Mason Stokes
Professor and Class of 1948 Chair for Excellence in Teaching.
B.A., University of South Carolina
M.A. and Ph.D., University of Virginia
Office: Palamountain 308
Phone: (518) 580-5184
Teaching and Research Interests:
- African-American Literature and Culture
- Queer Literature and Theory
- American Literature, Civil War to the present
- Theories of Race and Ethnicity
- History and Theory of Sexuality
Courses Taught:
- EN 105: "Race," Writing, and Difference
- EN 110: Introduction to Literary Studies
- EN 226: Introduction to American Literature
- EN 227: Introduction to African-American Literature
- EN 324: American Fictions
- EN 327: Twentieth-Century African-American Novels
- EN 338: Queer Fictions
- EN 363: Thinking Heterosexuality
- EN 375: Narrative and Heterosexuality
- EN 375: Toni Morrison
- SSP 100: Sexualities/Textualities
Selected Publications
- All the Truth I Can Stand: A Novel, Calkins Creek/Astra Books for Young Readers, 2024
- Saving Julian: A Novel. Wilde City Press, 2014. (republished in the UK by Pride Publishing)
- The Color of Sex: Whiteness, Heterosexuality, and the Fictions of White Supremacy. Durham: Duke UP, 2001.
Articles and Essays:
- `A Brutal, Indecent Spectacle: Heterosexuality, Futurity, and Go Tell It on the Mountain.&紳莉莽梯; Modern Fiction Studies 62:2 (Summer 2016): 292-306.
- [Invited Op-Ed]. The Chronicle of Higher Education (28 Sept. 2015). Web and Print.
- ` [Personal Essay]. Bloom (21 Aug. 2015): n. pag. Web.
- [Personal Essay]. Colorado Review 42.2 (Summer 2015): 91-107. (Selected for inclusion in Best American Essays 2016)
- " [Op-Ed]. The Chronicle of Higher Education (29 May 2014). Web.
- "There is Heterosexuality: Jessie Fauset, W.E.B. Du Bois, and the Problem of Desire." African American Review 44:1-2 (Spring/Summer 2011): 67-83.
- Father of the Bride: Du Bois and the Making of Black Heterosexuality.&紳莉莽梯; Next to the Color Line: Gender, Sexuality, and W.E.B. Du Bois. Ed. Susan Gillman and Alys Eve Weinbaum. Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota Press, 2007. 289-316.
- We Are Family: Michael Cunninghams Specimen Days.&紳莉莽梯;Salmagundi 153-154 (Winter-Spring 2007): 175-83.
- White Heterosexuality: A Romance of the Straight Mans Burden.&紳莉莽梯; Thinking Straight: The Power, the Promise, and the Paradox of Heterosexuality. Ed. Chris Ingraham. New York: Routledge, 2005. 131-149.
- Say My Name.&紳莉莽梯; American Literary History 17.1 (2005): 171-182.
- Rev. of Gay Rebel of the Harlem Renaissance: Selections from the Work of Richard Bruce Nugent, by Richard Bruce Nugent. Callaloo 26.3 (2003): 908-13.
- Strange Fruits: Rethinking the Gay Twenties.&紳莉莽梯;Transition12.2 (2002): 56-79.
- Someones in the Garden with Eve: Race, Religion, and the American Fall, American Quarterly 50.4 (1998): 718-44.