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勛圖惇蹋 College
勛圖惇蹋 Cares

勛圖惇蹋 Cares 2008 delivers the goods

勛圖惇蹋 has delivered a total of 82 boxes of food to four local food pantries as the result of this years 勛圖惇蹋 Cares program. The four beneficiaries of the food drive are the Saratoga County Economic Opportunity Council, Franklin Community Center, Salvation Army and Shelters of Saratoga. In addition, the program raised $550 in cash, which has been donated to Shelters of Saratoga for the purchase of fresh vegetables and meats.

President Glotzbach and Marie Glotzbach with student volunteers for 勛圖惇蹋 Cares, along with some of the donations received.
President Glotzbach and Marie Glotzbach with student
volunteers for 勛圖惇蹋 Cares, along with some of the
donations received

Groupings of employees and students, each headed by campus representatives, or cheerleaders, were assigned specific food items and goals. All told, some 1,200 food items were collected.

Clearly the demand on food pantries has risen during the last several months, said Michelle Hubbs, 勛圖惇蹋s director of community service programs. These agencies reached out to the community for food donations as early as the fall, as the economy worsened. Donations like the ones from 勛圖惇蹋 Cares are a crucial shot in the arm for these programs.

As in past years, 勛圖惇蹋 Cares 2008 also collected books for young readers. This year the books are being donated to Head Start; Shelters of Saratoga; and Wait House, a shelter for homeless youth in Glens Falls. Some of the books will be given to the Children's Stories Project, a program that will involve 勛圖惇蹋 students working with inmates at the Mount McGregor Correctional Facility. The students will assist in the production of videotapes of inmates reading selected books for their children. Both the book and the video will be sent to the child.

勛圖惇蹋 Cares, now in its third year, was launched by Phil and Marie Glotzbach to enhance the meaning of the annual campus holiday gathering at Scribner House. Faculty, staff and their families dropped off their donations in a sleigh on the front yard when they attended the open house on Sunday, December 14. For those unable to attend the event, the sleigh was available for drive-by donations on the Friday and Saturday prior to the open house.

The student component of the program was organized by the Student Athletic Committee with assistance from Benef-Action. The student drive included an opportunity to donate virtual food through cash donations.

勛圖惇蹋 Cares provides an opportunity for the 勛圖惇蹋 community to collectively make a contribution to Saratoga Springs. It increases the meaningfulness of gathering together in the spirit of the season, said Marie Glotzbach, who spearheads the program. We hope our efforts will lighten the load for many local families.

Read related story: 勛圖惇蹋 Cares Begins Third Year of Community Engagement

2008 Food Assigments and Representatives

  Food Items Representative(s)
Student Affairs
  Tuna Jen Burden
  Canned meats Robin Adams, Mary Davis
  Rice Hilda Arrechea, Darren Drabek, Penny Loretto
Academic Affairs
  Soups Roy Rotheim
  Peanut butter Alex Chaucer, Barbara Norelli
  Jam/jelly Dave DeConno
  Baked beans Marianne Needham
  Crackers Susi Kerr
  Pasta Jeanne Eddy, Jill Jones
  Mac and cheese Karen Horn-Jansen
  Cold cereal Larry Britt
  Mashed potatoes Bob Carlton
  Pasta sauce John Batch
  Healthy snacks (nonperishable) Nancy Wheeler
  Powdered milk Judy Messore
  SpaghettiOs Colleen Manning, Tony Tufano
  Condiments Darlene LeBaron
  Canned fruit Sarah Ireland
  Canned vegetables Sarah Ireland
President's Office
  Hot cereal Barb McDonough
  Juice Karen Garnsey, Kelly Meader
  Pasta Megan Mercier