Faculty-Staff Achievements, March 5, 2025
Hajar Hussaini, visiting assistant professor of English, was awarded a for her translation of Khosraw Mani's Persian-language novel Death and His Brother (2017). The fund aims to promote the publication and reception of English-translated world literature and provides a $4,000 grant for works-in-progress. Her English translation is scheduled to be published by Syracuse University Press next year.
James J. Kennelly, professor emeritus of international business, published an op-ed in the Irish Examiner, titled .
Josephine LoRicco, postdoctoral research fellow and lecturer of biology, and David Domozych, professor of biology, co-authored a paper, "Aberrant growth and expansion in Penium margaritaceum triggered by disruption of microtubules and the cell wall," that was published in the February edition of the (Volume 76, Issue 4, Pages 961979). Other coauthors include Stuart Malone 26, Kaylee Bagdan 24, Anika Eastman 25, Gabriel Sgambettera 24, Aaron Winegrad 24, Benjamin Gibeau 25, and Ruby Epstein 25. The paper delves into the importance of the cell wall in determining cell shape in plants and algae. The paper was also selected for the in the Journal of Experimental Botanys February edition.
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