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勛圖惇蹋 College
Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


February 4, 2005
Gannett Auditorium


President Philip A. Glotzbach called the meeting to order at 3:37 p.m.

President Glotzbach asked if there were any objections to the approval of the December 3, 2004 Faculty Meeting minutes; hearing no objections, the minutes were approved.


President Glotzbach welcomed everyone back from the winter break and wished everyone well in the spring semester. In the interests of preserving sufficient time for a discussion of the Strategic Plan, the President chose not to deliver a formal report.


Dean Charles M. Joseph opened his report by welcoming back those faculty members returning from sabbatical: Associate Professor Paul Arciero, Professor Robert Boyers, Professor Judith Halstead, Senior Artist-in-Residence, Richard Hihn. There are thirteen faculty members on sabbatical during the spring semester; this is a combination of those continuing their full-year leaves and those taking just spring semester leaves.

Dean Joseph reported that the 勛圖惇蹋 faculty was very well represented at the January meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) conference in San Francisco. Workshops and sessions offered at that conference included the following faculty members: Professor Ruth Andrea Levinson, Director, Expanding Horizons Program together with Mike Nugents, Principal, Schuylerville Central Schools offered a session on Expanding Horizons: An Innovative K-16 Partnership. Due to an emergency, Professor Levinson was unable to attend the
conference; therefore, Associate Dean Sarah Goodwin presented in her stead. Susan Layden and Monica Minor, Director and Associate Director, respectively, of the Higher Education Opportunity Program presented a session on Earning our As: Access and Achievement in Higher Education. President Glotzbach conducted a workshop for the American Conference for Academic Deans entitled Seasons of a Deans Life: Becoming a President.

Dean Joseph recognized two colleagues who have chosen to retire: Elaine Rubenstein in Biology and Tad Kuroda in History.

Dean Joseph will be involved in two searches during the spring semester: Dean of Special Programs and Dean of the Faculty. Dean Joseph is co-chair with Joanna Zangrando for the Dean of Special Programs search. He is also co-chair with Mark Hofmann for the Dean of Faculty search. Professor Zangrando gave an update on the Dean of Special Programs search. The committee members are: Beth Brucker-Kane, Jim Chansky, Deborah Meyers, Gerry Schorin, Carolyn Anderson, Beau Breslin, Associate Dean John Brueggemann, and the two co-chairs. Professor Zangrando
gave special thanks to Wendy LeBlanc for her assistance. Ads have been placed in the Chronicle of Higher Education, the New York Times, and the Times Union, and a website has been created. The prospectus has been finalized and will be emailed over the weekend.

Mark Hofmann updated the Dean of Faculty search. The committee members are: Sharon Arpey, Pat Oles, Michael Ennis-McMillan, Pat Fehling, Heidi Jaouad, and the two co-chairs. Ads have been placed in the Chronicle, online, and other ads will be placed in appropriate publications soon. The prospectus will be available by early next week. The timeline for the Dean of Faculty search: Initial interviews conducted in mid-April or so and final candidates brought to campus at the end of April. A final meeting has been tentatively scheduled for May 5 from 11:00 a.m. to12:00 Noon. Both searches are being assisted by Tobi van der Vorm from Academic Search Consultation Service in Washington, D.C. Both committees encouraged nomination of candidates. With the help of CAPT and CFG, Dean Joseph has been working on job descriptions for the two separated positions. Some parts of the restructuring of duties will need CAPT and CFGs approval and will eventually go to the faculty floor to facilitate the necessary changes to the Faculty Handbook. Dean Joseph asked for everyones patience with the staff in the Dean of Facultys Office during the spring semester as the transition unfolds.

