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[Please note: if you are applying to medical, dental, or veterinary school, you have accessed the wrong letter of recommendation form please return to the HPAC forms page to retrieve the correct guidelines.] To the Applicant: Writers of letters of recommendation often are very appreciative of detailed information that will help the letter writer compose the strongest and most detailed letter possible. You might consider including a cover letter similar to the one below. Sample Cover Letter [Date] [Recommenders Name, Title, Address] Dear , Thank you for agreeing to write a letter of recommendation for school on my behalf. I appreciate your willingness to take the time to help me in this important process. To assist you, I have provided the following information: Resume Transcript Personal Statement List of the schools to which I am applying, including: the person/committee to whom you should address the letter the address to where the letter should be sent (or information about web link) any specific recommendation requirements/guidelines for that school deadlines for the letter of recommendation (any other information that is necessary to include) General guidelines for preparing letters of recommendation Because you know me through . . . . . I believe that you are in a good position to speak to my skills regarding . . [Here, you can remind the letter writer of all the ways in which you have interacted with that person, and provide as much detail as possible to help jog her/his memory with specific information that could be included in the letter. Include reminders about how that letter writer knows you, relevant dates, specific tasks/activities that you engaged in under that persons supervision, what your responsibilities were, etc. For example:] Because you got to know me well when I shadowed you at Massachusetts General Hospital for three weeks (from 1/8/17 1/26/17, 7am -3pm daily), I believe that you are in a good position to speak directly to my passion for a profession in the health field, my work ethic, and my interpersonal skills in interacting with patients. Having the opportunity to round with you each day, to practice my skills in patient interviewing, to assist the residents in preparing to present their cases, and to discuss with you current issues in health care, was invaluable to me. What is most memorable for me was watching you manage conversations with patients and family members when you had to share news about poor prognoses. While those conversations were certainly very difficult, I was able to learn from you how to approach these conversations with a combination of compassion, candor, and information about next steps. [or] Because I took several classes with you during my undergraduate education (Research Methods and Advanced Research Methods), I believe that you are in a good position to speak directly to my scientific inquiry, quantitative reasoning, teamwork, and written communication competencies. In the Research Methods course (spring semester, 2016), you may recall that after I received a C+ on the first exam, I regularly attended your office hours for assistance; my perseverance and commitment paid off and I earned a B+ and A- on the next two exams in the course. With this stronger understanding of the quantitative methods, I was able to incorporate into my written final research proposal (on the effects of cannabinoids on working memory processing in mouse models) a sophisticated statistical plan for analyzing the data for the proposed experiments. You also commented in your feedback on my proposal that you found my writing to be clear, logically organized, and that I provided a compelling case for my hypotheses. In the Advanced Research Methods course the following semester, my lab group worked together to carry out this research study over the course of the semester. Although the collection of our data was delayed because of . . . . our team solved the problem by . . . and our results indicated that . . . . We were very proud of this work because . . . . [include whatever information or context you believe will best assist your letter writer] Thank you, again, for your help and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, . . . . You may choose to send the following information to your letter writer: Letter of Recommendation Guidelines for Other Health Professions (e.g., Nursing, PA, PT/OT) To the Applicant: (Please fill out this top portion