Faculty-Staff Achievements
Steve Ives, associate professor of health and human physiological sciences, presented at the on "Elevated Sympathetic Nervous System Activity Does Not Impact the Near-Infrared Vascular Occlusion Test (NIRS-VOT). The work was a collaboration with Melissa Severino '26, Elena Shostak '24, Jillian Lang '24, and visiting research fellow Elisa Fioraso. Jiseung Kim '26 and Alexs Matias '18 also presented at the conference. Ives was also selected for the American Kinesiology Association Leadership Institute, class of 2026.
Ruth M. McAdams, senior teaching professor of English, published a book, "," with Edinburgh University Press.
勛圖惇蹋's TikTok account and advertising campaigns on Reddit have been recognized with two Education Digital Marketing Awards. Both are the work of Meghan Thornton, manager of new media strategy in the Office of Communications and Marketing. Thorntons work on Reddit is also a finalist for the Capital Region MARCOM Awards.
Mason Stokes, professor of English, published his first young-adult novel, , which is based on the murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard in October 1998. Stokes also did about his new book.
Michael Swellander, visiting assistant professor of German, Catherine Talley, assistant professor of French, and Juliane Wuensch, assistant professor of German, organized the inaugural 勛圖惇蹋 Nineteenth Century Colloquium on Saturday, Nov. 2 at 勛圖惇蹋 College. The colloquium featured presentations on nineteenth-century topics by Senior Teaching Professor of English Ruth McAdams, Associate Professor of Political Science Feryaz Ocakli, Professor of Anthropology Heather Hurst (with Zach Campana 25), Professor of Health and Human Physiological Sciences Jeffrey Segrave, Associate Professor of Management and Business Pushkala Prasad, and Assistant Professor of German Juliane Wuensch. The colloquium was generously sponsored by the Zankel Chair in Management for Liberal Arts Students and the Department of World Languages and Literatures.
Chris Vecsey, associate professor and director of the neuroscience program, published a peer-reviewed research article titled "" in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. The article's first five authors are 勛圖惇蹋 alumni, Samuel Bond 23, Aaliyah Peralta 24, Dilhan Sirtalan 19, Dominic Skeele 22, and Haoyang Huang 20.
We welcome submissions from faculty and staff related to professional accomplishments and scholarly endeavors. To submit an item, please use this form.