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勛圖惇蹋 College
Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


April 6, 2012
Gannett Auditorium


President Philip A. Glotzbach called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m.


President Glotzbach asked if there were any corrections to, or comments regarding, the minutes of the Faculty Meeting held February 24, 2012. Hearing none, he announced the minutes were approved.


President Glotzbach acknowledged the loss our community suffered due to the death of former Dean of the Faculty and Professor of English, Phyllis Roth. President Glotzbach noted that Professor Roth made many significant contributions to the College over a broad span of years in many different areas, and there will be upcoming opportunities to memorialize her. He requested that we observe a moment of silence in honor of Professor Roth.

President Glotzbach reported that, at their retreat held in March, the Board of Trustees approved the budget parameters that he reported in detail at the faculty meeting held February 3, 2012. There were no substantial changes, and President Glotzbach referred anyone interested in further information to the minutes of the February 3, 2012 faculty meeting.

President Glotzbach thanked the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) and the Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (CAPT) for assisting in identifying faculty members to serve on the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs Search Committee. The members include Professor Sarah Goodwin, English; Associate Professor Rub矇n Graciani, Dance; Associate Professor Kim Frederick, Chemistry; Professor Mary Lynn, American Studies; Rochelle Calhoun, Dean of Student Affairs, representing Presidents Cabinet; Justin Sipher, Chief Technology Officer, representing VPAA senior staff; and two students to be named. Barbara Krause, Executive Director, will staff the search with the assistance of Karen Ernst, and President Glotzbach will chair the committee. There will be some activity on this search this spring, and President Glotzbach encouraged everyone to make their voice heard.

Thereafter, Rochelle Calhoun, Dean of Student Affairs, introduced Shannon Rodriguez as the new Associate Director of Career Services for Pre-Professional Graduate Study and provided highlights of her background. Dean Calhoun thanked the search committee: Karen Arciero, Health and Exercise Sciences; Pat Fehling, Health and Exercise Sciences; Corey Freeman-Gallant, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Academic Advising; Chris Kopec, Management and Business; Eric Morser, History; and students Leela Chandrasekar and Jono Zeidan. A welcoming round of applause was given.

Faculty Development Committee. On behalf of the Faculty Development Committee, Associate Professor Joel Smith announced that the Edwin M. Moseley Faculty Lectureship for 2013 has been awarded to Professor Bernie Possidente. Professor Possidente received a sustained, congratulatory round of applause.


Susan Kress, Vice President for Academic Affairs, also acknowledged the death of Professor Phyllis Roth and announced that a memorial service will be held on campus on Saturday, May 5, 2012, at a venue to be announced at a later date.

VP Kress reported that, at their meeting in March, the Board of Trustees approved sabbatical leaves, noted reappointments, and received updates on the top priorities for Academic Affairs as well as information about the new structure of Academic Affairs. Science roundtable discussions were held as part of the Board retreat. While more information will be coming in the future about this, VP Kress reported that the Science Facilities Task Force expects to recommend moving forward with a Request for Proposals to architectural firms in the near future.

Offering regrets from Interim Dean of the Faculty Beau Breslin, who could not be present at todays meeting, VP Kress announced in his stead those faculty members who were granted tenure: Associate Professor Joerg Bibow, Economics; Professor Janet Casey, English; Associate Professor Kim Frederick, Chemistry; and Professor Peter von Allmen, Economics; those granted both tenure and promotion to associate professor are Kristie Ford, Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work; and Sang Wook Lee, Art. A sustained congratulatory round of applause was given.

Thereafter, VP Kress acknowledged the distinguished work of the holders of endowed chairs whose terms will expire this year: Professor Ray Giguere, Class of 1962 Term Professor, and Professor Carolyn Anderson, the Kenan Chair in Liberal Arts. A round of applause was given.

Concluding her report, VP Kress corrected her statement made at the last faculty meeting wherein she indicated that the Faculty Handbook mandates a faculty forum when a change in the curriculum is proposed; CEPPs operating code encourages broad consultation of the faculty when there is a proposed change in the curriculum, but the Faculty Handbook does not state that a faculty forum is required. Further, she indicated she is working with chairs of the major committees to determine what remaining work they have to bring to the faculty this semester in order to see whether it might be necessary to schedule an additional faculty meeting before the end of the semester. She will be consulting with FEC about that as well.

Dean of Special Programs Report. Paul Calhoun, Dean of Special Programs, thanked everyone for their support of the three events since the last faculty meeting: Isle of Klezbos, Michael Kaiser, and Angela Brown. Dean Calhoun also reported that his office is in the midst of summer session registration, and at this point, we are running ahead from this time last year. He thanked the faculty for their support. Dean Calhoun concluded by reporting that we have completed the recruitment to the calendar position, a position that will report to the Dean of Special Programs. It is anticipated that the position will start in late May; the Event Management System (EMS) has already been installed and the process of moving existing events from the old calendar to the new calendar has begun. It is anticipated that the new EMS will be available to other parts of the college this summer.


Curriculum Committee

As a follow-up to her announcement made at the last faculty meeting held on February 24, 2012, Associate Professor Lisa Aronson announced that, in the spirit of transparency, a discussion board has been created to provide information when minors are submitted and approved and to solicit feedback. Associate Professor Aronson will send an email with information on how to access the discussion board. Further, the Curriculum Committee has developed language for the Faculty Handbook for approving minors that will parallel the language that already exists for approving majors.

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Susan Kress, Vice President for Academic Affairs, read the following motion that was introduced at the Faculty Meeting held February 24, 2012 (see attached):

MOTION: That the current Part One, Article X of the Faculty Handbook, DISCIPLINE OF TENURED FACULTY, be replaced with a new Article X, DISCIPLINE AND DISMISSAL OF FACULTY.

