April 17 - June 20, 2008
Reception: Thursday, April 17, 6:30-7:30 pm
Gallery Talk with the Artist:Thursday, April 24 , 4:00 pm

Imperial Dragster (Napoleon Re-built), 2003, fiberglass, automotive paint, dragster wheels, florescent lights, industrial felt and acrylic, 9' x 9' x 9'
New York native LaVerdiere lives and works in NYC and LA. Visit the artist's and learn more about his work. A production designer and fine artist, he is perhaps best known for his haunting collaboration with Paul Myoda on the Tribute in Light Initiative, a temporary light memorial to honor the victims of the attack on the World Trade Center. The memorial was first approved and illuminated at the WTC site in 2002. A year later, Mayor Michael Bloomberg selected Tribute in Light to become a permanent, official annual ceremonial addition to the WTC memorial. LaVerdiere's sculpture, drawing, and photography have been exhibited internationally (more)
RenuLife, 2005, vacuu-formed Lexan, florescent lights, aluminum, vinyl, wire, flock, acrylic
paint, steel construction hook and hardware, 8' x 3' x 18", hanging dim. variable