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勛圖惇蹋 College

Faculty-Staff Achievements

January 10, 2019


Yelena Biberman-Ocakli

Yelena Biberman-Ocakli, assistant professor of political science, published in Political Science Quarterly with Megan Turnbull, a former member of 勛圖惇蹋s faculty. Biberman-Ocaklis book will be published by Oxford University Press later this year. 

Catherine Golden

Catherine Golden, professor of English and the Tisch Chair in Arts and Letters, has published Invoker of the Christmas Spirits: John Leech and A Christmas Carol in Illustration Magazine.


Steve Ives

Stephen Ives, assistant professor of health and human physiological sciences, published Surgeon Energy Expenditure and Substrate Utilization during Simulated Spinal Surgery in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery in collaboration with an orthopedic surgery team.


David Vella

David Vella, acting chair of the department of mathematics and statistics, published in The Pi Mu Epsilon Journal of Mathematics.  co-written by Madeleine Burkhart 15, has been accepted for publication in Involve: A Journal of Mathematics.



Jason Breves

Jason Breves, assistant professor of biology, received the Gorbman-Bern New Investigator Award from the North American Society of Comparative Endocrinology (NASCE). In May, he will deliver a plenary lecture at the Fifth Biennial NASCE meeting in Gainesville, Florida.

Evan Mack

U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko recognized Evan Mack, teaching professor of music, on the after Mack was named a Musical America Top 30 Professional of the Year. Macks opera The Ghosts of Gatsby recently won in Salt Lake City. It will be staged at the associations national conference in Cleveland next year.

Lisa Jackson-Schebetta

Lisa Jackson-Schebetta, associate professor of theater, received a Targeted Area Research Grant from the American Society for Theatre Research to complete field research for a manuscript on .




We welcome submissions from faculty and staff related to professional accomplishments and scholarly endeavors. Please send submissions to the Office of Communications and Marketing.