The current language of Article X reads as follows:


The appointment of a tenured faculty member may not be terminated nor status reduced except for cause and after thorough investigation. In the event of such a situation, the faculty member may request either (1) an investigation and hearing by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty and the Committee of Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure, (2) a hearing before the Committee on Academic Freedom and Rights, or (3) a hearing before a joint trustee committee and the CAPT or a joint trustee committee and the CAFR.

The proposed new language is set forth in the document, Article X. DISCIPLINE AND DISMISSAL OF FACULTY (see attached).

VP Kress indicated that there has a been a minor housekeeping change in the new version of Article X; as proposed in the new structure for Academic Affairs, this change alters the title of the Associate Dean of the Faculty to the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Personnel, Development, and Diversity.

Thereafter, following some discussion, a friendly amendment was proposed to the definition of Personal Misconduct in Part A; it was suggested that the language read includes, but is not limited to, criminal acts or acts of moral turpitude. The friendly amendment was accepted.

Thereupon, based upon an inquiry concerning the development of a Statement of Ethics and whether passage of Article X should be delayed until that statement is approved, President Glotzbach clarified that there is a committee working on a Standards of Business Conduct policy, not precisely a Statement of Ethics. Further, VP Kress noted the obligations of faculty are spelled out in various parts of the Faculty Handbook as noted in the revised Article X.

After discussions concluded, the Motion was voted on and passed with all in favor.

Faculty Executive Committee

On behalf of the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), Associate Professor Barbara Black read the following motions that were introduced at the last faculty meeting held February 24, 2012 (see attached):

MOTION: That the description of the function and membership of the Faculty Advisory Board in the Faculty Handbook, Part Two, II, 14, be amended.

MOTION: That a new item 16, GRIEVANCE PANEL, be inserted after Part Two, II, 15 (with the following numbered items to be adjusted as appropriate).

MOTION: That the description of the function of the Committee on Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (Part Two, II, 2) be amended.

A question was raised as to whether there was a quorum. President Glotzbach indicated that 75 members were needed in order to have a quorum and read the list of those members who are entitled to vote. The Faculty Executive Committee counted the members eligible to vote and the quorum was confirmed at 89 members.

There was no discussion, and the motions were voted on and passed with all in favor.

Committee on Educational Policies and Planning

On behalf of CEPP, Associate Professor Josh Ness introduced the following motion (see attached):

MOTION: CEPP moves to defer the vote on the Culture-Centered Inquiry requirement introduced at the February 24, 2012 meeting until the May 16, 2012 faculty meeting.

Associate Professor Josh Ness discussed the reasons for asking that the vote be delayed. Thereupon, the motion was seconded. There was no discussion, and the motion was voted on and passed.


On behalf of the Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure, Professor Greg Pfitzer introduced the following Motion (see attached):

MOTION: The Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure moves that the current Article IX, Section D, 4, be amended.

Professor Pfitzer reviewed the proposed revisions to the policy on extending the tenure clock, noting that there was no provision in the current policy to allow a tenure-track faculty member to revoke the delay if they did not need it; this amendment provides flexibility for faculty having to make these types of decisions early in their career.

Thereafter, discussion was held concerning a potential conflict with departmental policies and procedures relating to the timing of tenure review; the advantages of an automatic stoppage of the tenure clock in the event of the birth of a child; and clarification of the primary caregiver designation in the policy. Professor Pfitzer requested that any comments or concerns be sent to him via email.

This motion will lie over until the next meeting.


VP Kress reported on the review of Part Six of the Faculty Handbook. She noted that when the faculty approved Part Six in 2008, it was recommended to the Vice President for Academic Affairs that the policy and procedures described be reviewed within two or three years by representatives of Academic Affairs, the Office of the President, Human Resources, and the Faculty, and revised if appropriate. VP Kress reported that a group consisting of Associate Professor Barbara Black, Associate Professor Grace Burton, Professor Greg Pfitzer, Barbara Krause, Executive Director of the Presidents Office, and Barbara Beck, Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration and Director of Human Resources, met to discuss Part Six. The process of the review and the recommendations of the Working Group are laid out in the Review of Part Six of the Faculty Handbook (see attached).

Thereafter, brief discussion was held concerning complaints involving students, faculty and staff. It was noted that if a complaint were filed against a student, that complaint would be handled by HR and Student Affairs; if a complaint were made against a staff member, the complaint would be handled by Human Resources; and if a complaint were made against a faculty member, the procedures outlined in Part Six of the Faculty Handbook would be followed.


A Committee of the Whole was formed to discuss a draft of the Policy on Political Activity (see attached). Associate Professor Barbara Black was appointed as chair of the Committee of the Whole with Professor Jennifer Delton explaining the background behind the creation of the policy and responding to inquiries. A 20-minute time limit was set. At the conclusion of the Committee of the Whole, Associate Professor Barbara Black reported that a discussion of the proposed Policy on Political Activity was held.


  • Jono Zeidan, President of the Student Government Association, introduced Matt Walsh as next years SGA president.
  • Associate Professor Barbara Black announced that FEC has received language changes pertaining to the DOF/VPAA recombination and is working to review those changes.
  • Associate Professor Mimi Hellman announced a symposium on visual communication to be held May 14, 2012 at the Tang. If anyone wishes to contribute to the symposium, please contact Professor Sarah Goodwin or Lisa Christenson, Assessment Facilitator.
  • President Glotzbach thanked everyone who participated in the review of policies and procedures.
  • Michael West, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer, invited everyone to the Murray Aikins banquet hall for a reception immediately following the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra L. Peterson
Executive Administrative Assistant