Dean Joseph discussed the opportunities available through the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Upstate New York FourCollege Consortium grant. There are three initiatives under the grant: Speakers Bureau, Post-Tenure Enhancement, Visiting Scholars Program (faculty exchanges). If anyone is interested in participating, they are to contact the Dean of Facultys Office for further information. Roy Rotheim introduced 勛圖惇蹋s first Visiting Scholar under the grant, Professor Tom Michl, Professor of Economics at Colgate University. Professor Michl is teaching EC 361 003, Economic Growth, during the spring semester as well as working with an honors student. Visiting Scholars coming to 勛圖惇蹋 next fall: Professor Jordan Smith, English, Union College and Professor Terry Weiner, Government, Union College. Future Visiting Scholars: Louisa Matthew, Art History, Union College and Seth Greenberg, Psychology, Union College. Future Visiting Scholars from 勛圖惇蹋, all going to Union: Associate Professor David Vella, Math and Computer Science Department; Professor Murray Levith, English Department; and Professor Phyllis Roth, English Department. There are a few open slots for the 2006-07 academic year; if interested let Dean Joseph know. As part of the Mellon grant each school is responsible for assessment. Dean Joseph has appointed Phyllis Roth to fill that role for 勛圖惇蹋.

It will be a busy semester which will include continuation of work that on the assessment effort, Middle States review, and coordinating with Advancement for the capital campaign initiative.


DON McCORMACK Special Programs

Dean McCormack reported that the Visiting Artist Scholar Residency Program has been successful. Having started last spring with the residency of Michael Ondaatje, the program followed up with the residency of Joshua Redman in the 2004 fall semester. A third residency during the 2005 spring semester (April 11 through April 14) will be Robert Pinsky. Although Mr. Pinskys schedule is nearly full, there is still a little room for those faculty members who may be interested in attending a lunch on Thursday, April 14. Please let Dean McCormack know if interested. Mr. Pinskys
main event A reading by Robert Pinsky, a former Poet Laureate will be held Thursday, April 14, at 8:00 p.m. in Gannett Auditorium.

Dean McCormack also reported that the summer financial report has improved since last year when there was a significant drop in the net operating surplus in the budget. Special Programs budget is approximately $5 million. Generally revenues of approximately $3 million are generated by the summer program. For the summer of 2003, the net surplus figure was $191,000, a 58 percent drop from the previous year. Figures from last summer indicate the operating net will be approximately $530,000, an increase of $339,000 (177 percent increase). Dean McCormack
thanked his staff for their marvelous efforts, and noted that the entire staff is involved in monitoring finances. Dean McCormack is extremely proud of their contribution to the success of this past year.


Mr. Casey updated the status of the campaign. Advancement is trying to get through the early solicitations phase. To date there have been $44 million in commitments in seven months, which is a good start. In terms of actual dollars, 勛圖惇蹋 is about $3 million and 800 donors ahead of last year. Mr. Casey thanked all of those who are helping to move forward specific agenda items in the plan. Advancement is ramping up use of faculty on the road, and he thanked all of those who have helped with this effort.



Professor Gordon Thompson, on behalf of the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP), opened the floor for discussion of the following motion: CEPP moves that the faculty
approve the 4+1 articulation agreement with the Graduate College of Union University, thus permitting 勛圖惇蹋 students to complete an MBA degree with one year of matriculation at Union University: This motion comes to CEPP from Associate Professor James Kennelly, Chair, Department of Management and Business and the department itself. (See Attachment A.) This motion was introduced at the last meeting. Discussion proceeded; the motion was put to a vote and passed with all in favor.


Professor John Anzalone, on behalf of the Committee on Faculty Governance, announced that the committee hopes to bring revised Faculty Handbook language regarding the separation of the VPAA and DOF positions to the March faculty meeting. Professor Anzalone also asked that all faculty members give serious consideration to serving on committees. He encouraged everyone to participate when the next willingness to serve is issued.


Professor John Anzalone, on behalf of the Committee on Faculty Governance (CFG), introduced the following motion: the Committee on Faculty Governance moves that the words "The Malloy Curator of the Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery" be inserted in the Faculty Handbooks list of administrators who may attend and vote in faculty meetings. (See Attachment B.) Coming from the Committee, the motion required no second and will lie over until the next meeting.


