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勛圖惇蹋 College

Faculty-Staff Achievements, May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014


Linda Simon, professor emerita of English, gave a talk about Coco Chanel May 4 to Los Angeles-area alumni in a gathering at the Hotel Mondrion.

Mary Zeiss Stange, professor of womens studies and religion, attended the 61st General Assembly of the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation in Milan, Italy, April 23-26. She is an expert member of the U.S. delegation. In addition to working on the steering committee of the Artemis Working Group on Womens Hunting and Sustainability, she presented a paper on Womens Hunting in the US: Patterns, Problems, Promise.

Publications & Exhibitions

David Domozych, professor of biology, was lead author in a paper titled "Pectin Metabolism and Assembly in the Cell Wall of the Charophyte Green Alga Penium margaritaceum" in the May 2014 edition of Plant Physiology, Vol. 165. Domozych's micrograph of immunolabeled pectin in the cell wall also was the cover photo of the May edition. Four 勛圖惇蹋 co-authors contributed:  Julie Ochs 14, Carly Sacks 12, Hannah Brechka 12, and Pia Ruisi-Besares 11. Other co-authors were from Cornell University, the National University of Ireland (Galway) and the University of Copenhagen. This paper describes the unique cell wall chemistry of Penium, an emerging model organism for plant cell studies. The work was supported by a grant from the Molecular and Cellular Biology Program of the National Science Foundation.

Sangwook Lee at Albany Public Library, 2014
Artist at workSangwook Lee at Albany

Sang Wook Lee, associate professor of art, has a site-specific installation Fork and Knife 2014 at the Albany Public Library. The installation explores his experiences of cultural dissonance living away from his country of origin, Korea, in his new home in the U.S. Lee says he was taken aback by the librarys high ceilings and wanted to incorporate lighting and scale into the installation. The piece was intended to fill the large void in the middle of the library while being confined to a small bar of space. He explained, The large quantity of strings reaching toward the ceiling gives the piece volume and distracts from the reality of the piece being confined. He added, I really enjoyed working on an installation piece in such a public space. Usually I dont have people of all ages come up to me and ask what Im making and what the piece is about. It was interesting to hear all the different perspectives that people had. This piece was one of the most difficult and rewarding achievements of my career. The installation will be at the librarys Pine Hills Branch, 517 Western Ave.,  through April 2015.

In the News

Kate Graney, associate professor of government, was a source for , published May 10 in The Post-Star (Glens Falls). The story focuses on Ukrainian musician Sergiy Dvornichenko, second clarinet with the Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra.

Mary Zeiss Stange, professor of womens studies and religion, was interviewed May 9 by the BBC Radio 4 for a program exploring the recent upward surge in the number of American women buying guns. Click for the podcast.