prior to giving this form to your reference) Name of Applicant_________________________________________________ Class _______________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address ________________________________________________________________________ Applying to (check): PA: ___________ Nursing: __________ PT: OT: Other: Name of Recommender_________________________________________________________________ Recommenders Address________________________________________________________________ * To the Recommender: These letter-writing guidelines include recommendations from Թϱ Colleges Health Professions Advisory Committee and recommendations (in italics) from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Although the student is not applying to medical school, we believe these guidelines apply broadly across the health professions. They are intended to supplement (not replace) any specific letter writing guidelines for the specific health profession program to which the student is applying. Suggested Guidelines Print on institutional letterhead. Be sure to incorporate reference to type of program for which you are recommending the student (nursing, PA, OT, PT, etc.). Provide an accurate assessment of the applicant s suitability for their chosen program rather than advocate for the applicant. ( Briefly explain your relationship with the applicant: how long you have known the applicant; in what capacity you have interacted (e.g., faculty, pre-medical advisor, supervisor, etc.); and whether you are writing based on direct or indirect observations. ( Quality is more important than letter length. Focus on the applicant rather than details about the lab, course, assignment, job or institution. ( Only include information on grades, GPA if you are providing context to help interpret them. Grades, and GPA are available within the application. ( Focus on behaviors that you have observed directly when describing applicants suitability for medical school. Consider describing: the situation or context of the behavior; the actual behavior(s) you observed; any consequences of that behavior. (If you include any indirect observations, please make that clear in your letter.) Review the attached AAMC competency descriptions and incorporate into your letter information on those competencies to which you can speak directly. Schools do not expect any one letter writer to provide information about every characteristic of an applicant. In fact, they require multiple letters specifically because no one letter writer is expected to know everything about an applicant. Admissions committees and comparison information helpful. If you make comparisons, be sure to provide context. Include information about: the comparison group (e.g., students in a class you taught, students in your department, co-workers, etc.); your rationale for the comparison. If the applicant has been your student, it is helpful to have your comments on the students academic performance, especially in comparison to others in the class or to other pre-health students you have previously recommended for similar health profession programs. References to lab work, exam scores, and class participation are pertinent.( (*AAMC guidelines retrieved from,  HYPERLINK "https://www.aamc.org/download/349990/data/lettersguidelinesbrochure.pdf)" https://www.aamc.org/download/349990/data/lettersguidelinesbrochure.pdf) Pre-Professional Competencies Service Orientation:Demonstrates a desire to help others and sensitivity to others needs and feelings; demonstrates a desire to alleviate others distress; recognizes and acts on his/her responsibilities to society; locally, nationally, and globally. Social Skills:Demonstrates an awareness of others needs, goals, feelings, and the ways that social and behavioral cues affect peoples interactions and behaviors; adjusts behaviors appropriately in response to these cues; treats others with respect. Cultural Competence:Demonstrates knowledge of socio-cultural factors that affect interactions and behaviors; shows an appreciation and respect for multiple dimensions of diversity; recognizes and acts on the obligation to inform ones own judgment; engages diverse and competing perspectives as a resource for learning, citizenship, and work; recognizes and appropriately addresses bias in themselves and others; interacts effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Teamwork:Works collaboratively with others to achieve shared goals; shares information and