vice President for
Communications; Alex Harold '06, Vice President for Financial Affairs; and Miriam Popper '05, Vice President for Clubs and Organizations. 

The SGA has been reviewing the new Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy and addressing related issues. Many students are concerned about the stricter policy and the sanctions associated with violations. They are taking a look at ways to incorporate community service in lieu of monetary fines. There is a new late-night programming initiative which aims to provide different events on campus every Friday and Saturday night. The SGA is also looking to start a party-smart campaign from a student perspective attempting to bring the sense of responsibility back to the students; the motto is Responsible Citizenship in Action. A more personal goal for Ms. Sheridan is to investigate and identify more study space on campus.


President Glotzbach requested a motion to change the order of business: New Business to be addressed before Old Business. The motion was seconded and passed with all in favor.



Associate Professor Beau Breslin, on behalf of the University Without Walls program, offered the following Resolution: Be it Resolved that the Faculty of 勛圖惇蹋 College recommend to the Trustees, the granting of the Bachelor of Arts degree to five students: Sheil M. Avsec, Bea F. Hayes, Sally Scott Loughborough, Dodie Marie Moore, and Michael P. Riseman; and that the Bachelor of Science degree be granted to one student: Skye Pelicrow. A motion to endorse the Resolution was seconded followed by no discussion and passed unanimously. (See Attachment A)


Associate Professor Michael Arnush, on behalf of the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP) offered a motion to create a separate dance department. The motion was read into the record (see Attachment B). The motion comes with the endorsement of the entire department, CEPP, and the Dean of Facultys Office. Coming from the Committee, the motion required no second and will lie over until the November 5 meeting.


Professor John Anzalone, for the Committee on Faculty Governance on behalf of the Committee on Appointments, Promotions and Tenure, offered a set of three motions to amend language in the Faculty Handbook. Professor Anzalone provided the text of the rationale and motions prior to the meeting and therefore waived the reading of the rationale and motions into the record (see Attachment C.) Professor Anzalone advised that if there are questions regarding the motions, discussion will take place at the October 15 meeting. Coming from the Committee, the motion required no second and will lie over until the November 5 meeting.


Professor John Anzalone, on behalf of the Committee on Faculty Governance, offered a set of eight motions for the purpose of reorganizing 勛圖惇蹋s governance system. Professor Anzalone provided the text of the rationale and motions prior to the meeting and therefore waived the reading of the rationale and motions into the record (see Attachment D.) Professor Anzalone advised that if there are questions regarding the motions, discussion will take place at the October 15 meeting
, and, if deemed necessary, further discussion can be heard at an October 31 Faculty-Only Meeting. Coming from the Committee, the motion required no second and will lie over until the November 5 meeting.



Professor John Anzalone, on behalf of the Committee on Faculty Governance, opened the floor for discussion of a motion from the last meeting to approve the 2004-05 Faculty Handbook. There was no discussion; the motion passed with all in favor. (See Attachment E.)


Associate Professor Michael Arnush, on behalf of the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning, opened the floor for discussion of a motion from the last meeting to approve the First-Year Experience proposal. (See Attachment F.) Discussion ensued. A clarification of faculty positions and teaching sections was requested to which Dean Joseph responded. A clarification of the term interdisciplinarity was raised. A question was raised as to why it was necessary to impose interdisciplinarity requirements on those who cannot deliver an interdisciplinary course.


Professor Mehmet Odekon made a motion to amend the above proposal. The motion was seconded. The amendment offered is as follows:\

 The October 15, 2004 was subsequently canceled; debate will occur at the November 5 meeting. 

1) to eliminate the following text under The Seminar: Goals:
This course will introduce students to disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives
on [the course topic]. Besides being a course about [the course topic]
And add the following sentence: It is also recommended that the course introduces
students to interdisciplinary perspectives.
And then begin the next sentence by capitalizing the word this: This is a course
about knowing . . .

2) eliminate bullet number 3

3) revise bullet number 1: eliminate distinguish among, and formulate replace it with learn

4) after bullet 9 include the sentence: It is also recommended that the course introduced students to interdisciplinary perspectives.

The floor was open for discussion. A point of procedure was raised by Professor Dan Hurwitz questioning the validity of the amendment as it was attempting to change the
rationale, not the motion. Only the motion is voted on, not the rationale; therefore, although CEPP retains the right either to accept the suggested changes or not, the language of the rationale cannot be changed through a vote. Professor Arnush explained the purpose of the rationale provided was to ensure the spirit and purpose of the motion would be carried through in the future.

The parliamentarian advised that the proposal must be implemented if accepted, and the fact that the faculty should have a voice in it implies that since the implementation is buried in the rationale, the faculty should be able to amend it and discuss it. It was suggested to proceed with the amendment as an amendment to the motion. The chair agreed and asked if there were any challenges. Hearing none, discussion continued.

Professor Reg Lilly suggested that the rationale may not be needed, it may be too specific and constrictive, and he further suggested deleting everything in the rationale beginning with the seminar goals to the end, saving the last two paragraphs. The Chair recognized that the suggestion could not be taken under consideration since there was a pending motion still on the floor.

The Chair asked if the assembly was ready to vote on the proposed amendment. The motion for amendment was voted and was defeated.

Discussion of the main motion continued. The Chair asked if the assembly was prepared to vote, which was affirmed by the assembly. Subsequently, a question was raised as to what the motion actually was, and the text was provided onscreen. Further discussion of the main motion continued. A point of order was raised regarding whether the vote was for first-year seminars or the first-year curriculum. Professor Arnush clarified that the vote was all inclusive; however, some portions of the rationale may be more applicable than others, some portions may be rejected, but the hope is that the motion is not constrictive. The rationale informs the vote on the motion. The Chair stated that the
proposal is multifaceted and the vote is for a fundamental change in the curriculum which would take away a requirement now in place and replace it with the seminars. The administration is committed to implementation of the proposal.


Professor Mary Correa moved to amend the above proposal as follows: Keep the text of the proposal as is, keep the first sentence of the Rationale, and delete the remaining text of the rationale. The motion failed to receive a second. 

In response to an attempt to call for the previous question, the Parliamentarian advised there was a need for a motion to close debate.


Professor Tom Lewis moved to close debate. Said motion received a second and passed by majority vote. 

As affirmed in the Faculty Handbook, any motion to change the curriculum must be voted on by paper ballot. Paper ballots were distributed, collected, and tallied by the Committee on Faculty Governance.

The Chair read the tellers report.
Number of votes cast: 140
Votes for motion: 93
Votes against: 44
Abstentions: 3

The motion passed by majority vote.

Professor Tad Kuroda spoke about his concerns about references to perceived failure of the Liberal Studies program. He felt obliged to say that many faculty members over many years have done noble work on behalf of the faculty and they deserve credit. President Glotzbach acknowledged the importance of Professor Kurodas remarks and thanked all faculty members who have supported and participated in the Liberal Studies program over the years.


There was no other business


Professor Terry Diggory made an announcement regarding the upcoming opportunity to contribute to the Employee Scholarship Fund. Ten thousand dollars yields a scholarship. Last year just under $20,000 was raised; nevertheless, the College decided to fund two scholarships. The current scholarship students are Matt Cronin and Sarah Wilkinson.
Don McCormack, on behalf of Special Programs, invited everyone to attend the Faculty Reception at the Schick Art Gallery.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen M. Kelly
Executive Secretary
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty