Confocal Microscopy Images
half fruit fly brain
Tomato skin cross section
Jim5 labeled (cell wall) and Jim7 labeled(central isthmus zone) of growing Penium
Pemnium chloroplasts and valleys of cytoplasm between the lobes.
Confocal image of the neurons in the zebrafish embryonic tail
Confocal laser scanning microscope image of the root hairs of Arabidopsis labeled
with the anti-xyloglucan antibody, LM15
Confocal image of the head of a zebrafish embryos, stained to show brain commissural
Jim20 labeled Chlorokybus
Confocal image of the embryonic zebrafish spinal cord neurons
Confocal laser scanning microscope image of the altered pectin in the cell wall of
The pectin lattice of the Penium cell wall as labeled with the monoclonal anti-body,
JIM5 (arrow)
Zebra fish neurons
Confocal laser scanning microscope image of the endoplasmic reticulum of the green
alga, Penium, as stained with DIOC6
Zebra fish neurons (green) and myosin (red)
Rhodamine phalloidin labeling the extensive network of actin bundles located in the
peripheral cytoplasm
Confocal laser scanning microscope image of the cell wall of dividing Penium cell