Professor Gordon Thompson, on behalf of the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning (CEPP), introduced the following motion: The Committee on Educational Policy and Planning moves that the faculty adopt the following change in the college expository writing requirement: Replace the current college expository writing requirement that is fulfilled by completing EN 105, EN 105Honors, or a Writing Intensive course before the end of the students sophomore year with three Writing Enriched courses taken throughout the students college career. Those students who need to take EN 103 Writing Seminar I as preparation for meeting this requirement must do so by the end of their first year. (See Attachment C and Addendum - Attachment D.) Coming from the Committee, the motion required no second and will lie over until the next meeting. CEPP will conduct an Open Forum on February 11, 2005 at 3:30 p.m. for discussion of this motion.


Associate Professor Beau Breslin, on behalf of University Without Walls Committee, made a motion for the conferral of degrees. Resolved, that the Faculty of 勛圖惇蹋 College recommend to the Trustees the granting of the Bachelor of Arts degree to two students: Athena Burke and Katelyn Cavanagh Keating, and the Bachelor of Science degree to four students: Lana Rae Brown, Mario Macaluso, Michael Garcia Mack, and Barbara Jacobs Sussman. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.


Associate Professor Michael Mudrovic, on behalf of the Master of Liberal Arts Committee, made a motion for the conferral of degrees. Resolved, that the Faculty of 勛圖惇蹋 College recommend to the Trustees the granting of the Master of Arts degree to three students: Andrew Shawn Andermatt, Maureen A. Lafferty, and H矇ctor Luis Torres Clavell.


Discussion of Strategic Plan:

President Glotzbach led a discussion of the Strategic Plan. He stated it is important to conclude the planning phase and move to the implementation phase. The current plan is based on the structure of the previous plan. He recognized the members of the committee: President Glotzbach and Susan Kress as co-chairs; Chuck Joseph, Michael West, Michael Casey, Mary Lou Bates, Don McCormack, Pat Oles, Ann Henderson, Gordon Thompson, Bill Lewis, Denise Smith, John H. Chaplin, Barbara McDonough, Betsy Sheridan '05, and Kristin Coates '05. Stephanie Van Allen is supporting the committee. The President summarized the progress and work that has occurred on the plan and opened the floor for discussion. Several meetings and open fora are planned for the future. A Strategic Plan website has been created: /planning/.


  • Associate Professor Steve Frey, on behalf of the Faculty Development Committee, announced the Faculty Development Grant Award Recipients (see Attachment F) and the Faculty Development Grant Application deadlines for the 2005 spring semester (see Attachment G). He also made one last plea for nominations for the Ciancio Award for Excellence in Teaching.
  • Professor Gove Effinger, on behalf of the Andrew F. Mellon Foundation Academic Communities grant, announced the upcoming events (see Attachment H). Professor Effinger presented an overview of this three-year grant and the opportunities it offers.
  • Professor Reg Lilly announced that the Office of International Programs is inaugurating a new program: the Fall Paris Seminar will commence this fall. The program is designed for students who normally wouldnt qualify for the regular 勛圖惇蹋 in Paris Program. Professor Lilly gave an overview of the course requirements and will serve as director.
    The application deadline for students is March 15. If there are any questions or concerns, please direct them to Professor Lilly or Coreen Filson, Director of the Office of International Programs.
  • President Glotzbach announced that on Wednesday, February 23 at 8:00 p.m. in Gannett Auditorium, Associate Professor Mary Zeiss Stange will give the Edwin M. Moseley Faculty Research Lecture entitled Wilderness, Real and Imagined, and Wild Women.
  • President Glotzbach announced that on Tuesday, March 1 at 5:30 p.m. in Gannett Auditorium, Dennis D. Dammerman Vice Chairman of the Board and Executive Officer, General Electric Company, and Chairman, General Electric Capital Services, Inc., will present the F. William Harder Lecture entitled "Forty Years Later - Lessons Learned Along the Way."
  • On behalf of the staff at the Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, John Weber, Dayton Director and Professor of Liberal Studies, invited everyone to attend the Faculty Reception in the Tang Atrium.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen M. Kelly
Executive Secretary
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty