Silvia Carli
Associate Professor
Office: Ladd 214
Phone: (518) 580-5403
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Boston University
Teaching and Research Interests:
Ancient Philosophy; History of Philosophy; Ethics; Philosophy and Literature; Philosophy
of Mind/Epistemology; Philosophy of Love and Friendship; Recognition Theory
Play a Little! Aristotle on Eutrapelia, The Review of Metaphysics 296 (4) 2021: 465-495.
Poetry and Historia in The Poetics in its Aristotelian Context, eds. Pierre Destr矇e, Malcolm Heath, Dana L. Munteanu (Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2020), 202-223.
Partial truth in Aristotles Metaphysics, International Philosophical Quarterly, 59 (3) 2019: 289-308.
Book Review. Eve Rabinoff, Perception in Aristotles Ethics (Evanston IL: Northwestern University Press, 2018), International Philosophical Quarterly 59 (1), 2019: 101-104.
The Most Complete Activity, International Philosophical Quarterly 58 (2), 2018: 191208.
Energeia and Being-in-time, The Review of Metaphysics 71 (1), 2017: 4563.
The Temporality of Praxis in Aristotle, Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter, 2015/16.1.
The Love Affair between Poetry and Philosophy: Aristotles Poetics and Human Identity, Southern Journal of Philosophy 53 (2), 2015: 151-177.
Aristotle on Narrative Intelligence in Narrative, Philosophy and Life (Boston Studies in Philosophy, Religion, and Public Life) ed. A. Speight (Springer, 2015), 103-118.
Aristotle on the Philosophical Elements of Historia, The Review of Metaphysics 65 (2), 2011: 321-349.
Poetry is more Philosophical than History: Aristotle on Mimesis and Form, The Review of Metaphysics 64 (2), 2010: 303-336.
Book Review. Claudia Baracchi, Aristotles Ethics as First Philosophy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), The Classical Bulletin 85 (1), 2010.
Commentary on Langs Body, Natural Things, and the Science of Nature in Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, eds. J. J. Cleary & G. M. Gurtler, Vol. XXIV (Brill, 2009): 218-227.