knowledge with others and provides feedback; puts team goals ahead of individual goals. Oral Communication:Effectively conveys information to others using spoken words and sentences; listens effectively; recognizes potential communication barriers and adjusts approach or clarifies information as needed. Ethical Responsibility to Self and Others:Behaves in an honest and ethical manner; cultivates personal and academic integrity; adheres to ethical principles and follows rules and procedures; resists peer pressure to engage in unethical behavior and encourages others to behave in honest and ethical ways; develops and demonstrates ethical and moral reasoning. Reliability and Dependability:Consistently fulfills obligations in a timely and satisfactory manner; takes responsibility for personal actions and performance. Resilience and Adaptability:Demonstrates tolerance of stressful or changing environments or situations and adapts effectively to them; is persistent, even under difficult situations; recovers from setbacks. Capacity for Improvement:Sets goals for continuous improvement and for learning new concepts and skills; engages in reflective practice for improvement; solicits and responds appropriately to feedback. Thinking and Reasoning Competencies Critical Thinking:Uses logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems. Quantitative Reasoning:Applies quantitative reasoning and appropriate mathematics to describe or explain phenomena in the natural world. Scientific Inquiry:Applies knowledge of the scientific process to integrate and synthesize information, solve problems#(@A\s}=  俱ͥ͜|qi[Lh9,h=56>*OJQJh9,h=6>*OJQJh=OJQJh=56OJQJ#hh=56B*OJQJphh=5B*OJQJphh9,5OJQJh9,h=5OJQJh=h=56OJQJh=hC56OJQJh=5OJQJh hC56OJQJhC5OJQJhlp5OJQJhC5OJQJA\      0d]0gdC ]gd= 0]0gdC d]gdC$d]a$gdC      ^ a 1\]^DELǶǘǘ{ri]ǘRFh6S$hC5OJQJh'hCOJQJh'h9,6OJQJhC6OJQJh=6OJQJhy6OJQJh9,6OJQJh=6>*OJQJh'hC6OJQJ#h>uhC6>*B*OJQJph h>uhC6B*OJQJph%h6S$hCB*CJ OJQJaJ ph(h>uhC5B*CJ OJQJaJ ph h>uhC5B*OJQJph-d2^DE 0d]0gdC0]0^gdC & F08d]0^8gdC & F0d]0gdCLTIKLU]^  hyz{úϮᜍr`UJh.b!h'OJQJhD56OJQJ#hhD56B*OJQJphh9,h9,B*OJQJphh9,B*OJQJphhC56B*OJQJphhC5OJQJhy6OJQJh'hy6OJQJh85OJQJh8h85OJQJh86OJQJh9,6OJQJhC6OJQJh6S$hC5OJQJh=5OJQJKL Mh#{ ]gdu5$d]a$gdC d]gd9, d]gdC d]gdC 0d]0gdy 0d]0gdC 0d]0gd8{|!"yz#'(|}+>?ϿϿǿϷxfWhhDB*OJQJph#hhD56B*OJQJphhA9hDCJOJQJaJhDOJQJhlph[ OJQJhlphlpOJQJhlp>*OJQJh.>*OJQJhlpOJQJh\OJQJh.OJQJh[ OJQJhD56OJQJh'OJQJhDhDOJQJh'hDOJQJ!(}+?3!5!J!K!n!o!!| & Fhd^hgdmd1$7$8$H$gdC= & Fhd1$7$8$H$^hgdm dgdm zd]gdlp d]gdm ]gdD ]gdlp ]gdu5  2!3!4!5!I!J!K!T!l!m!n!o!!!!!!!Ⱥ~sgs[OsgssGhmOJQJhmhC=6OJQJhC=hm6OJQJhmhm5OJQJhmhmOJQJhmhG*!5OJQJhhlpB*OJQJphh56B*OJQJph#hlph56B*OJQJphhlp5B*OJQJphhOJQJhlphlp6OJQJh9,OJQJhlpOJQJhh6OJQJhOJQJ!!""$$&&2'4'z){)o*p*-d1$7$8$H$^gdhd1$7$8$H$^hgdC=d1$7$8$H$^gdG*!d1$7$8$H$^gdC= & Fhd1$7$8$H$^hgdm d^gdC=!!\""""""$$$$$%&&&&&X&^&.'0'2'ĸĸ附sbMM< hC=hm6B*OJQJph)hmhm56B*OJQJ\]ph hmhG*!6B*OJQJph hG*!hm6B*OJQJph(hmhm6B*OJPJQJ^Jph hmhm6B*OJQJphhmhm56OJQJhmhC=6OJQJhC=hm6OJQJhmhm6OJPJQJ^Jh6OJQJhmhm6OJQJhmhC=OJQJ2'4'v''())K)X)x)y)z){)))n*o*p*+,޽}lXJ>3hmhmOJQJhmhm6OJQJhm6B*OJQJph&hmhm56B*OJQJ\ph h56B*OJQJ\ph h56B*OJQJ\ph hh6B*OJQJph#hmhm5B*OJQJ\phhB*OJQJphhmhmB*OJQJph#hmhm56B*OJQJph hmhm6B*OJQJph hmhC=6B*OJQJph,,----..[.\.........ŶvbN= h|hD6B*CJaJph'h3*h|6B*CJPJ\aJph'h3*hD6B*CJPJ\aJph!h6B*CJPJ\aJphh_qh_qOJQJ h_qh_q0JCJOJQJaJ%jh_qh_qCJOJQJUaJh_qh_qCJOJQJaJhmhm6OJQJh_qhm6OJQJhmhm6OJPJQJ^JhmhmOJQJhOJQJ--.../02M3'451677778 & Fhd^hgd3* d@&gd| & Fhd^hgd3* & Fh[$\$^hgd3* [$\$gd|d]^gdmd1$7$8$H$gdm.///000222M3`3a3'4R455516N6777777888889%9&99\\\\9]:]O]_]^^^^òáááòáòá}ááá{á}òáU'hDhD56B*OJPJQJphh|6B*OJPJQJph h|hD6B*OJQJph hDhD6B*OJQJph&h|hD56B*OJQJ\ph*hDhD56B*CJPJ\aJph#hDhD56B*CJaJph.89\9]:]O]^^^__ d]gdD dgd| & Fhd^hgd3* d@&gd| & Fhd^hgd3* and formulate research questions and hypotheses; is facile in the language of the sciences and uses it to participate in the discourse of science and explain how scientific knowledge is discovered and validated. Written Communication:Effectively conveys information to others using written words and sentences. Science Competencies Living Systems:Applies knowledge and skill in the natural sciences to solve problems related to molecular and macro systems including biomolecules, molecules, cells, and organs. Human Behavior:Applies knowledge of the self, others, and social systems to solve problems related to the psychological, socio-cultural, and biological factors that influence health and well-being. 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