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勛圖惇蹋 College

Faculty-Staff Achievements, Jan. 28, 2014

January 28, 2014


Tom Lewis, professor of English, was the keynote speaker Jan. 27 at the annual meeting of the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation, where he discussed the effect of the city's road system on the cultural and economic resurgence of Saratoga Springs. Read more here.

Several members of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science attended the 2014 Annual Joint Mathematics Meetings Jan. 15-18 in Baltimore. David Vella, professor of mathematics, chaired the AMS Contributed Papers Session on Combinatorics I. He also presented a paper titled Catalan Numbers, Fine Numbers, and Partitions. Rachel Roe-Dale, associate professor of mathematics, presented a talk titled Modeling the diffusion of manual irrigation pumps, featuring work she completed with Carol Brown 13 for her senior honors thesis in mathematics. Others attending were Alice Dean, professor of mathematics, Gove Effinger, professor and chair of the department, Mark Huibregtse, Class of 1964 Term Professor, and Dan Hurwitz, professor of mathematics. Kelly Isham 16 and Cody Couture 16 also attended, and Kelly presented a poster at the undergraduate poster session entitled A Proposed Digital Signature for Direct Embedded Elliptic Curve Cryptography which was research she did under the direction of Gove Effinger.

Publications & Exhibitions

Plant Journal Feb 2014 cover

April Bernard, associate professor of English, Margaret Drabbles new novel In Defiance of Time in the Feb. 6 issue of The New York Review of Books.

David Domozych, professor of biology, is co-author of the featured article of the February edition of The Plant Journal, Vol. 77, 2014. The paper, titled describes the first successful genetic transformation of the unicellular model plant, Penium. Microscopy-based images of Penium also highlight the cover of this edition of the journal. This work was sponsored by grants from the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy. Co-authors include Iben S繪rensen and Jocelyn K. C. Rose of Cornell University, Zhangjun Fei of the Boyce Thompson Institute, Amanda Andreas of 勛圖惇蹋, and William G. T. Willats of the University of Copenhagen.

Susannah Mintz's new book cover

Susannah Mintz, professor of English, is the author of Hurt and Pain: Literature and the Suffering Body, published by Bloomsbury Academic. Read more

Jay Rogoff, visiting professor of English, is the author of Venera, a new book of poetry considering varieties of love, published by the . One of its poems, "No Dream," appears in the current issue of The Hopkins Review, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Winter 2014). The same issue also contains his latest essay-review on dance, "Reimagining Modern Classics," which considers Mark Morris's productions of Dido and Aeneas and Curlew River, and performances by the Dance Theater of Harlem and Wendy Whelan.

Paul Sattler, Ella Van Dyke Professor of Art, has a painting, Still Life for 2000, in a show titled Big and Bold on exhibit through March 2 at the Albany Institute of History and Art. Click to read a review of the exhibition, which features works from the museums permanent collection.

Jeffrey O. Segrave, professor of health and exercise sciences, is the author of Coubertin, Olympism and Chivalry, published in Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies, Vol. XXII, 2013.

Jay Rogoff's new book cover

Linda Simon, professor emerita of English, is the author of an article titled "The Captured Self: Problems of Portraiture in Henry James's 'The Real Thing'" published in LiNQ, a literary journal published by James Cook University in Queensland, Australia. This is a special themed issue on "Capture."

Denise L. Smith, professor of health and exercise sciences, and Pat Fehling, professor and chair of health and exercise sciences, coauthored a manuscript titled Evaluation of a Wearable Physiological Status Monitor during Simulated Firefighting Activities, which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. This study was funded by Department of the Army and Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology. The paper was written in collaboration with colleagues Chris Cooper and Brett Dolezal from UCLA.   

In the News

T.H. Reynolds, associate professor of health and exercise sciences, was the inaugural subject in Healers, an occasional series in the Times Union on Capital Region people in health care or research whose work has made a difference. An interview titled was published Jan. 22.

Gordon Thompson, professor and chair, Department of Music, was a source for published Jan. 24 in U.S. News and World Report.

Bob Turner, associate professor of government, is a source for published Jan. 27 in The New York Times.

Please send contributions to Andrea Wise, Office of Communications.